spiritual oor Sjinees


adjektief, naamwoord
Of or pertaining to the spirit or the soul

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sjinees


of or pertaining to the spirit or the soul
He taught contemplation as a means of spiritual purification and the attainment of the Dao, a principle that signifies the highest spiritual ideals of mankind.


First, mental and spiritual preparation for taking on the responsibilities of parenthood is important.


It is a total, moral and spiritual revolution.

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A member of a branch of the Franciscan order who advocated simple dress and renounced the owning of property.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sjinees

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mental or spiritual cultivation
养性 · 養性
spiritual link
灵犀一点通 · 靈犀一點通
spiritual life
神修的生活 · 精神生活
含很多酒精的 · 含酒精的 · 酒精的
spiritual home
神家园 · 神家園
spiritual evolution
spiritual father
spiritual leader (of a nation or church)
精神領袖 · 精神领袖
Daoist spiritual master


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The preservation of indigenous cultures (including tangible and intangible elements, arts and artefacts, traditions, knowledge systems, intellectual property rights, ecosystem management, spirituality and so on) is an essential component of a comprehensive indigenous human rights package.
保存土著人民文化(其中包括:有形和无形内容、艺术和艺术品、传统、知识体系、知识产权、生态系统管理、精神以及其他)是土著人民综合人权一个必要组成部分。UN-2 UN-2
Even though they had bathed and had their feet washed by the Master, and were therefore “wholly clean” physically, yet spiritually speaking, “Not all of you are clean,” Jesus said. —Joh 13:1-11.
虽然门徒都洗过澡,脚也被主耶稣洗过了,因此在身体方面来说是“完全洁净”的,但耶稣指出,从灵性方面来说,他们却并非人人都“洁净”。( 约13:1-11)jw2019 jw2019
Improve teacher-training methods and the material, psychological and spiritual welfare of teachers
改进师资训练方法,改善教师物质条件以及心理和精神健康MultiUn MultiUn
The very first issue of the Watch Tower alluded to Matthew 24:45-47 when it stated that the aim of the publishers of that magazine was to be alert to events in connection with Christ’s presence and to give spiritual “meat in due season” to the household of faith.
《守望台》在创刊号便间接提及马太福音24:45-47,因为它表明,杂志出版者的目的是要留意一切与基督临在有关的事件,并且将粮“按时”分给信徒一家的人。jw2019 jw2019
We wake up early in the morning and start off our day on a spiritual note by considering a daily Bible text.
例如:我们很早起床,早上一起讨论当日经文,让一天有个属灵的开始。jw2019 jw2019
Ukrainian and Russian brothers traveling in the opposite direction took with them spiritual food, wax stencils, ink, and other tools for use in Russia.
结果,从波兰到俄罗斯的乌克兰弟兄和俄罗斯弟兄就把粮、蜡纸、油墨和其他工具带回俄罗斯。jw2019 jw2019
Food, water, shelter, medical care, and emotional and spiritual support are provided as soon as possible
尽快提供食物、水、临时住所、医疗护理,以及感情和灵性上的支持jw2019 jw2019
(Luke 19:12) He could thus return invisibly in spiritual form, with the holding of an accounting with his “steward” in view.
路加福音19:12)因此他能够以体的身分隐形地回来以便与他的“管家”清理账务。“jw2019 jw2019
Reaffirming that the international community, through the United Nations, has a legitimate interest in the question of the City of Jerusalem and the protection of the unique spiritual, religious and cultural dimensions of the city, as foreseen in relevant United Nations resolutions on this matter,
