penalty spot oor Sjinees

penalty spot

(soccer) a small white spot, painted on the grass, twelve yards in front of the centre of the goal line, from which all penalty kicks are taken

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Lewandowski then completed his hat-trick in the 77th minute from the penalty spot.
莱万多夫基于第77分钟凭借点球破门完成帽子戏法。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
He along with Eusébio are the only players to score the most goals from a penalty spot in a tournament (4 in 1978).
他与尤西比奥并列为单次赛中点球进球数最多的球员(1978年进球4个)。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
A total of 449 on-the-spot mandatory penalties were imposed.
总共实施了449次当场强制处罚UN-2 UN-2
A total of # on-the-spot mandatory penalties were imposed
总共实施了 # 次当场强制处罚MultiUn MultiUn
Practice shooting to increase your power, accuracy and score the decisive goal from the penalty spot.
练习射击以提高你的力量,准确性,并从罚球点获得决定性的进球。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
25-2 – A ball that is embedded in its own impact mark in the fairway or closely mown area may be lifted, cleaned and dropped without penalty, as close to the original spot as possible but not nearer the hole.
25-2 嵌理球: 如球員的球嵌埋在果嶺通道上任何經細密修剪過之區域,可以撿起並將弄乾淨,然後免罰將之拋在儘量靠近它的原所在位置,但不更靠近球洞的地點上。WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Australia went ahead in the second half after captain Mile Jedinak converted a chance from the penalty spot, but eventually lost 3-2 to a Dutch side that had thumped defending champions Spain 5-1 in its first game of the World Cup.
澳大利亚径自在下半场后,队长迈尔·杰德克转换的机会点球, 但最终还是失去了 3-2 到荷兰一面已经完胜卫冕冠军西班牙 5-1 在世界杯的第一场比赛.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
If a foul occurs during a down, an official throws a yellow penalty flag near the spot of the foul.
在比赛中发生犯规时裁判会在犯规地点附近扔小黄旗。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Article 35 If aparty refuses to accept the decision on administrative penalty made on the spot, he may apply for administrative reconsideration or bring an administrative lawsuit in accordance with law.
(六)告知当事人如当场作出的行政处罚决定不服,可以依法申请行政复议或者提起行政诉讼。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Article 35 If aparty refuses to accept the decision on administrative penalty made on the spot, he may apply for administrative reconsideration or bring an administrative lawsuit in accordance with law.
告知当事人如当场作出的行政处罚决定不服,可以依法申请行政复议或者提起行政诉讼。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Article 86 In the case of violation of regulations on exit/entry administration and that a fine of not more than RMB 500 yuan should be imposed, the exit/entry border inspection authorities may make a penalty decision on the spot.
第八十六条 对违反出境入境管理行为处五百元以下罚款的,出入境边防检查机关可以当场作出处罚决定。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Neither team could break the deadlock prior to penalties, with Nagatomo eventually scoring the winning spot-kick to help the home team triumph
两队都没能在点球大战前打破僵局,长友佑打进决定胜利的点球帮助球队顺利晋级。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Soccer players told to shoot a penalty kick anywhere but at a certain spot of the net, like the lower right corner, look at that spot more often than any other.Efforts to be politically correct can be particularly treacherous.
点球时被告知不要射向点(比如右下角)的足球运动员,会别的点更多注意那一点。 对于试图做到没有偏见的努力,其效果尤为南辕北辙。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
In 2006, Ronaldo's Portugal beat England on penalties, with the United star converting the decisive spot-kick. Wayne Rooney, who was sent off, was on the losing side, along with Rio Ferdinand and Gary Neville.
在2006年,C罗的葡萄牙通过点球大战击败英格兰,C罗打进决定性的球,而被罚出场的鲁尼,还有费迪南德和加里-内维尔都身在输球的一方。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Section 1 Summary Procedure Article 33 If the facts about a violation oflaw are well-attested and there are legalbasis and if, the citizen involved is to be fined not more than 50 yuan or the legal person or other organization involved is to be fined not more than 1,000 yuan or a disciplinary warning is to be given, such administrative penalty may be decided on the spot.
第一节 简易程序 第十六条 气象主管机构对违法事实确凿、情节轻微并有法定依据,对公民处以50元以下、对法人或者其他组织处以1000元以下罚款或者警告的行政处罚,可以当场作出气象行政处罚决定ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
If the letter-writer or visitor violates the laws or administrative regulations on assemblies, processions and demonstrations or if its act constitutes a violation of public security administration, the public security organ shall, according to law, take necessary measures to deal with the case on the spot and impose thereupon an administrative penalty for public security. If the act constitutes a crime, it shall be investigated for criminal liability according to law.
