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The pro-Brexit camp initially appeared to be holding two strong economic cards.
支持英国退出阵营最初似乎手握两张经济好牌ProjectSyndicate ProjectSyndicate
Chávez stated that such gestures comprise "a strong oil card to play on the geopolitical stage" and that "it is a card that we are going to play with toughness against the toughest country in the world, the United States."
查維茲稱委內瑞拉擁有「一張有力的石油以影響地理政治的舞台...」他宣稱「就是這一張使我們能與強的美國相抗衡」。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
The second reasons students flock to Cuba is the island's own health report card, relying on strong primary care.
学生们涌向古巴的第二个原因, 是这个岛屿上 依赖强大基础医疗护理的人们的健康水平。ted2019 ted2019
The idea behind this strategy is to play only few, very strong cards when you have more than 12 big blinds.
这个策略背后的思想是当你筹码多于12个盲时,仅游戏少数非常强的ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The UNICEF brand image is strong across the globe, and the UNICEF cards and products are perceived to be of top quality and marketed at a price level consistent with the organization's superior image
鉴于基金会在国际市场上的高尚形象,基金会的品牌形象硬,贺卡及产品质量出众,其价格符合儿童基金会的高尚形象。MultiUn MultiUn
The latter comprises a reduction of about $ # million due to the negative impact of a strong dollar on gross proceeds from cards and product sales, and about $ # million as a result of exchange rate losses and allowances for exchange rate fluctuations on outstanding receivables
后者包括由于美元贺卡和产品销售收益总额造成负面影响而减少的约 # 万美元,以及汇率损失和考虑到尚未收到的帐款的汇率波动而减少的约 # 万美元。MultiUn MultiUn
But a proactive, strong Europe capable of determining its own fate will not be in the cards for quite some time.
可是一个能够决定自己命运的积极、强大的欧洲却在未来一段时间内都不会浮出水面。ProjectSyndicate ProjectSyndicate
At all times though, unless you're playing very strong cards, try to stay out of the way of anyone who's got a much bigger stack of chips than you.
虽然在任何时候,除非你打的非常卡,尽量留任何人谁拥有比你更大的芯片堆栈的方式。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The fundamentals of the business are strong and, with the help of the new global cards and gifts strategy, selected breakthrough strategies have been laid down to fully exploit the potential of UNICEF cards and gifts globally
营销基本条件很好,而且通过借助新的贺卡礼品全球战略,已制订了一些突破性战略,以便能在全球充分挖掘儿童基金会贺卡和礼品的潜力。MultiUn MultiUn
The decrease was due primarily to the negative impact of the strong United States dollar and a drop in card sales volume caused by growing competition, slower than planned growth in sales channel expansion and the unfavourable economic climate in major markets
主要原因是美元坚造成负面影响,竞争更加激烈使贺卡销售额下降,销售渠道扩展进展速度低于计划,而且主要市场经济气候不佳。MultiUn MultiUn
The decrease was due primarily to the negative impact of the strong United States dollar and a drop in card sales volume caused by growing competition, slower than planned growth in sales channel expansion and the unfavourable economic climate in major markets.
主要原因是美元坚造成负面影响,竞争更加激烈使贺卡销售额下降,销售渠道扩展进展速度低于计划,而且主要市场经济气候不佳。UN-2 UN-2
Always identify yourself as a journalist, either through a press card or another form of identification, unless you have strong reason to believe that this could put you in greater danger;
始终表明自己的记者身份,无论是使用记者证还是其他形式的身份证件,除非你有确实的理由相信这样做可能使你陷入更大的危险;UN-2 UN-2
A number of attacks on hardware random number generators are possible, including trying to capture radio-frequency emissions from the computer (obtaining hard drive interrupt times from motor noise, for example), or trying to feed controlled signals into a supposedly random source (such as turning off the lights in a lava lamp or feeding a strong, known signal into a sound card).
