to earn a living oor Sjinees

to earn a living

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to strive to earn a living
謀食 · 谋食


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One has to earn a living, you know.
你 要 知道, 一個 人 總得 謀生 的.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Nevertheless, his collision kept him out of work and reduced his ability to earn a living.
尽管如此,由于这次碰撞,他无法再工作,削弱了他谋生的能力。WHO WHO
In Ghana the struggle to earn a living leaves many people with little time to consider spiritual matters.
在加纳,人们都忙着挣钱养家,没有时间思考属灵的事。jw2019 jw2019
Struggling to earn a living
童工为生计劳劳碌碌、奔波不停jw2019 jw2019
In other areas Christian husbands have left their families to earn a living in the mines or elsewhere.
在别的地方,基督徒丈夫为了谋生而离开家人,在矿场或其他地方工作。jw2019 jw2019
Other families are forced to spend most of their time on the streets to earn a living.
方济会国际说,在工业免税区内女性常被迫献出贞操才被雇用。UN-2 UN-2
As a result, their ability to earn a living has been devastated.
因此,他们的谋生能力受到严重破坏。UN-2 UN-2
Ask yourself, ‘How do I plan to earn a living?’
问问自己:“打算怎样维生?”jw2019 jw2019
In order to earn a living, I enrolled in a masonry course.
为了维持生计,我修读了一个砖石建筑课程。jw2019 jw2019
- addressing land tenure and other problems related to earning a living from agriculture
- 处理土地保有权以及与靠农业生有关的其他问题UN-2 UN-2
In order to earn a living, his mother and aunt opened a boarding house.
为了谋生,他的母亲和阿姨开了一间家庭旅馆。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
Ex-combatants must be able to earn a living by legitimate means
前战斗人员必须能够以合法手段谋生MultiUn MultiUn
Men are unwilling to attend because they are busy working to earn a living.
男子忙于工作赚钱,不愿意参加。UN-2 UN-2
HOW much education is necessary to earn a living?
人要接受多少教育才能谋生呢? 答案因国家而异。jw2019 jw2019
The commune needs money, but not because we need to earn a living.
為 了 公 社 ,我 們 需 要 資 金 ,但 絕 不 必 為 了 賺 取 生 活 而 工 作Literature Literature
Tymoly also learned to sew in order to earn a living, and she makes her own modest attire.
后来她学会缝纫,靠这门手艺生;那些端庄得体的衣服都是自己缝制的。jw2019 jw2019
I was just trying to earn a living.
She needs to earn a living, and she's kind of stuck in the office.
Archie Panjabi 饰 Kalinda Sharma 办公室 的 纠葛 也 让 她 力不从心OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It may also help them to earn a living in a community where many find that difficult.”
此外,虽然在当地谋生并不容易,这些技能却有助弟兄维持生计。”jw2019 jw2019
Her mother, who had left to earn a living in China, could not maintain contact with her daughter.
And all those absurd things he'd had to sell to earn a living.
还有 那些 他 为了 生存 而变 卖掉 荒唐 事物OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
As a result, they find it very difficult to earn a living.
结果就是很多女性生活困顿。 根据2012年10月26日的一份报告。UN-2 UN-2
I have to earn a living, though.
我必须工作,才能谋生LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
Just imagine again how much talent we're wasting, simply because we tell our kids they'll have to "earn a living."
让我们想象一下我们浪费了多少天分, 仅仅因为我们告诉我们的孩子们他们不得不为了生存而工作。ted2019 ted2019
· Lack of labor force makes boys and girls leave schools in order to help their parents to earn a living.
· 缺乏劳动力令男孩和女孩不得不离开学校,帮助父母谋生计。UN-2 UN-2
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