经劝阻、批评和教育无效的,由公安机关予以警告、训诫或者制止;违反集会游行示威的法律、行政法规,或者构成违反治安管理行为的,由公安机关依法采取必要的现场处置措施、给予治安管理处罚;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Article 40 The form of decision for administrative penalty shall be given to the party on the spot after announcement of the decision; if the party is not present, the administrative organ shall, within seven days, serve the form of decision for administrative penalty on the party in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Civil Procedure Law. Article 41 If, before making a decision on administrative penalty, an administrative organ or its law-enforcing officer, fails to notify, as stipulated in Articles 31 and 32 of this Law,the party of the facts about the violation, grounds and basis on which the administrative penalty is imposed, or refuses to heedthe party's statement and self-defense, the decision on administrative penalty shall be invalid, except that the party relinquishes the right to make a statement or to defendhimself.
第十八条 依照本法第十五条第二款的规定接受行政复议申请的级地方人民政府,对依照本法第十五条第一的规定属于其他行政复议机关受理的行政复议申请,应当自接到该行政复议申请之日起七日内,转送有关行政复议机关,并告知申请人。 接受转送的行政复议机关应当依照本法第十七条的规定办理。 第十九条 法律、法规规定应当先向行政复议机关申请行政复议、对行政复议决定不服再向人民法院提起行政诉讼的,行政复议机关决定不予受理或者受理后超过行政复议期限不作答复的,公民、法人或者其他组织可以自收到不予受理决定 书之日起或者行政复议期满之日起十五日内,依法向人民法院提起行政诉讼。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
[Article 34] Warnings and fines of a maximum of fity yuan involving persons who violate the administration of public security, or fines exceeding fifty yuan with no objections from the offenders, may be imposed on the spot by the public security officials. Other penalties for persons who violate the administration of public security shall follow the following procedures: (1) Summons. A summoning warrant shall be issued by a public security organ when it is necessary to summon an offender. A person discovered committing an offense may be summoned verbally. Whoever refuses to be summoned or avoids summons without good reasons shall be summoned compulsorily.
第二十条 对违反消防监督管理的个人处警告或者五十元以下罚款,或者罚款数额超过五十元被处罚人没有异议的,可以由公安消防监督员当场处罚。 第二十一条 除第二十条规定的当场处罚外,对违反消防监督管理的单位或个人的处罚,适用下列程序 : ( 一)传唤。 公安消防监督机构对违反消防监督管理的单位或个人,需要传唤的,使用传唤证。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Where it is difficult to collect fines after a fine is imposed because the person or entity subject to penalty has no fixed domicile in the place where the fine is imposed or it is difficult to pay fine to the designated bank at the port, the fine may be collected on the spot.
(二)在边远、水上、交通不便地区,公安机关及其人民警察依照本法的规定作出罚款决定后,处罚人向指定的银行缴纳罚款确有困难,经被处罚人提出的; (三)被处罚人在当地没有固定住所,不当场收缴事后难以执行的。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Where it is difficult to collect fines after a fine is imposed because the person or entity subject to penalty has no fixed domicile in the place where the fine is imposed or it is difficult to pay fine to the designated bank at the port, the fine may be collected on the spot.
处罚人在所在地没有固定住所,不当场收缴罚款事后难以执行或者在口岸向指定银行缴纳罚款确有困难的,可以当场收缴。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Example – 15 players left (paying 100 spots), player A is barred from returning to the casino for actions unrelated to the poker tournament. This player will have his chips removed from the event and will be entitled to 15th place. Disqualification Penalty – Players who are disqualified from an event shall have their tournament chips removed from play, their buy-ins will remain part of the prize pool and they will be ineligible for any prize monies.
例子:场上还有15位参赛者(钱圈人数100人 ) , 某甲因与锦标赛无关的行动而被禁止进入娱乐场,其筹码将从牌桌上移除,其名次为第15名。 剥夺比赛资格:如果有参赛者被剥夺比赛资格,该参赛者的筹码将从牌桌上移除,其参赛金依然是奖池的一部分,且其无权获得任何奖金。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
BALL UNPLAYABLE If you believe your ball is unplayable outside a water hazard (and you are the sole judge), you may under penalty of one stroke, (a) drop within two club-lengths of where the ball lies not nearer the hole, (b) drop any distance behind the point where the ball lay keeping a straight line between the hole, the point where the ball lay and the spot on which the ball is dropped, or (c) replay the shot.
或者不打暂定球,则应重新击球。 如果你相信你的球在水障碍区外无法击出,你可以加罚一杆,并(a) 将球抛在距原始球所在位置两杆长的距离范围之内或者在距离球洞更近的位置 ; ( b) 将球抛在原球所在位置后的任意距离(将该位置直接保持在洞与抛球的位置之间 ) , 或(c) 重新击球。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
22 sinne gevind in 11 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.