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Confidential military sources have maintained before the Special Rapporteur that such foreign officers should be considered mercenaries hired by Vladimiro Montesinos, who, exercising State powers which he did not possess, brought those officers to Peru to train groups entrusted with the conduct of secret actions not in accord with military and police laws and regulations
不愿意透露姓名的军方人士告诉特别报告员,他认为,有关外国军官应被看成是由弗拉迪米罗·蒙特西诺斯聘请的雇佣军。 蒙特西诺斯越权行事,请他们赴秘鲁训练负责实施超出军事和警事法规的秘密行动的部队。MultiUn MultiUn
Your husband went so far as to drug you to keep his actions secret.
你 丈夫 為 了 神不知鬼 不覺 甚至 對 你 長 期落 麻醉 藥OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It makes no secret of these actions
厄立特里亚这些行动没有丝毫掩盖。MultiUn MultiUn
It makes no secret of these actions.
厄立特里亚这些行动没有丝毫掩盖。UN-2 UN-2
The exact mechanism for this phenomenon is unclear, but there is evidence both of impaired insulin secretion and insulin action.
造成這種現象的確切機制尚不清楚,但有證據表明這與較弱的胰島素分泌及胰島素活性有關。WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This is where the secret actually moves into action.
这才 是 这个 秘密 真正 起 作用 的 入口处.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Standard's actions and secret transport deals helped its kerosene price to drop from 58 to 26 cents from 1865 to 1870.
标准石油的行动秘密运输合约使得其煤油价格由1865年的56分跌至1870年的26分。WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
D'Éon's possession of the king's secret letters provided protection against further actions, but d'Éon could not return to France.
德翁把持着“国王的秘密防止进一步的行动,但是翁不能回到法国。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
Chinese authorities have often used state secrets charges to prosecute individuals for actions that are not criminal under any other laws.
It is no secret that many anti-Semitic actions, including the desecration of Jewish cemeteries and synagogues, have been provoked by young radical factions, including skinheads.
许多反犹行动,包括对犹太人坟地和教堂的亵渎,是由极端派青年包括光头党煽动的,这不是秘密。UN-2 UN-2
The methods and means used by terrorists are essentially secret because the “success” of their actions depends on their suddenness and violence
恐怖主义所用的方法和手段本质上依靠秘密方式,因为恐怖主义行动全靠出其不意以暴力方式取得“成功”。MultiUn MultiUn
The methods and means used by terrorists are essentially secret because the “success” of their actions depends on their suddenness and violence.
恐怖主义所用的方法和手段本质上依靠秘密方式,因为恐怖主义行动全靠出其不意以暴力方式取得“成功”。UN-2 UN-2
A significant aspect of the new # page concoction is that it contains a secret annex, with actions against Cuba that have not been made public and which, as they explain, would not be revealed in order to achieve their effective realization and for national security reasons
这个长达 # 页的大杂烩的一个重要方面是其载一个秘密附件,它涉及尚未公开的针对古巴的行动,正如他们所解释的那样,为有效实现这些措施和出于国家安全的理由,这一附件将不予公开。MultiUn MultiUn
A significant aspect of the new 93-page concoction is that it contains a secret annex, with actions against Cuba that have not been made public and which, as they explain, would not be revealed in order to achieve their effective realization and for national security reasons.
这个长达93页的大杂烩的一个重要方面是其载有一个秘密附件,它涉及尚未公开的针对古巴行动,正如他们所解释的那样,为有效实现这些措施和出于国家安全的理由,这一附件将不予公开。UN-2 UN-2
Barlow considered that: "The actions of the FBI and Secret Service were symptoms of a growing social crisis: Future Shock.