重申,如联合国关于这一事项相关决议所示,国际社会通过联合国,对耶路撒冷城问题和对保护它独特的精神宗教和文化特性感到关注,是正当合法,UN-2 UN-2
(Colossians 1:9, 10) We can take care of our spiritual appearance in two main ways.
歌罗西书1:9,10)我们可以在两个主要方面留意自己的属灵容貌。jw2019 jw2019
Despite such intimidation, the brothers continued delivering spiritual food.
运送书刊进入格鲁吉亚的路途虽然令人心惊胆战,许多弟兄还是甘愿冒险,像是扎扎·吉古拉什维利。jw2019 jw2019
How can the spiritual armor described at Ephesians 6:11-18 protect us?
以弗所书6:11-18描述的属灵盔甲,可以怎样保护我们?(《jw2019 jw2019
Christians, breathing clean spiritual air on the elevated mountain of Jehovah’s pure worship, resist this inclination.
可是,在耶和华的纯真崇拜之山呼吸清洁属灵空气的基督徒却抗拒这种倾向。jw2019 jw2019
属灵的价值远超于物质繁荣:jw2019 jw2019
In like manner the spiritual shepherd must recognize and deal with similar perils that threaten the well-being of the flock.
同样,属灵牧人必须看出威胁羊群福利的类似危险,并设法加以应付。jw2019 jw2019
(2 Chronicles 26:3, 4, 16; Proverbs 18:12; 19:20) So if we ‘take some false step before we are aware of it’ and receive needed counsel from God’s Word, let us imitate Baruch’s maturity, spiritual discernment, and humility. —Galatians 6:1.
历代志下26:3,4,16;箴言18:12;19:20)所以,如果我们“不知不觉失足了”,有人根据上帝的话语规劝我们,但愿我们都向巴录学习,有成熟的思想、属灵的眼光和谦卑的态度。( 加拉太书6:1)jw2019 jw2019
7 Having a good spiritual routine provides us with plenty of topics for upbuilding conversations.
7 只要我们有良好的属灵常规,就不愁没有强化人的话题。(jw2019 jw2019
The spiritual support I received from the daily Bible text discussion —which we had in the mornings while we polished the floors— the regular meetings, and the Bible study conducted with me by a more experienced brother made it bearable.
我们每天早上擦地板的时候都讨论每日经文,而且经常举行聚会。 此外,还有一个较有经验的弟兄跟我讨论圣经。jw2019 jw2019
The Constitution solemnly affirms the country's determination to “create a State of law and pluralist democracy, in which fundamental human rights, public freedoms, the dignity of the human individual and justice are guaranteed, protected and promoted as the necessary condition for the true harmonious development of every Beninese in the temporal, cultural and spiritual spheres.”
宪法庄严地申明国家决心“建立一个法治和多元民主国家,在这个国家里,人基本权利,公众自由,人尊严以及正义得到保障、保护并将其提升为每个贝宁人世俗、文化和精神上真正而和谐发展必要条件”。MultiUn MultiUn
How can I continue to teach my children spiritual values as they enter adolescence?
孩子进入青春期后,我该怎样继续帮助他巩固属灵的价值观?jw2019 jw2019
(Joh 3:3, 5, 6) When such spirit-begotten Christians receive their heavenly reward, they will no longer be earthly subjects of the spiritual kingdom of Christ, but they will be kings with Christ in heaven. —Re 5:9, 10.
约3:3,5,6)这些从而生的基督徒得到天上的奖赏以后,就不再是基督属灵王国在地上的人民了,他们必跟基督一起在天上作王。( 启5:9,10)jw2019 jw2019
We return home with rejoicing, satisfied and built up spiritually.
回家的时候,我们会满心喜乐、心满意足,而且灵性受到强化。(jw2019 jw2019
For God to bring peace to the earth, another big change is necessary —a change of spiritual rulership.
上帝若要为地上带来和平,另一项巨大的改变是必需的——属灵统治权的改变。jw2019 jw2019
27 Today Jehovah’s worshipers delight to be in a spiritual paradise.
27 今天,敬拜耶和华的人处身属灵的乐园里,他们为此而欢喜雀跃。jw2019 jw2019
as well as cultural, religious and spiritual beliefs.
以及文化、宗教和精神信仰。UN-2 UN-2
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