许多针对硬件随机数生成器的攻击都是有可能的,包括尝试捕获计算机的射频发射(例如从电机噪音中推断硬盘中断时间),或者尝试将受控的信号反馈到假定的随机源当中(比如关闭熔岩灯中的灯光或是将已知的强信号反馈到声卡)。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
On both occasions, there was strong evidence of incitement by sheikhs within the camps, whose manipulation of the ration-card system is threatened by the registration process
明显证据表明,在这两次事件中,酋长们都在各营地进行了煽动,因为登记工作威胁到他们对口粮卡的操纵MultiUn MultiUn
Do you have strong enough cards to invest chips or money, or should you throw away your cards?
你有足够强投入筹码或钱吗? 还是直接放弃手里的牌?ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Don't get mislead by these relatively strong looking cards.
不要被这些看似比较所误导。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Despite growth in local currency fund-raising income in many major markets, the overall decrease results from the continued weakness of card and product sales and the negative impact of the strong United States dollar
尽管在许多主要市场上以当地货币计算的筹资收入有所增长,但由于贺卡和产品的销售情况持续疲软,以及美元坚挺所造成的不利影响,使经费筹措收入总数下降。MultiUn MultiUn
Customers have a strong chance of successfully disputing such transactions, especially in situations where they pay with a credit card and where Verified by Visa or Securecode is not involved.
客戶有很大的機會成功地對此類交易提出爭議, 特別是在信用卡付款過程,沒有經過 Visa 的 Verified by Visa 或萬事達卡的 Securecode 驗證時。WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Nintendo of America sought to keep its strong base of fans; anyone who purchased a game and sent in a warranty card became a member of the Fun Club, whose members got a four-, eight- and eventually 32-page newsletter.
任天堂北美为保持强劲的爱好者群,任何寄回授权的游戏购买者都会成为爱好者俱乐部会员,享受4页、8页、甚至32页的业务通讯。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
You shouldn't just sit there and hope to be dealt the likes of A-A or K-K before playing, but making sure that you're entering pots with strong cards, which have a great chance of either holding up on their own or improving into a powerful hand, is a good habit to get into and offers you the best chance to become a winner in the long run.
你不应该只是坐在那里,并希望要处理前打AA或KK喜欢,但确保您输入盆具有很强的,其中有一个很大的机会,无论是自己或改进成有力的手,是进入一个良好的习惯,并为您提供最好的机会,从长远来看,成为赢家。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
For consumers, the best defense is to pay close attention to credit card statements, maintain strong passwords and pray that companies do a far better job protecting their personal information.
对消费者来说,最好的防卫措施就是密切关注你的信用卡对账单,设立强密码,并祈祷那些公司能更好地保护他们的个人信息。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The Nigeria MDG Report Card shows that the current policy environment or the President Yar’adua’s focused areas of the 7 point Agenda reveals the strong political will to sustain the implementation of pro-poor programmes aimed at reducing poverty and hunger by 2015; human capital development; development of physical infrastructure; improving governance, security and access to justice; promoting gender equality and socio-economic and political empowerment of women; improving maternal health and ensuring environmental sustainability by 2015.
尼日利亚千年发展目标报告卡显示,目前的政策环境或亚拉杜瓦总统7点日程着重领域显示出了强大的政治意愿,以支持执行旨在到2015年减少贫困和饥饿的扶贫方案;人力资本发展; 发展物质基础设施;改善治理,安全和诉诸司法权;促进两性平等及提高妇女的经济和政治地位;到2015年改善孕产妇健康并确保环境可持续性。UN-2 UN-2
Your card details are always secure using strong encryption and you can always log in to your personal account to delete, edit or add certain credit card details.
您的信用卡资料将保存在严格的加密环境中,您也可以随时登入账户删除、修改或添加特定的信用卡资料ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
While he was at a loss, Carton said, resuming his former air of contemplating cards: `And indeed, now I think again, I have a strong impression that I have another good card here, not yet enumerated.
他正在不知所措,卡尔顿又恢复了刚才玩牌的神气 : " 我现在又想了想,的确,这几我还有张好牌没报 — — 这也给了我很深的印象。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Piotec is a leading smart card personalization machine manufacturer who owns a strong R & D team in China.
派尔泰科是中国国内首屈一指智能卡个人化设备制造厂商,拥有强大的研发团队。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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