to feign ignorance oor Sjinees

to feign ignorance

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When Deanie's friends from high school come over, her mother gets them to agree to feign ignorance on Bud's whereabouts.
当迪妮高中时的朋友们过来时,她的妈妈让他们同意假装不知道巴德的下落。WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
When Ashley's drunken mother phones, demanding to know where her son is, Uncle David feigns ignorance, telling her that he himself is not in Sheppey but in Manchester.
阿什利酗酒成性的母亲打来电话,要求大卫老实交待她儿子下落,大卫谎称自己毫不知情,还表示自己正在曼彻斯特而非谢佩岛。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
Of course I had a very shrewd idea as to the reason, but it was my cue to feign ignorance, and I did so.
硕的腐尸终于从山下爬了上来,行动不算太快,却如同一堵堵死亡之向人们逼ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
In a FRONTLINE segment, four students from Peking University are seemingly unable to identify the context of the infamous Tank Man photo from the 1989 unrest sparked by Peking University students, though possibly, the students were feigning ignorance so as not to upset the party official who was monitoring the interview with clipboard in hand.
在《FRONTLINE(英语:Frontline (U.S. TV series))》的片段里,四位来自北京大学的学生看起来认不出来自1989年由北京大学学生发起的运动的坦克人照片的内容,尽管可以认出,但这些学生还是假装不知道这件事,就像没去冒犯手里拿着剪贴板监视面试的党的干部。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
The continued feigned ignorance of Israel’s crimes on the part of its apologists within the United Nations encouraged it to continue on its unlawful course.
以色列的辩护者在联合国对以色列罪行佯装不知,鼓励它继续走违法道路。UN-2 UN-2
The Armenian side feigns ignorance of the fact that its responsibility for the brutal killings during one night from 25 to 26 February 1992 of 613 residents of Khojaly is recognized and documented by numerous independent sources, eyewitnesses of the tragedy, as well as admitted by Armenia’s high-ranking officials and public sources.
亚美尼亚方面假装不知道它应当对1992年2月25日至26日夜间残杀613名Khojaly镇居民的责任。 而这一事实得到许多独立来源和该悲剧目击者的承认和记录,并得到亚美尼亚高级官员和公共来源的承认。UN-2 UN-2
It is hard to tell whether his utterance was prompted by his ignorance of the reason why the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is boosting its nuclear deterrence or whether he was making a far-fetched assertion, and merely feigning ignorance.
很难判定,他之所以发表这样的讲话,是因为他不懂得为何朝鲜民主主义人民共和国要力挺本国核威慑力的原因,还是一派胡言乱,甚至根本就在装傻。UN-2 UN-2
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