secrecy oor Sjinees


Concealment; the condition of being secret or hidden

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This plan requires secrecy.


Such evasion was facilitated by bank secrecy and other confidentiality laws.


practice of hiding information
National security institutions enjoy secrecy as a norm of behaviour.

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守口如瓶 · 寡言 · 然而,我認識到絕對保密的必要性However, I accept the need for absolute secrecy in this. · 守秘密 · 秘而不宣 · 隐蔽

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However, I accept the need for absolute secrecy in this.然而,我認識到絕對保密的必要性
然而,我認識到絕對保密的必要性However, I accept the need for absolute secrecy in this.
The celebrity’s personal life is shrouded in secrecy這位名人的個人生活是保密的
這位名人的個人生活是保密的The celebrity’s personal life is shrouded in secrecy
perfect forward secrecy
secrecy outage probability
professional secrecy
in absolute secrecy
人不知鬼不覺 · 人不知鬼不觉
They were all pledged to secrecy 他們都宣誓保密
他們都宣誓保密 · 他們都宣誓保密 They were all pledged to secrecy · 保密 · 宣誓
bank secrecy
The congressman was accused of a breach of secrecy rules.-这位议员被控违反了保密规定
这位议员被控违反了保密规定-The congressman was accused of a breach of secrecy rules.


