spiritual father oor Sjinees

spiritual father

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He became one of my spiritualfathers” during those critical teen years. —Matthew 19:29.
这位弟兄就是约翰·巴尔,现在他是耶和华见证人治理机构的成员;在那段关系重大的青少年日子,他成了我的属灵“父亲之一。——马太福音19:29。jw2019 jw2019
How can we draw close to Jehovah as a spiritual Father?
我们怎样才能亲近天父耶和华呢?(jw2019 jw2019
Brother Logan became a spiritual father to my boys.
罗根弟兄待我的儿子有如父亲待孩子一样,处处他们灵的指导jw2019 jw2019
(b) What will happen to those who allow Satan the Devil to be their spiritual father?
乙)容许魔鬼撒但作自己属灵的人会有什么遭遇?jw2019 jw2019
Am I ready to be a spiritual father?
我 準備 好當 精神 教父 了 嗎?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Those who allow him to be their spiritual father will perish with him.
撒但虽然是堕落的人类之父,这件事却不是永远的。 凡是容许撒但成为自己之父的人将会与他一同灭亡。jw2019 jw2019
He was like a spiritual father to many.
对许多人来说,保罗就像属灵的父亲一样。(jw2019 jw2019
It is not hard to see why Elisha loved the older prophet as a friend —even as a spiritual father.
我们不难看出以利沙深爱这位年老先知的原因。 在以利沙眼中, 以利亚既是挚友,也是的父亲。(jw2019 jw2019
Furthermore, within the worldwide brotherhood, we can also find spiritual fathers, mothers, brothers, and sisters whose love will enrich our lives.
此外,我们也可以在国际弟兄团体里找到属灵的爸爸妈妈、兄弟姐妹,他们的爱护关怀,会使我们活得心满意足。(jw2019 jw2019
Because my father was an unbeliever, those elders showed a particular interest in me and became like spiritual fathers to me.
由于我爸爸不是信主的,这几位长老就特别关心我,像我的属灵父亲一样。jw2019 jw2019
12, 13. (a) How did the chief priests and the scribes give further evidence as to who their spiritual father was?
12,13.( 甲)祭司长和抄经士怎样进一步证明他们的属灵父亲是撒但?(jw2019 jw2019
Also, I have had the support of many loving brothers and sisters who have become my spiritual fathers, mothers, and brothers.”
还有,仁爱的弟兄姊妹经常给我支持,他们是我的属灵父母和弟兄姊妹。”jw2019 jw2019
(2 Kings 2:2, 4, 6; 3:11) Indeed, Elisha viewed the older prophet as his spiritual father. —2 Kings 2:12.
列王纪下2:2,4,6;3:11)以利沙的确把这位年长的先知视为属灵的父亲。( 王纪下2:12)jw2019 jw2019
(2 Kings 2:3) The account in Second Kings indicates that these “sons” also felt a close bond with their spiritual father, Elijah.
列王纪下2:3)根据列王纪下,这些先知也跟以利亚亲密无间,有如父子一样。(jw2019 jw2019
Worldwide we see the lying, hatred, violence, and murder that identify those who ‘originate with the Devil,’ having him as their spiritualfather.”
我们在普世各地见到说谎、仇恨、暴力和残杀十分猖獗,由此表明行这些恶事的人是‘属于魔鬼’的,他们都以他为属灵的“”。(jw2019 jw2019
(The New English Bible) The apostle may have become a spiritual father to Gaius by helping him to gain accurate knowledge of the Scriptures.
新英文圣经》)使徒可能由于帮助该犹对圣经获得正确认识而成为他的属灵父亲。(jw2019 jw2019
Are not our spiritual fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, and children much more valuable than anything we have renounced for the sake of the Kingdom?
属灵父亲、母亲、兄弟、姐妹、儿女,不是远比我们为王国而撇下的一切东西都宝贵吗?jw2019 jw2019
Many older ones have kindly helped by taking a personal interest in these younger ones, becoming spiritual fathers and mothers to them, as it were.
许多较年长的传道员提出仁慈的帮助,对这些青年人表现个别的关怀,仿佛成为他们属灵的父母一般。jw2019 jw2019
Like their spiritual father, Satan the Devil, they often do not care about how their actions may hurt others. —John 8:44; 1 John 5:19.
像他们的属灵父亲魔鬼撒但一样,他们对自己的行为怎样令人受害,时常毫不关心。——约翰福音8:44;约翰一书5:19。jw2019 jw2019
It is a spiritual responsibility toward all those related to the Eliakim class in the Kingdom hope, like “the descendants and the offshoots” of their spiritual Father.
他们对一切怀有王国希望而与以利亚敬阶级有亲属关系的人负有一项属灵的责任;这些人有如他们的父的‘儿女子孙’一般。jw2019 jw2019
These words of that great Pole, Pope John Paul II, the spiritual father of Polish solidarity, can be our guiding beacon: “Man is great not through what he
波兰伟人教皇约翰-保罗二世是波兰“团结”工会的精神之父,他的如下箴言是指引我们前行的灯塔:“人之所以伟大,不在于他是否富有,而在于他的品格;不在于他拥有什么,而在于他是否与人分享”。UN-2 UN-2
Mac is reunited not only with his spiritual father through his conversion to Christianity, but also with his biological daughter, Sue Anne, when she pays him a surprise visit.
麦克不仅通过皈依基督教与他的精神聚,他还与给自己一个惊奇的亲生女儿苏·安妮团聚了。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
According to the Journal of Biblical Literature, the members of these groups were probably individuals who “devoted themselves to Yahweh’s [Jehovah’s] service under a prophet who was . . . their spiritual father.”
圣经文献杂志》(英语)说,这些团体的成员很可能“都在某一个先知的领导下,专心事奉雅威[耶和华],并以那个先知为属灵的父亲(jw2019 jw2019
One writer explains that in previous generations “fathers were responsible for their children’s moral and spiritual upbringing; fathers were responsible for their children’s education. . . .
一位作家解释,在以前的世代,“父亲负责在道德和灵性教养儿女;父亲负责督导儿女的教育。jw2019 jw2019
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