stop oor Sjinees


/stɒp/, /stɑp/ adjektief, werkwoord, naamwoord, tussenwerpsel, bywoord
Prone to halting or hesitation.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sjinees

cease moving
As long as you're talking to me, it's fine, but as soon as you stop, I get hungry.


come to an end
The purpose of antitrust law is to stop the abusive influence of the market by big companies.


place to get on and off line buses or trams
I'll take you to the bus stop.

En 151 vertalings meer. Besonderhede is ter wille van die beknoptheid verborge

車站 · 停下 · 中止 · 終止 · 阻止 · 止 · 终止 · 站 · 逗留 · 堵住 · 罢 · 障礙 · 障碍 · 顿 · 住宿 · 逗 · 制止 · 停留 · 停车 · 中断 · 句号 · 完 · 阻擋 · 截止 · 断 · 斷 · 句点 · 弭 · 沮 · 跱 · 遏 · 锢 · 阏 · 使停止 · 截 · 停顿 · 住 · 阻碍 · 站住 · 結束 · 擋 · 歇 · 停息 · 塞音 · 塞 · 止息 · 辍 · 停机 · 煞 · 罷 · 堵 · 休 · 制动 · 暫停 · 填塞 · 打败 · 儅 · 攩 · 要 · 喝令停止之用語(亦作 "wo" )Whoa (imperative)stop, stay, wait a minute · 水壩,堤barrier to stop up flow of water · 结束 · 禁止 · 放弃 · 止步 · 停住 · 挡 · 少 · 收 · 攔 · 休息 · 打断 · 已 · 止住 · 放棄 · 断绝 · 堵塞 · 阻 · 終 · 空 · 救 · 留 · 端 · 停车站 · 打敗 · 歇息 · 絕 · 杜 · 居 · 止血 · 閉 · 㱖 · 偃 · 停頓 · 拫 · 舍 · 頓 · 斷絕 · 阻塞 · 停車場 · 把守 · 過夜 · 輟 · 息 · 目的 · 壅 · 塞住 · 排除 · 降落 · 最後 · 盡 · 艾 · 㤅 · 㧎 · 㧣 · 㱗 · 㸚 · 䠧 · 䢡 · 䫮 · 亭 · 停職 · 制动器 · 厔 · 寢 · 棖 · 歇夜 · 畄 · 紮 · 結局 · 綝 · 訖 · 間斷 · 阻塞物 · 抑 · 結果 · 滞留 · 散 · 完成 · 按 · 不挂断电话 · 中途短暂的停留 · 使中止 · 停下來 · 停車站 · 光圈快门 · 宿夜 · 忽然停止 · 暫時作廢 · 等一下 · 終 結

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings
Sommige vertalings van 'stop' is deur gebruikers verwyder. Klik om hulle te wys.


The user interface item that halts a process or action, typically without restoring the prior state.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sjinees


The user interface item that halts a process or action, typically without restoring the prior state.
The purpose of antitrust law is to stop the abusive influence of the market by big companies.


The Kidnapping That Killed the Rubber Boom and Stopped the Opera

別小看你自己——你的工作很有價值Stop belittling yourself - your work is highly valued

Rene Sini

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

stop at nothing
不惜一切 · 不择手段 · 不擇手段 · 无所不为 · 无所不用其极 · 無所不為
Stop gibbering, man, and tell us what you saw.別這麼語無倫次的,老兄,告訴我們你看到甚麼吧
(通常因為害怕或頭腦不清而)急促不清地說,語無倫次地說 gibber · 別這麼語無倫次的,老兄,告訴我們你看到甚麼吧Stop gibbering, man, and tell us what you saw.
intermediate stop (on route of ship, plane etc)
stop-work order
stop-loss order
voiced alveolar stop
band-stop fllter
cause to stop 結束
終止; 結束 cause to stop · 結束 cause to stop
stopping time


