to be in vogue oor Sjinees

to be in vogue

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In contrast, reductions of budgets for social, educational or health programmes would appear to be in vogue
相反地,社会、教育和卫生方案大多都在减少MultiUn MultiUn
ALTHOUGH times have changed, this particular philosophy still appears to be in vogue.
时代虽然已经改变,这种想法看来依然流行jw2019 jw2019
Another way false religion has sabotaged the conscience of many is by pandering to whatever morality, or lack thereof, that happens to be in vogue.
错误的宗教还在其他方面败坏人的良心。 为了逢迎大众,他们接纳各种流行的道德标准,甚至宽容一些完全不符道德的事jw2019 jw2019
Although it may be in vogue to wear designer shorts, tops, and sneakers, you will find that some less expensive garments are equally serviceable.
虽然目前正流行穿着一些名牌短裤、外套和运动鞋等,但你会发觉有些较便宜的衣物也可以达到同样的目的。jw2019 jw2019
In such a context, harm to human beings is treated simply as “collateral damage”, to borrow another euphemism that has come into vogue in the wake of recent global developments
为此,借用全球事态发展中时髦说法,人受到危害只是被看作是“连带损害”。MultiUn MultiUn
In fact, there are indicators that less tolerant approaches, sometimes described as paramilitary policing, may be coming back into vogue, particularly in respect of, but not confined to, transnational anti-globalization protests.
事实上,有迹象表明,不那么容忍的办法,即有时称为准军事的治安管控活动,可能变得流行起来,尤其是在跨国反全球化抗议,但并不局限于此。UN-2 UN-2
Indeed, the poverty eradication rhetoric now in vogue at the MLIs needs to be matched by critical assessments of whether the macroeconomic policy measures that continue to be applied are compatible with the goals of poverty eradication
实际上,目前在多边机构流行的消除贫困的言壮语应该与审查评估结合起来,看看继续实行的宏观经济政策措施是否符合消除贫困的目标。MultiUn MultiUn
Indeed, the poverty eradication rhetoric now in vogue at the MLIs needs to be matched by critical assessments of whether the macroeconomic policy measures that continue to be applied are compatible with the goals of poverty eradication.
实际上,目前在多边机构流行的消除贫困的言壮语应该与审查评估结合起来,看看继续实行的宏观经济政策措施是否符合消除贫困的目标。UN-2 UN-2
Whether out of a concern for modernity or because it allowed itself to be carried away by the vogue for human rights, the Sovereign National Conference which met in # produced a Constitution which protects all human rights and contains all the elements of the rule of law
也许是为了跟上时代的步伐,或者是为了赶人权的时髦 # 最高全国议会举行会议,通过了一部维护所有人权和载有所有法制内容的宪法。MultiUn MultiUn
Whether out of a concern for modernity or because it allowed itself to be carried away by the vogue for human rights, the Sovereign National Conference which met in 1993 produced a Constitution which protects all human rights and contains all the elements of the rule of law.
也许是为了跟上时代的步伐,或者是为了赶人权的时髦,1993年最高全国议会举行会议,通过了一部维护所有人权和载有所有法制内容的宪法。UN-2 UN-2
I want to be the owner of an amateur SLR you are late by 10 years of SLR is not in vogue.
我想成为一名业余单反 你迟到了10年单反的所有者不是流行。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
To accept and practice the standard of living which is in vogue is both agreeable and expedient, commonly to the point of being indispensable to personal comfort and to success in life. The standard of living of any class, so far as concerns the element of conspicuous waste, is commonly as high as the earning capacity of the class will permit -- with a constant tendency to go higher.
接受执行社会上通行的生活水准是既愉快又适宜的一件事,为了个人享受,为了生活舒畅,是非做到不可的。 任何阶级的生活水准,就明显浪费这一因素来说,一般总是高到尽其收益力所能及的程度的,不仅如此,它还一直倾向于进一步提高。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
As the group whose good esteem is to be secured in this way grows larger, more patent means are required to indicate the imputation of merit for the leisure performed, and to this end uniforms, badges, and liveries come into vogue.
