to feign oor Sjinees

to feign

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The perpetrator made such use in order to feign an intention to negotiate when there was no such intention on the part of the perpetrator

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to feign ignorance
装洋蒜 · 裝洋蒜
She responded to his remarks with feigned amusement. 她假裝對他的話感興趣
假裝(某種感情),裝作 feign
to feign illness
装病 · 裝病 · 詐病 · 诈病
to feign death
詐死 · 诈死
to feign madness
装疯卖傻 · 裝瘋賣傻


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In 1909 Kamo was extradited to a Russian prison, where he continued to feign insanity.
” 1909年卡莫被引渡到俄罗斯的监狱,他在那里继续假装精神失常。WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Allied soldiers believed that Japanese soldiers were inclined to feign surrender in order to make surprise attacks.
军人被告知,日本士兵倾向于假装投降,以便发动突然袭击。WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
When Deanie's friends from high school come over, her mother gets them to agree to feign ignorance on Bud's whereabouts.
当迪妮高中时的朋友们过来时,她的妈妈让他们同意假装不知道巴德的下落。WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
If enemies appear, the adult birds have the built-in ability to feign either death or injury to lure the foe away from the nest.
在仇敌出现时,成年的鸵鸟有天生的伪装能力,装成死去或受伤以骗倒仇敌离开他们的巢穴。jw2019 jw2019
The perpetrator made such use in order to feign an intention to negotiate when there was no such intention on the part of the perpetrator
犯罪行为人使用休战旗以假装有意谈判,而实际并无此意。MultiUn MultiUn
The accused made such use in order to feign an intention to negotiate when there was no such intention on the part of the accused
被告人使用休战旗是为了假装有意谈判,而实际并无此意。MultiUn MultiUn
For example, homeowners signed cash-back contracts with builders to feign a higher home value and receive bigger loans, and brokers’ fees were added to mortgages and the reported values of homes.
例如,房主和开发商签订一个比房价的虚假合同,以获取更高的按揭贷款,中介费也算入按揭贷款和列明的房价中。ProjectSyndicate ProjectSyndicate
Exposure to coercion in this inner nucleus, for example, by being forced to conceal one’s true position or conviction or to feign a belief that is not authentic, can mean betraying oneself.
如果这种内在核心受到胁迫,例如被迫隐藏自己的真实立场或信念或是假装持有一种不真实的信仰,便意味着背叛自己。UN-2 UN-2
After Kamo was arrested in Berlin and awaiting trial, he received a note from Krasin through his lawyer Oscar Kohn telling him to feign insanity so that he would be declared unfit to stand trial.
卡莫在柏林被捕后候审时,他的律师科恩·奥斯卡递给他一张字条,让他假装精神失常,就会被宣布不适合接受审判。WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
When he was compelled to feign insanity in front of King Achish of Gath, he composed a song, a very beautiful psalm, which included these expressions of faith: “O magnify Jehovah with me, you people, and let us exalt his name together.
当时他不得不在迦特王亚面前装疯卖傻,后来却作了一首优美动人的诗篇,表达对上帝的信心:“你们要跟我同尊耶和华为大,我们要一起尊崇他的名。jw2019 jw2019
Bah by CC feigns to be naive :
Bah by CC故作天真地说道:gv2019 gv2019
He was charged with contempt of court for feigning illness to avoid an earlier appearance.
他因假裝生病避開早期的出庭被指控藐視法庭。WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Some brave parents cleverly feign injury to distract a predator from approaching their chicks.
有的鸟儿胆子大,还会聪明地假装受伤,叫攻击者分心,不再对雏鸟步步进逼。jw2019 jw2019
And how you won.. feigning surrender only to betray her.
以及 如何 赢得... 假装 只有 投降 背叛 她 。OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
12 Those intruders were also “indulging in dreams,” perhaps because they sought to uphold their views with feigned prophetic dreams.
12 这些混进组织里的人也喜欢“作梦”,也许他们试图以假冒的预言性的去支持自己的主张。(jw2019 jw2019
The prevailing stalemate, despite Eritrea's protestation to the contrary and its feigned indignation, is its own creation, not that of Ethiopia
尽管厄立特里亚作出相反断言并佯作愤怒,目前的僵局是其本身而不是埃塞俄比亚的产物。MultiUn MultiUn
The prevailing stalemate, despite Eritrea’s protestation to the contrary and its feigned indignation, is its own creation, not that of Ethiopia.
尽管厄立特里亚作出相反断言并佯作愤怒,目前的僵局是其本身而不是埃塞俄比亚的产物。UN-2 UN-2
While the interest of many inmates is sincere, experience has shown that some feign interest, seeking to take selfish advantage of God’s people.
诚然,有些囚犯是真心想学习真理的。 可是,有些事例表明,有的囚犯却别有用心,假装对真理感兴趣,其实只是想利用上帝的子民。jw2019 jw2019
He followed David’s suggestion that he go back into the city, feign loyalty to Absalom, endeavor to frustrate Ahithophel’s counsel, and keep David informed through the priests Zadok and Abiathar.
之后,户筛接受大卫的建议返回耶路撒冷,假装效忠押沙龙,其实是要破坏亚希多弗的计策,同时通过祭司撒督和亚比亚他,让大卫知道事态的发展。(jw2019 jw2019
After all of these tests, the chief doctor of the Berlin asylum wrote in June 1909 that "there is no foundation to the belief that is feigning insanity.
经过所有的这些测试,柏林避难所的主治医生1909年6月写道“卡没有装疯卖傻的信仰基础,毫无疑问他就是精神病患者,不适合审判或者服刑。WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
These countries’ authorities are now trying to shield their banks from losses by feigning neighborly concern for the Irish government.
这三个国家如今装作一方有难八方支援的样子,其实是为了保证本国银行不受损失。ProjectSyndicate ProjectSyndicate
Although the Danish authorities wanted to press charges for his SS involvement, he feigned heart trouble and escaped.
尽管丹麦当局想要对其参与党卫队的行为提出指控,他假装患有心脏病并逃跑了。WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He marched from the Cotswolds, feigned an offensive to relieve the besieged Windsor Castle, and attacked eastwards around London to Cambridge to separate the rebel-held areas of Lincolnshire and East Anglia.
他从科茨沃尔德出发,假装解救温莎城堡,向东攻打伦敦周边直至剑桥以分割林肯郡和东盎格利亚的叛军。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
According to prison regulations in Burundi, prisoners are authorized to make regular hospital visits, but the authorization may be refused where a detainee is suspected of feigning illness in order to attempt to escape, especially if he has been accused of a serious offence.
根据布隆迪的监狱管理制度,可以批准犯人定期去医院看病,但如果被拘留者涉嫌装病以企图逃跑,则可拒绝批准,特别是在被拘留者被指控犯有严重罪行的情况下。UN-2 UN-2
She then veered to the side of it with one of her wings sagging, feigning injury.
然后它转向一边,垂下一翼以假装受伤。jw2019 jw2019
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