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Also excepted from the obligation to maintain secrecy are information and records requested by the Office of the Public Prosecutor or the court trying a criminal case for any of the offences established as a basis of money-laundering.
此外,这项秘密责任的例外是,公安部的检察官或法庭为处理有关一些涉嫌洗钱的罪行的刑事程序所要求的资料和记录。UN-2 UN-2
The terms of reference for the future legal instrument should include, inter alia, broad definitions, including all aspects relating to public and private corruption; a broad scope of application; a set of preventive measures; a chapter on criminalization of acts of corruption; and a chapter on mutual legal assistance and cooperation that would foster international cooperation, exchange of information that would facilitate tracing of funds and transfer of funds of illicit origin connected with corruption in order to ensure the repatriation of those funds, forfeiture and confiscation of the proceeds from corruption and the possibility of shifting the burden of proof and banking secrecy, and the rendering of technical assistance, especially to developing countries.
未来法律文书的范围除其他事项外应包括广泛的定义,其中包括与公私腐败活动相关的所有各个方面;广泛的适用范围;一套预防措施;一个对腐败行为加以刑事定罪的章节;以及一个关于司法互助与合作的章节,促进国际合作和信息交流,以便于追查资金和与腐败相关联的非法来源资金的转移,从而确保这些资金的退还、对腐败所得实行的没收和充公,以及举证责任转换和银行保密法改变的可能性,并提供技术援助,特别是向发展中国家提供技术援助。UN-2 UN-2
The working group discussed the adherence to paragraph 8 of article 18, on bank secrecy.
工作组讨论了关于银行保密的第18条第8款的遵守情况。UN-2 UN-2
Unless it fully reflects the deliberations of the members of the Council in their informal meetings and contains details about how resolutions came to be adopted, the report will be of little importance and of little practical use to the Assembly, and will only confirm the belief held by many both within and outside the United Nations that the Council’s work is marked by secrecy and a lack of transparency.
除非报告充分反映安理会成员在非正式会议上的审议并详细说明决议是如何通过的,该报告对大会就没有多少重要性和实际用途,只会证实联合国内外的许多人的想法,即安理会的工作的特征是神和缺乏透明度。UN-2 UN-2
Conducted a series of workshops/seminars for church leaders, NGOs and the public on the “The Secrecy of the Ballot and Universal Suffrage”.
为教会领袖、非政府组织和公众举办关于“投票的秘密性和普选制”的一系列讲习班/讨论会。UN-2 UN-2
Under the Act on banking secrecy, commercial banks provide information on clients and their banking transactions to the agencies of the Office of the Public Prosecutor and carry out investigations and inquiries when criminal proceedings are instituted against clients, including criminal cases relating to legalization of criminal proceeds and the financing of terrorism
根据乌兹别克斯坦共和国《银行保密法》,商业银行应就客户所涉刑事案件,包括与犯罪收入合法化和资助恐怖主义行为有关的案件,向总检察长办公室和调查机构提供关于客户及其银行业务的资料。MultiUn MultiUn
The diamond mining operations have been conducted in great secrecy
钻石开采活动在十分秘密的情况下进行。MultiUn MultiUn
This model is designed to eliminate secrecy in economic decision-making, and instead encourage friendly cooperation and mutual support.
这种经济模式旨在消除经济决策中的秘密,鼓励友好合作和相互支持。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
Voter turnout was very high, exceeding 90 per cent in some areas; and people voted in an orderly manner, in an atmosphere free of intimidation or interference, in which the secrecy of the ballot was maintained.
参选率很高,在一些地区超过90%,投票秩序井然,没有恐吓或干涉,选票得以保密UN-2 UN-2
Impunity for reprisals sends a message to all potential whistle-blowers that the institution lacks commitment to their protection, while serious and effective penalties are necessary to overcome the structural and cultural protection of secrecy.
对报复行为有罪不罚的现象向所有潜在举报人发出一个信息,即机构缺乏保护他们的承诺,而严厉、有效的处罚对于克服结构和文化层面的保密必不可少。UN-2 UN-2
I'm sworn to secrecy.
我 发誓 保密OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Despite some positive results achieved by removing impediments to criminal investigations previously linked to bank secrecy, there is still a need for further efforts, both in this area and in reducing the risk of financial institutions being misused for money-laundering and in disrupting the movement of proceeds derived from criminal activities.
尽管通过消除曾与银行保密相联系的阻碍刑事侦查的障碍,取得了一些积极结果,但仍需要在这方面和降低金融机构被滥用于从事洗钱行为的可能性方面以及阻断犯罪活动所得收益的流动方面进一步努力。UN-2 UN-2
above) or else continue to allow refusal of extradition for offences involving fiscal matters (see para. A number of parties are not able to provide mutual legal assistance to other parties in the absence of a treaty (see para # ), are not able to provide all types of assistance listed under article # (para # ), permit refusal of assistance on the ground of bank secrecy (para
一些缔约国在没有条约的情况下无法向其他缔约国提供司法协助(见第 # 段),无法提供第 # 条所列所有种类的协助(第 # 段),允许以银行保密为理由拒绝协助(第 # 段),或者无法依据外国请求在没收和相关措施中向其他缔约国提供协助(第 # 和 # 段)。MultiUn MultiUn
In the view of some delegations, criminal law measures against corruption would need to include the reversal of the burden of proof and the lifting of bank secrecy
一些代表团认为,反腐败的刑法措施必须规定举证责任倒置和暂停银行保密MultiUn MultiUn
The most significant change in 2005 OECD article 26 is the addition of article 26 (5), which provides generally for an override of bank secrecy laws as follows:
2005年经合组织示范公约第26条最重要的修改是增加了第26条第(5)款,对优先于银行保密法的问题作出如下一般规定:UN-2 UN-2
Also notes the requirements of article 18, paragraph 8, of the Convention, and requests the secretariat to seek clarification from States parties that have reported that they decline to render mutual legal assistance on the ground of bank secrecy;
还注意到公约第18条第8款的要求,并请秘书处对那些报告说以银行保密为由拒绝提供司法协助的缔约国征询其作出澄清;UN-2 UN-2
• The term “Non-Circumvention or Non-Disclosure” is frequently used in connection with attempts at secrecy
在试图采取保密行动时经常会使用“不规避或不披露”条款。MultiUn MultiUn
For disclosing the information of banking secrecy submitted to the Authorized Body on the basis of this law and legal standard acts passed on the basis of this law, as well as illegal disclosure of information that is commercial and official secret the employees of the Authorized Body shall be liable in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.
受权机构职员透露依照该法和根据该法通过的标准法令向受权机构提交银行机密资料,以及非法透露属商业机密和官方机密资料的,应依照亚美尼亚共和国法律追究责任。UN-2 UN-2
Article # of the Act on commercial secrecy establishes that the provision of information constituting a commercial secret is defined as the transfer of such information by an authorized person to another person only in the circumstances and on the grounds laid down in Turkmenistan's legislation
商业保密法第 # 条对于构成商业机密的信息的提供规定如下:唯有受权人在土库曼斯坦法律规定的情况下,根据法律规定的理由才得移交这类信息。MultiUn MultiUn
Algeria, Belarus, Cambodia, El Salvador and Jamaica, however, indicated that bank secrecy was a ground for refusal of assistance under their domestic legal framework.
不过阿尔及利亚、白俄罗斯、柬埔寨、萨尔瓦多和牙买加指出,根据其国内法律框架,银行保密是拒绝提供协助的一个理由。UN-2 UN-2
Removing impediments to criminal investigation that are related to banking secrecy
为刑事侦查排除银行保密方面的障碍UN-2 UN-2
This law also permits persons bound by professional secrecy (e.g. doctors) to disclose private information to competent authorities in order to protect the public, and health professionals may disclose information on the HIV-positive status of individuals to adult family members without the consent of the patient, to avoid a health risk to a family member.
这项法律并允许受业务机密性约束的人(例如医生)向主管当局透露私人的资料,以便保护公众,而保健专业人员可以在未经病人同意的情况下向其成人家庭成员透露此人的艾滋病毒呈阳性情况,以便避免家庭成员面临健康风险。《UN-2 UN-2
It expressed its regret to one State party that it intended to retain the death penalty, as well as its concern with the practice of the secrecy of execution dates, and the
委员会对一个缔约国打算保留死刑表示遗憾,并对处决日期保密的做法以及被处决人的遗体不归还家属埋葬的情况表示关切。MultiUn MultiUn
The development of nuclear weapons took place under conditions of absolute secrecy, but when the people are consulted, it is shown by numerous polls that they want their Governments to give what the NPT promised - nuclear disarmament.
发展核武器是在绝对保密的条件下进行的,但当征求人民的意见时,很多民意调查都表明,他们希望他们的政府履行不扩散条约的承诺—— 核裁军。UN-2 UN-2
He recalled that during the past year the Tribunal and its Committees considered, among other things, issues that had a bearing on its judicial work, such as costs to be borne by parties in judicial proceedings, requests for advisory opinions under article 138 of the Rules, bonds and other financial security under article 292 of the Convention, and secrecy of the Tribunal’s deliberations.
他回顾过去一年,法庭及其委员会除其他外,审议了影响其司法工作的问题,例如司法程序当事方要担负的费用;根据《规则》第138条请求发表咨询意见的问题;《公约》第二九二条规定的保证书和其他财政担保;以及法庭评议的保密问题。UN-2 UN-2
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