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該公司最近的財務問題導致許多人失業The company’s recent financial troubles led to many job casualties

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The recently established Special Climate Change Fund and Least Developed Countries Fund, managed by the GEF with proceeds from the clean development mechanism for adaptation, will provide a solid financial basis for continuing work in the future.
最近设立的、由全球环境基金使用清洁发展机制在适应方面的收益管理的气候变化特别基金和最不发达国家基金将为今后继续工作提供一个坚实的财政基础。UN-2 UN-2
The calamities of my children, which have recently befallen, have utterly unfitted me for the contest.
我的孩子们最近遭遇的灾难已经让我完全不适合再来参加这场竞选。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
A gender-sensitive revised school curriculum had recently been put into use.
修订后具有性别敏感性的学校课程最近已投入使用。《UN-2 UN-2
Some suggest that it also covers mysterious deaths and incidents that have occurred since early # including most recently the murder of the doctor known as the father of vasectomy in the Islamic Republic of Iran
有的说它也包括 # 年初之后发生的神秘死亡和蹊跷事件,例如被称为伊朗伊斯兰共和国输精管结扎术父的名医最近遇害身亡。MultiUn MultiUn
As described in previous reports, apart from general political questions, three specific issues have been raised before the Special Committee in recent years as resulting from the particular political status of Puerto Rico and its relationship with the United States: (a) the United States military presence in Puerto Rico, particularly on the island of Vieques; (b) the imprisonment in the United States of pro‐independence Puerto Ricans accused of seditious conspiracy and weapons possession; and (c) the application of the death penalty to Puerto Ricans convicted on federal charges.
如以往报告所述,除了一般政治问题之外,近年还向特别委员会提出了因波多黎各的特殊政治地位及其与美国的关系而产生的3个具体问题:(a) 美国军队在波多黎各、特别是在别克斯岛的驻留问题;(b) 主张独立的波多黎各人被控阴谋叛乱和持有武器而被关押在美国的问题;(c) 对判定犯有联邦控罪的波多黎各人适用死刑的问题。UN-2 UN-2
Ironically, to back its unfounded allegations, the said regime has cited the same fabrications that had been presented by itself for the recent reports of the Secretary-General on resolution
令人啼笑皆非的是,该政权为支持其毫无根据的指控,引用的竟是它本身为秘书长最近关于第 # 号决议的报告捏造的事实。MultiUn MultiUn
Calls upon the administering Power to continue to assist the territorial Government in the economic and social development of the Territory, including measures to rebuild financial management capabilities and strengthen other governmental functions of the Government of the Territory, and welcomes the assistance from the administering Power to the Territory in its recovery efforts following the recent floods;
吁请管理国继续协助领土政府推动领土的经济和社会发展,包括采取措施重建财政管理能力,加强领土政府的其他职能,并欢迎管理国协助该领土在最近的洪水发生后进行重建工作;UN-2 UN-2
The number of children in care institutions had decreased dramatically in recent years because the Government believed that the best way to solve the problem was to protect the child within the family through a range of services.
近年来,由于政府认为解决这一难题的最好办法是通过提供多项服务在家庭内部保护儿童,因此护理机构中的儿童数量大幅降低。UN-2 UN-2
The Committee notes with deep concern that the increasing rate of malnutrition is affecting, according to the most recent statistics, more than # million children, in particular newborn babies and those living in the northern provinces
委员会深为关切地注意到,最近的统计数据显示,营养不良的比率不断提高,影响到 # 多万儿童,特别是新生儿和北部省份的儿童。MultiUn MultiUn
Above all, the public-law television corporations, which are funded via fees, have expanded videotext subtitling and audio-description in recent years – of films, series and live broadcasts – and are continually expanding the service.
最重要的是,近年,靠收视费提供资金的公法电视公司,增加了电影、连续剧及直播节目的视频文本字幕和声音解说,并在继续拓展服务。UN-2 UN-2
In recent years, the Unit has undertaken consultations with a number of organizations and has reached an understanding on how to improve the handling of its reports
近年来,联检组同一些组织举行了协商,并就如何更好地处理联检组的报告达成了一项协议。MultiUn MultiUn
An important aspect of our work in that regard relates to the human rights situation, particularly in the light of increasingly disturbing reports in recent weeks.
