to prepare the soil (agriculture) oor Sjinees

to prepare the soil (agriculture)

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Farmers begin to prepare the soil for planting in late summer, right after the previous year’s harvest.
末秋,收割工作才刚刚结束,农夫即已着手准备种植辣椒土壤。jw2019 jw2019
One reason is that you will be approaching the material with a keen desire to learn, preparing the soil, as it were.
原因之一是,你会怀着热切的学习愿望去读资料,仿佛把泥土准备好一般。jw2019 jw2019
Unfaithful Jews needed to prepare, soften, and cleanse the soil of their hearts.
不忠的以色列人要在心里做好准备,洁净自己的内心,使内心不再刚硬。jw2019 jw2019
On the other hand, effective consultation with communities led to the quick replacement of hand tractors in Aceh to improve soil preparation and reclaim some of the lands affected by salt water.
另一方面,由于与亚齐各社区进行了有效协商,迅速更换了手扶拖拉改善土地的预整,开垦受盐水侵蚀的一些土地。UN-2 UN-2
On the other hand, effective consultation with communities led to the quick replacement of hand tractors in Aceh to improve soil preparation and reclaim some of the lands affected by salt water
另一方面,由于与亚齐各社区进行了有效协商,迅速更换了手扶拖拉改善土地的预整,开垦受盐水侵蚀的一些土地。MultiUn MultiUn
The Hebrew word for potter (yoh·tserʹ) literally means “former” or “one forming” (Jer 18:4, ftn), while the Greek term (ke·ra·meusʹ) comes from a root meaning “mix,” perhaps referring to the need to mix water with the soil or clay to prepare it for use.
译做陶匠的希伯来语词(yoh·tserʹ约采)的字面意思是“塑造者”或“塑造的人”(耶18:4,Rbi8 脚注)。jw2019 jw2019
Just as the farmer first prepares the soil by using a plow before sowing seed, Ezra prayerfully prepared his heart to receive the word of God.
正如农夫在撒种前必先用犁翻松泥土,以斯拉在领受上帝的话语之前,也首先恳切祷告,准备好自己的内心。(jw2019 jw2019
It's time to prepare the soil for planting
它的时间准备的土壤种植ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
This will involve the transport of the contaminated material to an HTTD facility; storage and mixing, blending, screening and grinding the material; feeding the prepared material to the HTTD system; heating the material to between # ° and # °C; and cooling the treated soil
这将涉及把污染物运输到高温热吸附处理设施;储存、混合、搅拌、筛选、粉碎材料;将准备好的材料送入高温热吸附处理系统;将材料加热到 # 度 # 度之间;将处理过的土壤冷却MultiUn MultiUn
The detailed assessment methodology will be defined in guidelines to be prepared in collaboration with the University of East Anglia, the Visual Soil Assessment group and WOCAT, and in consultation with ISRIC.
在与东安格利亚大学、土壤测评估小组和世界水土保持方法和技术概览方案协作、与国际土壤参考资料和信息中心协商拟定的准则中,将对详细的评估方法予以说明。UN-2 UN-2
The detailed assessment methodology will be defined in guidelines to be prepared in collaboration with the University of East Anglia, the Visual Soil Assessment group and WOCAT, and in consultation with ISRIC
在与东安格利亚大学、土壤测评估小组和世界水土保持方法和技术概览方案协作、与国际土壤参考资料和信息中心协商拟定的准则中,将对详细的评估方法予以说明。MultiUn MultiUn
The labour force employed in rural areas from the preparation of soil to harvesting comprises mostly women. Moreover, activities after harvesting such as storage, maintenance, sale and processing are almost entirely under women's responsibility
农村地区从耕种到收获雇用的劳动力主要是妇女,而且收获后的活动(例如:贮藏、保养、销售、加工等)几乎都是由妇女负责的。MultiUn MultiUn
At the global level, one of the speakers noted that the role of the UNCCD in the post-2015 development agenda must be proactive and prepared to design targets on land and soil under the overarching goals related to food, water and poverty.
在全球一级,一位发言者说,荒漠化公约》在2015年后发展议程中的作用必须具有前瞻性,并要准备在有关粮食、水和贫困的总体目标之下,设计有关土地土壤的具体目标。UN-2 UN-2
Anticipating that that will happen, Côte d'Ivoire is prepared to welcome on its soil a delegation of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
在这一前景下,科迪瓦随时欢迎联合国人权事务高级专员办事处派代表到科特迪瓦。MultiUn MultiUn
Anticipating that that will happen, Côte d’Ivoire is prepared to welcome on its soil a delegation of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights.