巴洛认为:“在美国联邦调查局特勤处的行动是一个日益严重的社会危机出现的症状:未来的冲击。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
All of this is the result of the careful implementation of President Bush's plan to recolonize Cuba and of the measures set forth in the updated version of that plan of # uly # which includes a secret chapter on covert action
以上各点之推动,得力于严格执行使古巴再沦为殖民地的布什总统计划以及该计划于 # 年 # 月 # 日更新后所载的措施,其中包括秘密行动。MultiUn MultiUn
However, Tanaka wanted to create a seamless battle system that had no separate battle screen and was not menu-driven, and since Final Fantasy IV was not going in that direction, he changed development teams to work on the action RPG Secret of Mana instead.
但田中想创作无缝战斗系统,既不使用独立屏幕也不使用菜单操作,自《最终幻想IV》不决定向那个方向开发式,他便让团队转向动作角色扮演游戏《圣剑传说》的开发。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
The Act also restricts the circumstances where an employer can obtain an injunction in the courts, particularly an ex-parte injunction, restraining industrial action by a trade union, provided that a secret ballot favouring the industrial action has been held and the employer has been given at least one week's notice of the action
《法令》还对雇主可以请求法院下达限制工会的劳工行动的禁止令,尤其是签发仅有一方当事人在场时下达的禁止令的情形作了限制,但前提是工会举行了赞成采取劳工行动无记名投票,而且至少提前一周通知雇主,表示将采取劳工行动MultiUn MultiUn
The Act also restricts the circumstances where an employer can obtain an injunction in the courts, particularly an ex‐parte injunction, restraining industrial action by a trade union, provided that a secret ballot favouring the industrial action has been held and the employer has been given at least one week’s notice of the action.
《法令》还对雇主可以请求法院下达限制工会的劳工行动的禁止令,尤其是签发仅有一方当事人在场时下达的禁止令的情形作了限制,但前提是工会举行了赞成采取劳工行动无记名投票,而且至少提前一周通知雇主,表示将采取劳工行动UN-2 UN-2
Industrial action taken contrary to the outcome of a secret ballot is not covered by the immunities
不顾无记名投票的结果而采取的劳工行动不受豁免规定的保护。MultiUn MultiUn
Industrial action taken contrary to the outcome of a secret ballot is not covered by the immunities;
不顾无记名投票的结果而采取的劳工行动不受豁免规定的保护。UN-2 UN-2
b) Various articles in chapter IV, entitled “Crimes committed by public officials against the public administration”: article # (Misappropriations committed by a public official), article # (Collusion), article # (Corruption), article # (Acceptance of retribution for an action already done), article # (Conflict of interest), article # (Abuse of authority), article # (Revelation of official secrets), article # (Omission of actions relevant to the public duty), article # (Refusal of services
b) 标题为“公职人员在公共行政中所犯罪行”的第四章中的若干条款:第 # 条(公职人员挪用公款),第 # 条(串通舞弊),第 # 条(贪污腐败),第 # 条(对已完成的行动接受报酬),第 # 条(利益冲突),第 # 条(滥用权威),第 # 条(泄露公务机密),第 # 条(与公共职责有关的不行为),第 # 条(拒绝提供服务MultiUn MultiUn
The May # report of the so-called Commission for Assistance to a Free Cuba and its July # addendum, which includes a secret chapter on aggressive actions, expose the intentions of the authorities in Washington: to impose “regime change” against the will of the Cuban people, not excluding the use of military force to that end
所谓的援助古巴委员会在 # 年 # 月起草并于 # 年 # 月公布了一份报告(其中包含一项关于侵略行动的秘密条款),这份报告暴露了华盛顿当局的野心,即不顾古巴人民的意愿实施“体制变革”,不排除为达到目的而使用武力。MultiUn MultiUn
Equally, the Romanian Secret Service is alert to preventing/countering any intention or action to break the embargo on dual-use items
同样,罗马尼亚特勤局也提高了警觉,以防止/对付任何破坏双重用途物品禁运意图或行动。MultiUn MultiUn
Equally, the Romanian Secret Service is alert to preventing/countering any intention or action to break the embargo on dual-use items.
同样,罗马尼亚特勤局也提高了警觉,以防止/对付任何破坏双重用途物品禁运意图或行动。UN-2 UN-2
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