out of thin air oor Sjinees

out of thin air

(idiomatic) from non-existent, unknown or hidden resources

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The US does not just pluck surplus foreign savings out of thin air.

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In this case, this is a Philly cheesesteak hoagie that it's grabbing out of thin air.
在这个试验中,它在空中抓起了 这个特大号菲力士牛排三明治。ted2019 ted2019
Right now, however, the US government can manufacture “safety” out of thin air merely by printing bonds.
不过,眼下美国政府可以仅凭印债券创造“安全”。ProjectSyndicate ProjectSyndicate
Imagine that — fresh water pulled out of thin air.
试想一下,就是从空气中抽取淡水。UN-2 UN-2
Dude, he fell out of thin air.
老大 他 是 從 天上掉 下來OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
That fucking tape didn't appear out of thin air.
这 他妈的 磁带 并未 凭空OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The US does not just pluck surplus foreign savings out of thin air.
美国不只是凭空吸收外国储蓄盈余。ProjectSyndicate ProjectSyndicate
It's like he came out of thin air.
就 像 從 石頭裡 爆出 一樣 有件事OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Other figures had been fabricated out of thin air, and the Government had painstakingly produced statistics to disprove those claims.
其他数字后来发现也纯属凭空捏造,斯里兰卡政府煞费苦心地制作统计数据,来驳斥这些指控。UN-2 UN-2
So instead of the bank’s assets decreasing, the bank’s ledgers show a total of $110,000 —$10,000 created out of thin air!
因此银行的资产并没有减少,反之银行的账目表明存款总数达110,000美元——10,000美元是无中生有的!jw2019 jw2019
Making a sequoia out of thin air (plus water and a few minerals) is truly amazing, but it is not magic.
空气(还有水和几种矿物质)就能够形成一棵参天红杉的确令人惊讶。jw2019 jw2019
But the pro-democratic policies of glasnost and perestroika that I unveiled in the mid-1980's did not appear out of thin air.
但20世纪80年代中期我所倡导的改革和开放的民主政策也绝非凭空而来,其根源就在于20世纪五六十年代尼基塔赫鲁晓夫、还有后来柯西金所做的改革努力。ProjectSyndicate ProjectSyndicate
The Hamas terrorist organization that operates in the Gaza Strip and is responsible for the current situation facing the Palestinian people did not materialize out of thin air.
哈马斯恐怖组织在加沙地带活动,并且应为巴勒斯坦人民目前面临的局势负责,它并非是凭空出现的。UN-2 UN-2
The Hamas terrorist organization that operates in the Gaza Strip and is responsible for the current situation facing the Palestinian people did not materialize out of thin air
哈马斯恐怖组织在加沙地带活动,并且应为巴勒斯坦人民目前面临的局势负责,它并非是凭空出现的。MultiUn MultiUn
In an African Minute introduces his readers to the film industry in Cameroon: “The most ambitious project Zigoto has undertaken is to create a Cameroonian film industry out of thin air.
“在一个非洲时刻”部落格里向他的读者们介绍了喀麦隆的电影工业: “最有野心的计划Zigoto已竭尽所能地开始创造属于喀麦隆人的电影工业。globalvoices globalvoices
Indeed, my proposal was not created out of thin air; it is based, generally speaking, on other proposals that were on the table, and which technically are still on the table.
我的建议不是凭空想象出来的;基本上讲,它是以那些过去曾摆在桌面上,而且从技术上讲现在仍摆在桌面上的其他建议为基础的。UN-2 UN-2
Indeed, my proposal was not created out of thin air; it is based, generally speaking, on other proposals that were on the table, and which technically are still on the table
我的建议不是凭空想象出来的;基本上讲,它是以那些过去曾摆在桌面上,而且从技术上讲现在仍摆在桌面上的其他建议为基础的。MultiUn MultiUn
Why did we give a monopoly of creating money out of the thin air to a private corporation?
為 什麼 我們 要給 私人 企業 壟斷 貨幣 的 權力?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
As Roche lies dying in the chapel, he reveals that he was near the drop site when Kivrin came through and misinterpreted the circumstances of her arrival (shimmering light, condensation, a young woman appearing out of thin air) as God delivering a saint to help during the mysterious illness sweeping through England.
正当洛克神父躺在教堂中奄奄一息之际,他透露了一些信息:当伊芙琳穿越过来的时候,他正好就在传送点附近并且误解了她到来时周围环境的变化(闪烁的光芒,水汽的凝结,一个年轻的女子出现稀薄空气之中),以为是上帝在神秘的瘟疫席卷英格兰之际派遣圣徒下凡来帮助他们。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
The book A History of Christianity states: “Christian metaphysicians were to portray the Greeks in the decades before Christ as struggling manfully but blindly towards a knowledge of God, trying, as it were, to conjure up Jesus out of the thin Athenian air, to invent Christianity out of their poor pagan heads.”
基督教历史说:“基督教形而上学学者把基督之前几十年间的希腊人形容为果敢而盲目地寻求上帝的知识,仿佛试图以自己不中用的异教脑袋营造出基督教来,像变戏法一样雅典稀薄的空气中变出耶稣来。”jw2019 jw2019
We also share the concerns of some of the judges on the Court regarding the selective reliance on facts and secondary materials and a historical presentation which, to quote Judge Higgins of the United Kingdom, was “neither balanced nor satisfactory”- a presentation that addresses the League of Nations Mandate but ignores the Mandate's express recognition of the Jewish people's right to self-determination in their ancient homeland; a presentation that addresses the wars between Israel and its neighbours as if they materialized out of thin air, rather than as a result of deliberate acts of aggression designed to wipe Israel off the map
国际法庭一些法官对有选择性地依赖事实和第二手资料、对联合王国希金斯法官所说的“既不平衡又令人不满”的历史分析感到关切,我们有同感。 这种分析提到国际联盟授权,但却忽视该授权明确承认犹太人在其古老家园进行自决的权利;这种分析讨论以色列与各邻国的战争,但这种讨论似乎认为这些战争是凭空产生的,而不是企图让以色列从地图上消失的蓄意侵略行为造成的结果。MultiUn MultiUn
We also share the concerns of some of the judges on the Court regarding the selective reliance on facts and secondary materials and a historical presentation which, to quote Judge Higgins of the United Kingdom, was “neither balanced nor satisfactory” — a presentation that addresses the League of Nations Mandate but ignores the Mandate’s express recognition of the Jewish people’s right to self-determination in their ancient homeland; a presentation that addresses the wars between Israel and its neighbours as if they materialized out of thin air, rather than as a result of deliberate acts of aggression designed to wipe Israel off the map.
国际法庭一些法官对有选择性地依赖事实和第二手资料、对联合王国希金斯法官所说的“既不平衡又令人不满”的历史分析感到关切,我们有同感。 这种分析提到国际联盟授权,但却忽视该授权明确承认犹太人在其古老家园进行自决的权利;这种分析讨论以色列与各邻国的战争,但这种讨论似乎认为这些战争是凭空产生的,而不是企图让以色列从地图上消失的蓄意侵略行为造成的结果。UN-2 UN-2
The past few weeks have seen the dark cabal's associates pulling money seemingly out of thin air.
在过去的几个星期中我们观察了黑暗势力的协助者看似无中生有的拉钱。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
But, people are not going to come and find you out of thin air.
但是,人们都不会来找你凭空的。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
This won't appear out of thin air: it requires ethics.
这不会从空中掉下来:这需要道德规范。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
One day, their corner of the room suddenly appeared out of thin air found in a time machine!
某日,他们在房间的一角突然发现了一个凭空冒出的时光机!ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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