Advanced filtering
Our Committee is appalled by these developments taking place at a time when the international community, through the Quartet, is working hard to stop the violence, resume a meaningful political dialogue between the parties and move forward to a negotiated settlement, with a view to realizing a vision of two States, Israel and Palestine, living side by side in peace and security.
本委员会对这些事态的发展深感震惊;因为发生事件之时,国际社会正在通过“四方”竭力争取结束暴力,恢复双方间有意义的政治对话并争取达成谈判解决,以实现以色列和巴勒斯坦两国在和平与安全中毗邻而的理想。UN-2 UN-2
In the light of these circumstances, we appeal once more to Your Excellency, and through you to the international community, to intervene and urge Israel to immediately put an end to its war against the Palestinian people and to stop the humanitarian tragedy the Palestinian people are going through
鉴于上述这些情况,我们再次呼吁阁下,并通过你呼吁国际社会作出干预,敦促以色列立即停止侵犯巴勒斯坦人民的战争,终止巴勒斯坦人民正在蒙受的人道主义惨剧。MultiUn MultiUn
Combat must stop immediately.
战斗必须立即停止,我们呼吁各方毫无拖延地重返谈判之路。UN-2 UN-2
Strongly encourages the Transitional Government to continue to improve the status of women, promote the reintegration of female victims of armed conflict and violence, and improve their living conditions, while encouraging the parties that have not yet done so to stop using child soldiers;
强烈鼓励过渡政府继续改善妇女的状况,促使受武装冲突和暴力之害的妇女的重返社会,并改善她们的生活条件,同时促请仍在使用儿童兵的各方停止这种做法;UN-2 UN-2
And the next stop in their campaign is the United Nations General Assembly in New York, with hundreds of young people, representing all countries, gathering to demand change from world leaders.
纽约联合国大会他们的下一个目标,数百名来自不同国家的年轻人集会,要求各国领导进行改革。ProjectSyndicate ProjectSyndicate
The Committee urges the State party to take all preventive measures to stop illegal armed groups from recruiting children in schools, including improved protection schemes for teachers.
委员会敦促缔约国采取一切预防措施制止非法武装集团招募学童,包括改进保护都是的办法。UN-2 UN-2
And one morning I woke up and I said, "Daan, stop.
一天早上,我起床,說: 「該死,停下來ted2019 ted2019
We plead with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to stop its strange political mouthings, lies and fabrications about our situation
我们恳求国际货币基金组织停止其奇怪的政治空谈、谎言和有关我们的情况的捏造。MultiUn MultiUn
The Committee is particularly concerned that Mezon TV has ceased to broadcast, Osh TV now broadcasts in Kyrgyz, that a number of newspapers which used to publish in Uzbek has stopped, a situation which impedes the right of persons belonging to the Uzbek minority to disseminate and receive information in their language (arts. 5 and 7).
委员会特别关注Mezon电视台已经停止播放,奥什电视台现在采用吉尔吉斯语播放,若干采用乌兹别克语出版的报刊已经停止,这一状况阻碍了属于乌兹别克少数民族的人以他们的语言散发和接受信息的权利(第5和第7条)。UN-2 UN-2
Eritrea accepted both conditions, thus complying fully with the resolution, whereas Ethiopia refused to stop its offensive rejecting the first and most cardinal demand
厄立特里亚接受了这两项条件,完全遵守了决议的要求;而埃塞俄比亚则拒绝停止攻势,拒绝接受第一项,也是最重要的要求。MultiUn MultiUn
The Special Rapporteur has identified a number of legal provisions that do not fulfil the above-mentioned requirements, and recommended that the Government start a process of review and, at the same time, stop arrests and convictions under those legal provisions, namely, the State Protection Act (1975); the Emergency Provisions Act (1950); the Printers and Publishers Registration Act (1962); the Law Protecting the Peaceful and Systematic Transfer of State Responsibility and the Successful Performance of the Functions of the National Convention against Disturbance and Opposition (No. 5) (1996); the Law Relating to the Forming of Organizations (1988); the Television and Video Law (1985); the Motion Picture Law (1996); the Computer Science Development Law (1996); the Unlawful Association Law; the Electronic Communication Law; and sections 143, 145, 152, 505, 505 (b) and 295 (A) of the Penal Code.