在这方面,我们工作的一个重要部分涉及人权局势,尤其是鉴于最近几个星期日益令人不安的报告。UN-2 UN-2
Requests the Department of Public Information, the Department of Peacekeeping Operations and the Department of Field Support to continue their cooperation in raising awareness of the new realities, far-reaching successes and challenges faced by peacekeeping operations, especially multidimensional and complex ones, and the recent surge in United Nations peacekeeping activities, and welcomes efforts by the three Departments to develop and implement a comprehensive communications strategy on current challenges facing United Nations peacekeeping;
请新闻部、维持和平行动部和外勤支助部继续合作,使人们更好地认识维持和平行动,特别是复杂的多层面维持和平行动面临的新现实、意义深远的成功挑战以及最近联合国维持和平活动激增的情况,并欢迎这三个部为就联合国维持和平目前面临的挑战拟订和执行一项全面通信战略所作的努力;UN-2 UN-2
Although many such provisions had been repealed in recent years, the two that remained prohibited night work and overtime work for mothers of small children, both of which were lucrative for the worker
尽管很多此类规定近年来已被废止,但仍然禁止有年幼子女的母亲上夜班和超时工作,而这两种工作对工人来说都能赚钱。MultiUn MultiUn
Ghana noted the recent strong economic growth and encouraged the government to establish an institutional framework for the redistribution of wealth.
加纳注意到最近经济的迅速发展,并鼓励政府建立制度框架以重新分配财富。UN-2 UN-2
In order to effectively combat cybercrime, a relatively recent form of criminal activity not restricted by national boundaries, international cooperation needs to be further enhanced, including through the provision of technical assistance and training tools.
网络犯罪是不受国界约束的较新的犯罪活动形式,为了有效打击网络犯罪,需要进一步加强国际合作,办法包括提供技术援助和培训工具。UN-2 UN-2
The representative of the Republic of Korea informed the Committee about recent activities conducted as part of the Seoul Initiative Network on Green Growth, which had been implemented in partnership with ESCAP since 2005.
大韩民国的代表向委员会通报了作为“绿色增长首尔倡议网络”的组成部分最近所开展的活动,自从2005年以来大韩民国与亚太经社会通过伙伴关系实施了这一倡议网络。UN-2 UN-2
Africa took a very bold and decisive step recently in Durban, South Africa, in launching the African Union.
在南非德班,非洲最近采取了一项极为大胆且具有决定意义的措施,创建了非洲联盟。UN-2 UN-2
Existing multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs) most relevant to the mandate of the Special Rapporteur have been analysed in previous reports by the Special Rapporteur, most recently in
特别报告员以往的报告对与特别报告员的任务密切相关的现有多边环境协定进行了分析,最近的分析载于 # 号文件。MultiUn MultiUn
In the Western Pacific, in the area regulated by the recently formed WCPFC, skipjack and South Pacific albacore are above Bmsy while bigeye and yellowfin are considered to be fully exploited
在西太平洋,在近期成立的中西太平洋渔业委员会的管辖区域,鲣鱼和南太平洋长鳍金枪鱼都超过了Bmsy,而大眼金枪鱼和黄鳍金枪鱼被认为已经充分开发。MultiUn MultiUn
The recent signing of the Abuja Peace Agreement by the Government of National Unity represents yet another milestone, and a national achievement along our path towards peace in the Sudan.
民族团结政府最近签署《阿布贾和平协定》标志着又一个里程碑,也是我们在谋求苏丹和平过程中取得的一个国家成就。UN-2 UN-2
We recognize the recent evolution of development cooperation based on the diverse circumstances and performance of African countries
我们承认最近发展合作的演进是来自不同的情势和非洲各国的业绩表现。MultiUn MultiUn
At the higher education level, the enrolment rate is low, even though supply has expanded in recent years
高等教育方面,虽然近几年来增加了课程,但是入学率仍旧很低。MultiUn MultiUn
On the other hand, I have also discussed with interlocutors, or seen with my own eyes, a number of very real challenges to progress: the extent to which the barrier, checkpoints and Israeli settlements dominate the landscape in the West Bank; the dire economic and social situation of many people in Gaza and the West Bank; the weakness of the rule of the law in the areas under Palestinian control; the genuine insecurity and fear that Israelis face on a daily basis; and the border between Israel and Lebanon — always tense, recently volatile — where the Government of Lebanon has yet to assert its full sovereignty and control.
另一方面,我在与双方对话者的讨论中得知,或亲眼所见,这方面进展确实面临一系列障碍:路障、检查站和以色列定居点遍布西岸;加沙和西岸许多人面临惨淡的经济和社会状况;巴勒斯坦人控制区法治不彰;以色列人每天都生活在切实的不安全和恐惧中;以色列与黎巴嫩之间的边界始终局势紧张,最近更处于动荡之中,与此同时,黎巴嫩政府尚有待充分行使其主权和控制。UN-2 UN-2
The representative of New Zealand, Administrator of Tokelau, reported on recent measures to strengthen and support Tokelau’s public services and give effect to the General Fono’s decision to have each village council made fully responsible for the activities of public servants on its atoll.
托克劳管理国新西兰的代表报告最近采取的若干措施,其目的是为了加强和支持托克劳的公务制度,并且实施长老大会关于让每个村庄理事会对各自环礁公务员活动承担全部责任的决定。UN-2 UN-2
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