scan job oor Sjinees

scan job

A scan that has a unique ID associated with it for reporting and tracking purposes.

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A scan that has a unique ID associated with it for reporting and tracking purposes.

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Advanced filtering
The office also sorted out all the old archives in order to enable scanning of the documents in the future but due to resource constraints, the scanning job was not executed.
该办公室还对所有旧档案分类,以便能够在今后对文件进行扫描,但是由于资源限制,并未进行扫描工作。UN-2 UN-2
This design has several advantages, such as automatic image quality enhancement and the ability to "build jobs" (that is, to scan page images independently of the process of printing them).
这种设计有几个优点,如图像质量自动增强、“组建任务”的能力或者独立于打印过程的扫描页面图像。WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Bash scripting log scan jobs
Bash scripting log scan工作ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Scan jobs and system tracking help you immediately see any systems that deviate from defined parameters.
因此,工作扫描和系统跟踪将有助于您即刻查看偏离定义参数的系统。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
· development of instruments such as the gender-neutral job evaluation manual and the equal pay quick scan, checklist and management tool;
· 制订文件,例如:性别中立的业绩评估手册、同工同酬情况扫描清单及管理工具;UN-2 UN-2
According to SCAN survey, only one third of respondents said that there is no division between male and female jobs and that this division is rather obsolete.
根据SCAN的调查:只有三分之一的被调查人表示在适合男性工作适合女性工作上没有区分,这种区分已经过时了。UN-2 UN-2
According to SCAN survey, only one third of respondents said that there is no division between male and female jobs and that this division is rather obsolete
根据SCAN的调查:只有三分之一的被调查人表示在适合男性工作适合女性工作上没有区分,这种区分已经过时了。MultiUn MultiUn
The scan provides the key elements needed by the national tripartite process in each country to prepare policies that accelerate a job-rich recovery.
扫描文件为每个国家制定政策以加快有大量就业机会的复苏,提供了国内三方进程所必要的关键要素。UN-2 UN-2
Loyalty, often deemed an old fashioned value, is much in demand by employers today and once you have found the right job you are much less likely to be scanning the job ads for something better paid.
员工忠诚度在过去通常被视为落伍的价值观,但在今天却备受雇主重视,因为一旦忠诚的员工找到合适的工作,就不会心猿意马的再去求职网上查询高薪职位了。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
During the data acquisition stage of the job, several scan passes were obtained.
扫描片体的精对齐 在数据获取阶段获得了多个扫描片体。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Using the country scan as one of the inputs, a tripartite committee has submitted a proposal for the national Social and Economic Council to establish priority areas for a national Jobs Pact.
利用国家扫描为一种投入,三方委员会向全国社会和经济理事会提交了一份提议,以确定国家就业契约的优先领域。UN-2 UN-2
Plus, up to 10 applications can be added to the destination lists, including third-party software, as well as specific printers for scan-to-copy jobs.
此外,最多可将 10 个应用程序加到目标列表中,包括第三方程式,以及扫描到指定的打印打印出来。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Download Your Copy What you'll learn With It Developments in recent years have made it easier than ever for customers to find and defect to a competitor, even as employees constantly scan the job market for a better opportunity.
近年来的发展使客户比以往更容易发现并投奔您的竞争对手,与此同时,员工也在不时地查看就业市场以寻求更好的机会。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Valentin's job was to scan the overall fossil and separate bones on site.
Valentin的职责便是在现场对整体化石以及单独的骨骼进行扫描ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Import scanned images In addition to scanning documents directly into JobMaster, you can now insert previously scanned documents into the job assembly process with enhanced cleanup tools.
导入扫描图像 除了将文档直接扫描至 JobMaster 外,您现在还可以通过增强的清除工具将先前扫描的文档插入到作业组合流程中。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
"The key is to format the information in a way that makes it easy to scan and recognize your job goals and relevant qualifications," Augustine tells us.14.
奥古斯汀告诉我们 , " 关键是要把信息组织好,使它容易浏览并看清你的工作目标和相关资格 " 。 14.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
"This is now the new way that we do our job: the client is scanned wherever this is needed.
"这是我们全新的工作方式:客户可以随时接受扫描ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
May enter the computer data such as patient heritage, alignment specified, biological region to become scanned, and location of admittance. Job Skills Requirement
可以输入计算机数据,比如病人的遗产, 排列指示, 生物区域成为扫描, 和准入位置.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Job offers Two-dimensional code scanning, Follow us
扫描二维码,关注我们ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Eva, our most versatile handheld scanner, has been trusted with a great deal of critically important jobs, from scanning U.S. President Barack Obama for the first ever 3D portrait of the head of state to creating 3D replicas of artifacts for major museums worldwide.
Eva是我们的多功能手持扫描仪,已被赋予大量非常重要的工作,从扫描美国总统奥巴马 制作历来第一个国家元首3D塑像,到为全球博物馆制作3D文物复制品 。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Reed said, “Without 3D scanning, we would not have been able to tackle this job.
Reed说 , “ 如果没有3D扫描技术,我们将无法完成这项工作ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
7: notary public notary, or certified public accountants, lawyers do a good job after the first scan of the file to send a copy of the certificate to the client.
7:内公证处公证,或是会计师,律师做公证文件做好后发扫描件给代理刘先生看过没有问题再让客户寄出文件.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
In the pre-3D scanning world, they would've had to start the job all over again from scratch, but luckily they had an Artec 3D handheld scanner , MH.
在 pre-3D扫描的世界中, 这也就意味着一切要从头开始,但幸运的是他们拥有一台Artec的MH型手持扫描仪。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Because both scanners did the job so well we took just two days to scan four sites, almost three days ahead of the original plan.
由于扫描仪的表现非常给力,原计划需要花费三天的扫描任务,我们只用了两天时间就完成了。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
When my neurologist and optometrist weren't able to find anything wrong, and an MRI scan showed no concerns, I made it a full time job to see what could be done.
当我的神经学家和验光师未能 发现任何错误,而MRI扫描也无 法显示任何迹象时,我全职性 地去看看我有什么可以做的。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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