特别报告员查明若干不符合上述要求的法律条款并建议缅甸政府开始审查进程,同时停止根据这些法律条款进行逮捕和定罪,它们包括:《国家保护法》(1975年);《紧急规定法》(1950年);《印刷商和出版商登记法》(1962年);《保护和平与系统地转移国家责任和成功履行国民大会职能以应对骚乱和对抗法》(第5号)(1996年);《成立组织法》(1988年);《电视和录像法》(1985年);《电影法》(1996年);《计算机科学发展法》(1996年);《非法结社法》;《电子通讯法》;以及《刑法典》第143节、第145节、第152节、第505节、第505(b)节和第295(A)节。UN-2 UN-2
In Puntland, in partnership with the Ministry of Women, Family and Social Affairs, and prominent religious leaders, UNFPA developed a prevention programme against gender-based violence, and established, in collaboration with Muslim Aid, a one-stop centre that provides a comprehensive set of services to survivors of gender-based violence.
在邦特兰,人口基金与妇女、家庭和社会事务部及著名宗教领袖合作,制定了一个防止性别暴力的方案,并与穆斯林援助协会合作创立了一个一式中心,为性别暴力行为的幸存者提供全面服务。UN-2 UN-2
Let's stop.
讓 我們 停下 來OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Urgent political action is required to stop that country, already ravaged by war, from spiralling further back into chaos
迫切需要采取政治行动,防止一已经保受战争蹂躏的国家陷入更大的混乱。MultiUn MultiUn
The Representative stressed the importance of resuming the registration of IDPs (stopped in February 2009) throughout Iraq – which will facilitate the urgently needed social assistance to the most vulnerable IDPs and also the identification and implementation of durable solutions for the different groups of IDPs.
代表强调在伊拉克全国恢复对境内流离失所者的登记工作(于2009年2月停止)非常重要,这将便于向最脆弱的境内流离失所者提供社会援助,并为不同的境内流离失所者群体找到和实施持久解决方法。UN-2 UN-2
He would work in service from seven in the morning until seven or eight at night, without stopping for a break.
他常常从早上七点钟开始传道直到晚上七八点,中间都不休息jw2019 jw2019
24:14) Others who formerly shared in the preaching work have stopped doing so.
马太福音24:14)还有一些人曾参与传道工作,现在却停止这样做。jw2019 jw2019
To achieve that goal, it is necessary that Palestinians decide unambiguously to renounce the toleration of blind violence and that Israel, in the same spirit, stop favouring the use of force
为了达到这个目标,巴勒斯坦人必须明确决定不再容忍盲目的暴力,本着同样精神,以色列必须停止赞成使用武力。MultiUn MultiUn
In the face of the continued brutal and bloody repression and the threatening statements made by the Libyan leadership, the Security Council has reiterated its demand for an immediate stop to the use of force against the civilian population.
面对利比亚领导人持续的残暴血腥镇压以及威胁性言论,安全理事会再次要求立即停止对平民大众使用武力的做法。UN-2 UN-2
When does the lying stop?
你 什么 时候 才 要 停止 说谎 ?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Stop by my folks'place for a late lunch?
晚些 到 我 父母 家 吃 午飯?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Never stop playing without saying goodbye.
从来 没有 停止 播放 不辞而别 。OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Despite a suspension of demolitions in Area C since July 2009, the Israeli authorities continued to serve stop-work and demolition orders to the residents.
尽管自2009年7月以来暂停在C区的拆除行动,以色列当局继续向居民下达建和拆除令。UN-2 UN-2
Nothing can stop it now.
任何 事 也 阻止不了OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Many children are unable to pay for schooling, or must stop schooling in order to help their families subsist; an estimated 400,000 children between 6 and 11 years do not attend school.
许多儿童无法支付学费,或者必须停止学业以协助家庭维持生计;据估计有400,000名6岁至11岁之间的儿童没有入学就读。UN-2 UN-2
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