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Women's labour force participation remains low, in spite of their high and successful secondary school enrolment
尽管妇女的中学就学率较高、成绩较好,妇女在劳动力的参与程度仍然较低。MultiUn MultiUn
The rate of success was secondary, in particular as it was very difficult to measure success in the public domain
成功率是次要的,特别是由于衡量公共领域的成绩十分困难。MultiUn MultiUn
Bangladesh’s Female Secondary Stipend Program was successful in helping girls aged 11 to 14 to delay marriage and remain in school.
孟加拉的女性中学补贴计划成功地帮助了11到14岁的女生推迟婚期,继续接受学校教育。ProjectSyndicate ProjectSyndicate
It noted the free primary and secondary education and the Government’s successful literacy programme.
委内瑞拉注意到小学和初中免费教育以及政府成功实施的扫盲方案。UN-2 UN-2
What measures have been successful in preventing secondary and repeated victimization of migrants, migrant workers and their families?
哪些措施在预防移民、移民工人及其家人的二次和重复受害上获得成功?UN-2 UN-2
The additional three-year programme, commonly known as upper secondary, is optional; however, successful completion of it is required for students who wish to pursue higher education.
第二阶段的三年方案通常称为高中,是非强制的的,但对谋求高等教育的学生而言,高中毕业则必需的。UN-2 UN-2
Success rate in general secondary education
普通中等教育格率MultiUn MultiUn
· The Aboriginal Education Action Plan was developed in 2004 to increase access to and completion of post-secondary education, increase successful entry into and participation in the labour market and improve the research base for Aboriginal education and employment.
· 2004年制定了土著教育行动计划,以增加获得中学后教育的机会及完成率,提高进入和参与劳动市场的成功率并改善土著教育和就业的研究基础。UN-2 UN-2
Funding through the Aboriginal Special Projects Fund supports initiatives aimed at increasing participation and success for Aboriginal post-secondary learners
通过土著居民特别项目基金供资,支助旨在提高土著居民中等后教育学习者的参与率和毕业率的倡议。MultiUn MultiUn
· Funding through the Aboriginal Special Projects Fund supports initiatives aimed at increasing participation and success for Aboriginal post-secondary learners.
· 通过土著居民特别项目基金供资,支助旨在提高土著居民中等后教育学习者的参与率和毕业率的倡议。UN-2 UN-2
Findings show that quantitative objectives of increasing girls’ access, retention, and success rates in secondary education have been achieved, although retention rates have not increased significantly.
研究结果表明,已经实现了增加女童在中学教育中入学、就学和成功率的定量目标,但就学率没有显著提高。UN-2 UN-2
The provision of scholarships to successful primary and secondary school students increased girls’ enrolment from 53 per cent in 1992 to 95 per cent in 1999.
成功小学学生提供奖学金,使女童的入学率从1992年的53%增加到1999年95%。UN-2 UN-2
Young people could not accept that success in secondary school and at university should depend on social or family background; they demanded equal opportunities for all, and especially for disabled young people, migrants and minorities
青年不能接受依靠社会或家庭背景在中学大学取得成功;他们要求给予所有人平等的机会,特别是残疾人、移民和少数民族。MultiUn MultiUn
Young people could not accept that success in secondary school and at university should depend on social or family background; they demanded equal opportunities for all, and especially for disabled young people, migrants and minorities.
青年不能接受依靠社会或家庭背景在中学大学取得成功;他们要求给予所有人平等的机会,特别是残疾人、移民和少数民族。UN-2 UN-2
For this reason, the secondary markets are key- perhaps the key- to success in the housing system
由于这一原因,二级市场是住房制度取得成功的关键,也许唯一的关键。MultiUn MultiUn
For this reason, the secondary markets are key — perhaps the key — to success in the housing system.
由于这一原因,二级市场是住房制度取得成功的关键,也许是唯一的关键。UN-2 UN-2
An important indicator for progress towards gender equity and empowerment of girls is the ratio of females to males in secondary education as successful enrolment and completion are linked with higher age at marriage for girls, lower fertility and mortality rates, improved maternal care and reduced vulnerability to HIV and AIDS.
由于成功入学并完成学业与女孩推迟婚龄、降低生育率和死亡率、改善孕产保健以及降低对艾滋病毒和艾滋病的脆弱性有关,故衡量在两性平等和增强女孩权能方面取得进展的一个重要指标是两性在中等教育中的比率。UN-2 UN-2
Enrolment is made on the basis of the results achieved during the enrolment examination and success achieved in grammar or secondary vocational schools.
根据入学考试的成绩和文法学校或中等职业学校的成绩录取学生。UN-2 UN-2
Enrolment is made on the basis of the results achieved during the enrolment examination and success achieved in grammar or secondary vocational schools
根据入学考试的成绩和文法学校或中等职业学校的成绩录取学生MultiUn MultiUn
Preservation of evidence, while vital to the success of any investigation, is secondary to the preservation of life and to the recovery of bodies
任何调查要取得成功都必须保护证据,但相对保护生命和寻找尸体而言,保护证据的重要性次。MultiUn MultiUn
The new provisions to ensure the success of all pupils in lower secondary schools are similar to those for primary schools
确保全体中学生学业成功的新措施,与为小学所规定的措施相当接近。MultiUn MultiUn
Its purpose was to increase the participation and success rates of Aboriginal people in post‐secondary education and training.
其宗旨是提高土著人中学后教育及训练方案中的参与率成功率。UN-2 UN-2
Notwithstanding the special agreement between Hungary and Slovakia, the Court thus seems to recognize the succession in respect of secondary (responsibility) obligations and secondary rights resulting from wrongful acts.
因此,尽管匈牙利和斯洛伐克之间有特别协议,法院也似乎承认可以继承因不法行为产生次级责任(义务)次级权利。UN-2 UN-2
More people are now entering secondary education, and the rate at which populations complete upper secondary education is rising steeply with each successive age group.
现在更多人接受中等教育,每一个相继年龄组,完成高中教育的人所占人口比率正急剧上升。UN-2 UN-2
It was further suggested that since the burden of proof belonged to the party seeking to commence the primary proceedings in country Z, the court in country Y could commence secondary proceedings until the success of the primary proceedings in country Z could be proven.
另据指出,由于举证责任属寻求在Z国启动主要程序的当事方,所以Z国的主要程序可被证明成功之前,Y国法院仍可启动非主要程序。UN-2 UN-2
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