seating oor Sjinees


naamwoord, werkwoord
(uncountable) The provision of chairs or other places for people to sit

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sjinees

The back seat of the car will hold three passengers.


I invite the tellers to be seated at the tables behind the Council table.


The boy gave up his seat to the old man on the bus.


There are no limits of seats in virtual university.
在虚拟大学里 没有座位数的限制


A man places covers on bike seats to raise awareness of hepatitis in the Netherlands.

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sjinees

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Soortgelyke frases

on the aisle (referring to seats on a plane etc)
economy seat
經濟座 · 经济座
Seating Chart
aisle seat 靠通道的座位
位 · 座 · 通 · 道 · 靠 · 靠通道的座位 aisle seat
priority seating for the aged (on buses etc)
hot seating
soft seat (on trains or boats)
gallery seat (in theater)
楼座 · 樓座


Advanced filtering
Six of 12 seats on the Supreme Court, the country’s highest court, remained vacant.
海地最高法院的12个席位仍有6个空缺。UN-2 UN-2
The main opposition party is the Seychelles National Party (SNP) which holds 11 seats.
主要反对党是塞舌尔民族党,在议会中占据11席。UN-2 UN-2
Do the lights, wipers, horn, seat belts, and windows work?
车灯、挡风玻璃雨刮喇叭、安全带和窗户,这一切是否操作正常?jw2019 jw2019
Bearing in mind the requirements of paragraph 3 of the annex to the resolution establishing the Board of Directors, the distribution of seats on the Board shall be as follows:
鉴于成立理事会的决议附件第3段中的要求,理事会席位分配如下:UN-2 UN-2
In his letter, the Chargé d'affaires announces that Germany would like to relinquish its seat on the Economic and Social Council at the end of the year # for the remaining term in favour of Liechtenstein
临时代办在信中宣布,德国将在 # 年结束时放弃在理事的席位,余下任期由列支敦士登接任。MultiUn MultiUn
Accessible seating locations and ramps will be provided for all speakers’ platforms;
所有讲台都将有障碍席位安排和斜坡;UN-2 UN-2
I invite Mr. Ngung to take the seat reserved for him at the side of the Council Chamber
我请恩根先生在安理会会议厅一侧为其保留的席位上就座MultiUn MultiUn
But they also reflect deep-seated forms of discrimination against women; indeed, they are indicators of the level of discrimination against them
但是,这种情况也反映了对妇女根深蒂固的歧视;确实,这些情况显示了歧视妇女的程度。MultiUn MultiUn
At the invitation of the President, Mr. Zarif (Islamic Republic of Iran), took a seat at the Council table; Mr. Matussek (Germany) took the seat reserved for him at the side of the Council Chamber
应主席邀请,扎里夫先生(伊朗伊斯兰共和国)在安理会议席就座;马图塞克先生(德国)在安理会会议厅一侧为他保留的座位就座MultiUn MultiUn
Who's gonna take the class teacher's seat?
那 谁 来 班主任 的 位置?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Allocation of non-permanent seats to one particular region or to one group of States
分配非常席位给一个具体区域或一个国家集团UN-2 UN-2
The attempt by the Greek Cypriot representative to portray the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus as “occupied areas” or as a “local administration” is an attempt to hide the fact that the only occupation in Cyprus is the 38-year-old occupation by the Greek Cypriots of the seat of the Government of the 1960 partnership Republic of Cyprus.
希族塞人代表企图将北塞浦路斯土耳其共和国说成“被占领地区”或“地方行政当局”,无非企图掩盖一个事实:塞浦路斯国内唯一的占领行为是1961年两族合作的塞浦路斯共和国的政府所在地被希族塞人占据了38年。UN-2 UN-2
The Maoists hold # per cent of the seats in the Constituent Assembly- more than twice the number of any other party- and the Constitution cannot be completed without their support
毛派在制宪会议拥有 # %的席位--是任何其它党派的两倍多--没有他们的支持,就不可能完成宪法。MultiUn MultiUn
3 And it came to pass that they ran in their might, and came in unto the judgment-seat; and behold, the chief judge had fallen to the earth, and did alie in his blood.
