to feminize oor Sjinees

to feminize

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Anti-feminism is opposition to feminism in some or all of its forms.
反女权主义是反对女权主义的一部分或全部形式。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
Many transgender feminists, however, view themselves as contributing to feminism by questioning and subverting gender norms.
然而,许多跨性別女性主義者认为自己進行质疑和颠覆性别规范而对女性主义做出贡献。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
Many scholars consider the men's rights movement a backlash or countermovement to feminism.
一些学者认为男权运动被认为女权主义反向运动和冲击。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
Different groups of people have responded to feminism, and both men and women have been among its supporters and critics.
不同群体的人对女权主义做出了反应,其支持者和反对者中都既有男性又有女性。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
Since the 19th century, men have, taken part in significant cultural and political responses to feminism within each "wave" of the movement.
男性已顯著的在文化和政治上參與一部分回應於女權運動的每一個“波”的運動。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
Just a few years ago in my country, this idea was an idea that was known and defended only by men and women committed to feminism.
仅几年前,在我国,这一主张只是献身于女权运动的男人与妇女所知道和捍卫主张。UN-2 UN-2
Just a few years ago in my country, this idea was an idea that was known and defended only by men and women committed to feminism
仅几年前,在我国,这一主张只是献身于女权运动的男人与妇女所知道和捍卫主张。MultiUn MultiUn
There is a growing consensus that a response to the feminization of the epidemic needs to include
另一个很少受到注意的重要问题是,感染滋病毒/滋病的妇女的权利被忽视或遭到侵犯,在性和生殖权利方面尤其如此。MultiUn MultiUn
There is a growing consensus that a response to the feminization of the epidemic needs to include:
人们日益达成这样的共识,解决艾滋病女性化这个问题的方法必须包括:UN-2 UN-2
Barry Kuhle asserts that equity feminism is compatible with evolutionary psychology, in contrast to gender feminism.
Barry Kuhle則認為,不同於性別女性主義(英语:gender feminism),平等女性主义相容於演化心理学。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
As a part of their policy, AKP members have joined and tried to influence several voluntary organisations in socialist direction, particularly those related to "feminism", labor unions and anti-racism.
工人共产党政策,努力发展纳入党员,并试图在社会主义方向上影响几个志愿组织,特别是那些女权主义、工会和反种族主义的组织。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
They wrote "young Lisa Simpson has inspired a generation to wear their hearts on their sleeves and get educated, and involved, about global issues, from justice to feminism and the environment."
他们写道:“年轻的莉萨·辛普森鼓舞了一代人收到教育,参与到全球事务中,从男女平等主义到保护环境。WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In order to reverse feminization- and in order to effectively combat HIV/AIDS, we must address those underlying factors with strength and determination
为了扭转感染艾滋病毒/艾滋病的女性人数日增的趋势,为了有效防治艾滋病毒/艾滋病,我们必须有力而果断地处理这些根本问题。MultiUn MultiUn
In addition to feminizing the system of education, the Government believed it was important, particularly where customs were deeply rooted, to reassure families that there were benefits to be derived from keeping girls in school
除了使教育系统女性化之外,也门政府认为反复向各个家庭保证让女童留在学校中有好处是非常重要的,特别是在那些风俗习惯根深蒂固的地区。MultiUn MultiUn
In addition to feminizing the system of education, the Government believed it was important, particularly where customs were deeply rooted, to reassure families that there were benefits to be derived from keeping girls in school.
除了使教育系统女性化之外,也门政府认为反复向各个家庭保证让女童留在学校中有好处是非常重要的,特别是在那些风俗习惯根深蒂固的地区。UN-2 UN-2
Two of the key constituencies that UNIFEM focuses on in regard to feminized poverty are statistics users and producers, and the national and local governmental organizations that influence the options and choices of migrant women
关于贫穷女性化问题,妇法基金注视的两种重要支持者是:统计数字使用者和制作者;以及影响移徙妇女的抉择和选择的国家和地方政府组织。MultiUn MultiUn
Two of the key constituencies that UNIFEM focuses on in regard to feminized poverty are statistics users and producers, and the national and local governmental organizations that influence the options and choices of migrant women.
关于贫穷女性化问题,妇法基金注视的两种重要支持者是:统计数字使用者和制作者;以及影响移徙妇女的抉择和选择的国家和地方政府组织。UN-2 UN-2
In March 2005, echoing to the 10th Anniversary of BPFA, the HKFWC organized the “Women’s Political Exchange Forum 2005” with “Women and Poverty” as the theme to draw the society’s attention to feminization of poverty.
2005年3月,为纪念《北京行动纲要》十周年,协会组织了“2005妇女政治交流论坛”,该论坛的主题是“妇女和贫穷”,旨在引起社会对贫穷女性化”现象的关注。UN-2 UN-2
Leadership, commitment, capacity and accountability of mainstream institutions to address feminized poverty
主流机构探讨贫穷女性化问题的领导作用、承诺、能力和责任UN-2 UN-2
There is evidence that the living conditions of rural women have deteriorated, leading to increased feminization of poverty
有迹象表明,乡村妇女的生活条件恶化了,导致日益加剧的贫穷妇女MultiUn MultiUn
Gender inequity in employment, job security, salaries and access to education was contributing to the feminization of poverty
就业、工作保障、工资和教育机会上的男女不平等是造成贫穷妇女人数日增的原因。MultiUn MultiUn
Appropriate efforts were to be made to avoid “feminization of poverty” in Georgia.
必须作出适当努力避免格鲁吉亚出现“贫困女性化”。UN-2 UN-2
Another problem is the shortage of material and financial means, due increasingly to a feminization of poverty.
贫困的女性化造成越来越多的物质和财政资源方面的问题。UN-2 UN-2
Special social protection measures are required to address feminization of poverty, in particular among older women
必须采取特别的社会保护措施,解决贫穷妇女特别是老年贫穷妇女人数日增问题。MultiUn MultiUn
There is evidence that the living conditions of rural women have deteriorated, leading to increased feminization of poverty.
有迹象表明,乡村妇女的生活条件恶化了,导致日益加剧的贫穷妇女UN-2 UN-2
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