request forgiveness oor Sjinees

request forgiveness

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There, every January, descendants of both slaves and slave merchants request forgiveness for those who perpetrated the injustices.
每年一月,奴隶和奴隶贩子的后代都会来到纪念碑前,为前人所造成的不公祈求宽恕。jw2019 jw2019
Granted, we are still imperfect and daily need to request forgiveness of our sins.
诚然,我们仍然是不完美的,因此每日均需要求上帝宽恕我们的罪。jw2019 jw2019
5:18, 19 —Was Naaman requesting forgiveness for having to participate in a religious act?
5:18,19 乃缦因不得不参与异教仪式,所以求耶和华宽恕吗?jw2019 jw2019
Her self-control, though, impressed him, and he ran after her, apologized, and requested forgiveness.
她的自制力感动了那位青年,他追上前去向她道歉请求宽恕。jw2019 jw2019
By kneeling in honor of the perfect in a ritual called melioramentum, the believer requested forgiveness and a blessing.
这些信徒恭恭敬敬地在称为梅若拉门图 的仪式中向纯全信徒下跪,请求宽恕和祝福。jw2019 jw2019
Responding to cases before the Inter-American Human Rights System, the State has honoured the memory of victims, publicly requesting forgiveness.
在对美洲国家间人权系统受理的案件作答时,国家承认受害人的回忆情况属实,并公开请求原谅。UN-2 UN-2
Recall that the model prayer that Jesus taught his followers to pray includes this request: “Forgive us our sins, for we ourselves also forgive everyone that is in debt to us.”
耶稣教导门徒的那个模范祷告说,我们应该祈求上帝“宽恕我们的罪,因为我们也宽恕所有亏负我们的人”。(jw2019 jw2019
That report expands upon the recommendations for the “Palava Hut” mechanism: a traditional conflict resolution mechanism presided over by a committee of members of integrity in the community to be set up in every district, where perpetrators can publicly request forgiveness.
该报告扩充了就“议事棚”机制提出的建议。“ 议事棚”是一个传统的解决冲突机制,由一个将在每个区设立的委员会领导,委员会则由正直的社区成员组成。UN-2 UN-2
Earlier, though, God had been willing to accept sacrifices as expressions of thanks or of requests for forgiveness and approval.
然而,上帝在此之前已悦纳人为了表示感恩,或为了请求宽恕和嘉许而献上的祭物了。(jw2019 jw2019
In a similar vein, historian Alberto Melloni, when commenting on the church’s requests for forgiveness, writes: “In reality, what is sometimes asked for is a reprieve from accusations of responsibility.”
同样,历史家阿尔贝托·梅洛尼论及教会请求恕罪一事说:“其实,教会只是想暂时解除罪责而已。”jw2019 jw2019
However, attributing guilt to single members of the church rather than accepting it as an institution seemed to the majority to be a big step backward, compared with recent explicit requests for forgiveness.
就整个组织来说,天主教会并没有承担责任,只是把罪责推到教会的个别成员身上。 大多数人都认为,教会在这方面倒退了一大步。jw2019 jw2019
It teaches addressing confession of sins and requests for forgiveness to God through the advocacy of Jesus Christ —does your church teach that these favors come through a priest? —1 John 1:9; 2:1.
圣经说认罪和恳求上帝赦免应通过耶稣基督而作——你的教会是否认为赦罪的恩典是通过教士而来?——约翰一书[圣若望第一书]1:9;2:1。jw2019 jw2019
Forgiveness is requested of the Jewish People for these actions.
希望犹太人民宽恕所有这些对犹太人作出的行动。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
When God’s forgiveness we request,
渴望得到上帝原谅,jw2019 jw2019
Repentant Christians can confidently go to Jehovah in prayer with such requests, for “he will forgive in a large way.”
改过自新的基督徒可以怀着信心在祷告里向耶和华提出这样的请求,“因为上帝必广行赦免。”(jw2019 jw2019
To hear their parents humbly approach God to request his help and forgiveness moves children to “believe that he is.”