后来这种方式下博取荣誉的人群日渐扩大,这就需要用更加明显的手段表明,通过有闲的执行而取得的成效是归之于何人的,于是制服、徽章等等逐渐风行起来ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
This custom is in vogue in all Anglo-Saxon countries and for kids who attend high school in Usa or Uk is one of the most important events of the year and the girls want to be at their best for this magical evening with gorgeous clothes and hairdoing them Look gorgeous.
这个习俗所有盎格鲁撒克逊人的国家是流行的,对于美国或英国高中毕业的孩子来说,这是今年最重要的事件之一,女孩们希望在这个神奇的夜晚与华丽的衣服和发型成为最好的他们看起来很华丽。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Finally Heath writes in : The practical utility of Heron's manuals being so great, it was natural that they should have great vogue, and equally natural that the most popular of them at any rate should be re-edited, altered and added to by later writers; this was inevitable with books which, like the "Elements" of Euclid , were in regular use in Greek, Byzantine, Roman, and Arabian education for centuries.
实际效用的苍鹭的手册如此之大,这是很自然,他们应该有很大的流行,同样自然,最受欢迎的人无论如何应该重新编辑,修改和增加的后作家,这是不可避免的书籍,如"要素"的 欧几里得,经常使用希腊,拜占庭,罗马和阿拉伯教育的世纪。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
This new schedule of proprieties is intruded into the lower-class scheme of life from the code elaborated by an element of the population whose life lies outside the industrial process; and this intrusive schedule can scarcely be expected to fit the exigencies of life for these lower classes more adequately than the schedule already in vogue among them, and especially not more adequately than the schedule which they are themselves working out under the stress of modern industrial life.
这个新的礼仪方案的来源是社会中一部分人所设计的礼法,这部分人的生活是处于工业操作范围以外的,但他们却要把这个方案硬塞进下层阶级的生活方式。 但这个中道插进来的方案,对这些下层阶级说来,决不会比它们原来已经在流行的那一套方案更加适应生活要求;而且它们原有的那一套方案有些还是在现代工业生活的压力下由它们自己构成的,新插进来的方案在适应程度上休想比得过这类方案。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
His English agent announced the sale of German translation rights in three of his books, and informed him that Swedish editions, from which he could expect nothing because Sweden was not a party to the Berne Convention, were already on the market. Then there was a nominal request for his permission for a Russian translation, that country being likewise outside the Berne Convention.He turned to the huge bundle of clippings which had come in from his press bureau, and read about himself and his vogue, which had become a furore.
他的英国代理人通知他,有三本书的德文翻译权已经卖出;又通知他他的作品已有瑞典译本问市,只是得不到稿酬,因为瑞典没有参加伯尔尼版权公约。 还有一份名义上申请批准俄文译本的信,那个国家也同样没有参加伯尔尼公约 他又转向一大捆由各编辑部寄来剪报。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The presumption, therefore, is that the farther the community, especially the wealthy classes of the community, develop in wealth and mobility and in the range of their human contact, the more imperatively will the law of conspicuous waste assert itself in matters of dress, the more will the sense of beauty tend to fall into abeyance or be overborne by the canon of pecuniary reputability, the more rapidly will fashions shift and change, and the more grotesque and intolerable will be the varying styles that successively come into vogue.
由此我们可以推定,社会,尤其是社会中的富有阶级,在富裕流动性方面、在人类相互接触的范围方面向前发展,明显浪费定律在服装上的势力将越巩固,审美观念则将更加陷于停滞状态,更加受到金钱荣誉准则的抑制,这时时装将变换得更快,而一个接着一个出现的新样也将越来越变得光怪陆离,越来越使人难以忍受。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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