3事情是这样的,他们尽快跑审判席;看啊,首席法官已倒在地上,a躺在血泊中。LDS LDS
The mounting board (7) is mounted on the two side boards of the mounting support (1) through two insulation fixing seats (8).
所述安装板(7)通过两块绝缘固定座(8)安装在所述的安装支架(1)的两侧板上。patents-wipo patents-wipo
(Isaiah 11:6-9) By studying the Bible with people, Jehovah’s Witnesses each year help many thousands of former ‘wolves’ to make deep-seated, lasting personality changes.
以赛亚书11:6-9)通过圣经研究的安排,耶和华见证人每年帮助了很多“豺狼般的人改过自新,把根深蒂固的不良习性戒除。jw2019 jw2019
For the first time in the history of the Fifth Republic, power seems to be dramatically shifting away from the Elysée Palace (the seat of the presidency).
在第五共和国历史上,权力第一次如此远离爱丽舍宫(总统官邸)。ProjectSyndicate ProjectSyndicate
Through a review of the mission aviation fleet, the mission replaced a B200 aircraft, which was underutilized owing to the limited seating capacity (maximum 6 passengers), with a CRJ 200 (maximum 50 passengers).
通过对特派团空运机队的审查,特派团以CRJ 200型飞机(最多50名乘客)取代了未充分使用的B 200型飞机,因为后者座位有限(最多6名乘客)。UN-2 UN-2
Moreover, by any criteria that may be applied, India, the largest democracy on our planet, more than deserves a permanent seat in the Security Council
另外,无论采用何种标准,世界上最大的民主国家印度完全应当在安全理事会中享有常任理事国席位。MultiUn MultiUn
The delegation likewise requested the Arab States to enable it to fill Iraq's seat at the League of Arab States, re-open Iraqi embassies in Arab capitals, for the Arab States to participate in the Iraq Donors' Conference to be held in Spain in October # to provide assistance for basic services and to contribute to reconstruction and the promotion of investment in Iraq
代表团还请求阿拉伯国家允许该委员会填补伊拉克在阿拉伯国家联盟的席位,在阿拉伯各国重开伊拉克大使馆,让阿拉伯国家参加即将于 # 年 # 月在西班牙举行的向伊拉克捐助方会议,以便提供基本服务援助,推动重建工作,并促进在伊拉克的投资。MultiUn MultiUn
At the invitation of the President, Mr. Thayeb (Indonesia), Mr. Lancry (Israel) and Mr. Sharma (Nepal) took the seats reserved for them at the side of the Council Chamber
应主席邀请,塔耶伯先生(印度尼西亚)、朗克里先生(以色列)和沙尔马先生(尼泊尔)在安理会会议厅一侧为其保留的座位就座MultiUn MultiUn
If, upon comparison of the respective lists of names that have obtained an absolute majority in the General Assembly and in the Security Council, fewer than five candidates have been thus elected pursuant to paragraph 7 above, the Assembly and the Council will proceed, again independently of one another, at a second meeting and, if necessary, a third meeting to elect candidates by further ballots for seats remaining vacant (Article 11 of the Statute), the results again being compared after the required number of candidates have obtained an absolute majority in each organ.
如果把在大会和在安全理事会获得绝对多数票的候选人名单相对照,发现按照上文第7段规定选出的候选人不到五名,则大会和安理会再要各自独立举行第二次选举会议,并于必要时举行第三次选举会议,继续投票选举候选人填补剩余的空缺(《规约》第十一条),两个机关各自有所需人数候选人获得绝对多数票之后,再将选举结果相对照。UN-2 UN-2
“I belonged to the Pentecostal Church,” he explains, “but was disturbed by the fact that special seats were reserved for certain members.
“我以前属于五旬节会,”他解释说,“但是我见到教堂中将特别的座位留给某些教友而感觉不平。jw2019 jw2019
Each seat in the meeting rooms at the Austria Center Vienna with simultaneous interpretation equipment will be provided with a portable receiver set and headphones
维也纳奥地利中心会议室每个座位都有同声传译的接收器和耳机。MultiUn MultiUn
Five years ago, Iraq's seat in this body was held by a dictator who killed his citizens, invaded his neighbours and showed his contempt for the world by defying more than a dozen Security Council resolutions
五年前,伊拉克在本机构的席位一个独裁者占有,他屠杀自己的国民,侵犯邻国,以违抗安全理事会数十个决议的方式蔑视这个世界。MultiUn MultiUn
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