听到父母谦卑地向上帝祷告,求他帮助和宽恕,孩子就更相信上帝确实存在。(jw2019 jw2019
In 2009, the day of national reconciliation in Kaédi was marked by an acknowledgement of the State’s responsibility for the events that took place, a request for forgiveness, the saying of a prayer in memory of the victims and the disbursement of compensation to their dependants.
2009年,在卡埃迪,这一天标志着承认国家在所发生的事件中的责任,要求道歉,组织纪念受害者的祈祷并对法定继承人进行赔偿。UN-2 UN-2
Who could ignore the extremely helpful measures taken in the Central African Republic, particularly marked by a national dialogue in which the contrition and requests for forgiveness on the part of former leaders could be a pillar of a new era for a single vision and concerted socio-economic development?
有谁会无视中非共和国所采取的非常有帮助的措施? 当前进行的区域对话就说明了这些措施的重要性,在这一对话中,前领导人的忏悔和要求宽恕,可能有助于建立单一设想和协调的社会经济发展新时代的支柱。UN-2 UN-2
After begging for Jehovah’s forgiveness, David requested: “Create in me even a pure heart, O God, and put within me a new spirit, a steadfast one.”
大卫恳求耶和华宽恕之后,祈求说:“上帝阿,为我化造洁净的心哦,使我里面有更新而坚定的灵。”(jw2019 jw2019
Eventually, in February # creditor banks agreed to write off # per cent of the face value of a total of $ # billion ex-Soviet debt, equivalent to $ # billion, compared with # per cent forgiveness requested by the Russian Federation
最后,债权人银行于 # 年 # 月同意注销 # %的面值共计 # 亿美元的前苏联债务,相当于 # 亿美元,而俄罗斯联邦要求免除 # %的债务。MultiUn MultiUn
The request for daily bread, forgiveness, protection against temptation, and deliverance from the wicked one all relate to the petitioner’s desire to continue living in God’s favor.
这一切都跟祷告的人渴望继续蒙上帝恩待有关。jw2019 jw2019
The Prime Minister further requested the forgiveness of debts and a reduction in the percentage of compensation in order to send a positive message to the Iraqi people: that brotherly countries have the genuine intention to assist them in overcoming the obstacles and difficulties they are facing and in expediting the execution of reconstruction projects.
总理还请求免除债务并降低赔偿的比例,以便向伊拉克人民发出一个积极的信号:兄弟国家怀着真正的意愿,要帮助他们克服目前所面临的重重障碍和困难,并加快执行重建项目。UN-2 UN-2
Naaman next requested that Jehovah forgive him when, in the performance of his civil duties, he bowed before the god Rimmon with the king, who evidently was old and infirm and leaned for support upon Naaman.
接着,乃缦请求耶和华宽恕他一件事,就是当叙利亚王进琳门神殿下拜时,总是靠他用手臂搀扶(看来因为国王年老体弱),所以他也免不得会在琳门殿屈身。jw2019 jw2019
By the time the Iran–Iraq War ended, Iraq was not in a financial position to repay the 14 billion USD it borrowed from Kuwait to finance its war and requested that Kuwait forgive the debt.
当两伊战争结束时,伊拉克的财政状况并不足以支付科威特在战争期间给予的$140亿美元的战争贷款,因此请求免除债务 。WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Prime Minister further requested the forgiveness of debts and a reduction in the percentage of compensation in order to send a positive message to the Iraqi people: that brotherly countries have the genuine intention to assist them in overcoming the obstacles and difficulties they are facing and in expediting the execution of reconstruction projects
总理还请求免除债务并降低赔偿的比例,以便向伊拉克人民发出一个积极的信号:兄弟国家怀着真正的意愿,要帮助他们克服目前所面临的重重障碍和困难,并加快执行重建项目。MultiUn MultiUn
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