在这一前景下,科迪瓦随时欢迎联合国人权事务高级专员办事处派代表到科特迪瓦。UN-2 UN-2
This will involve the transport of the contaminated material to an HTTD facility; storage and mixing, blending, screening and grinding the material; feeding the prepared material to the HTTD system; heating the material to between 371° and 482°C; and cooling the treated soil.
这将涉及把污染物运输到高温热吸附处理设施;储存、混合、搅拌、筛选、粉碎材料;将准备好的材料送入高温热吸附处理系统;将材料加热371度至482度之间;将处理过的土壤冷却UN-2 UN-2
The very nature of true Arab solidarity impels us here today to reaffirm our unequivocal, unambiguous support for the sovereignty and unity of the people and the soil of Iraq, and to state that the Arab world is prepared to stand by the side of the Iraqi people in all circumstances and in is efforts to recover its independence and territorial integrity
阿拉伯精诚团结的天性促使我们今天在此重申我们对伊拉克人民的主权与领土完整表示支持,并声明阿拉伯世界在任何时候都会站在伊拉克人民一边,以努力争取恢复独立和领土完整。MultiUn MultiUn
By way of promoting the development and implementation of laws and policies to advance soil conservation, UNEP has initiated the preparation of a legislative guidance document on the protection, conservation, rehabilitation and sustainable management of soil, which will take the form of a legal drafters’ handbook, and has analysed land and soil‐related issues and the manner in which they are dealt with in international environmental agreements.
为促进制定和执行旨在推动保护土壤的法律和政策,环境署着手编写一份关于土壤保护、养护恢复肥力和可持续管理的立法指导文件,作为一本法律起草人手册,其中分析一些与土地和土壤有关的问题以及在国际环境协定中如何处理这些问题。UN-2 UN-2
By way of promoting the development and implementation of laws and policies to advance soil conservation, UNEP has initiated the preparation of a legislative guidance document on the protection, conservation, rehabilitation and sustainable management of soil, which will take the form of thea l Legal dDrafters's hHandbook, and has analysed land and/soil- related issues and the manner in which they are dealt with ir legal structuring in international environmental agreements
为促进制定和执行旨在推动保护土壤的法律和政策,环境署着手编写一份关于土壤保护、养护恢复肥力和可持续管理的立法指导文件,作为一本法律起草人手册,其中分析一些与土地和土壤有关的问题以及在国际环境协定中如何处理这些问题。MultiUn MultiUn
Volcanoes have played a major role in preparing the earth for human habitation, and they have done much to enrich the soil and moderate the climates.
火山在形成给人居住的土地方面担任重要角色,对于使土壤肥沃和气候温和也有不少贡献。jw2019 jw2019
Most important of all, to deal with the basic problem behind misuse of the soil, earth’s Creator has purposed to “bring to ruin those ruining the earth” and to preserve it as the eternal home he originally prepared for mankind. —Revelation 11:18; Isaiah 45:18.
最重要的,地球的创造者为了根除滥用泥土背后的症结,已经意要“败坏那些败坏世界之人”,保存大地作为他当初人类预备的永久家乡。——启示录11:18;以赛亚书45:18。jw2019 jw2019
Although the guidelines for preparing initial national communications contained in the annex to decision # did not require reporting of non # emissions from agricultural soils and land-use change and forestry, almost all of the initial national communications examined reported on methane ( # ) and nitrous oxide ( # ) emissions
虽然第 # 号决定附件所载初次国家信息通报编制指南没有要求报告农业土壤以及土地利用和林业的非 # 排放量,但所研究的几乎所有( # 份)初次国家信息通报都报告了甲烷( # )和一氧化二氮( # )的排放量。MultiUn MultiUn
Training in soil fertility was provided to # women # women farmers participated in two courses, nine field trips and eight demonstrations on the transfer of five technologies for conservation and management of microwatersheds # women farmers had access to soil laboratory analysis, rapid field diagnosis and field visits # women participated in the preparation of organic fertilizer; and # women participated in the processing of vegetables
名妇女接受了关于土壤肥力的培训;另有 # 名女性农民参加了关于转让五种小流域养护和管理技术的两次课程、九次实地考察和八次示范;有 # 名女性农民有机会了解土壤实验分析情况、获得快速实地调查结果以及进行实地考察;有 # 名妇女参加了有机肥料的制作过程;有 # 名妇女参加了蔬菜的加工。MultiUn MultiUn
FAO was actively involved in preparations for the World Summit on Sustainable Development, particularly by helping to prepare reports indicating progress at the global level but, more importantly, that over 1 billion people continued to be victims of food insecurity and poverty, and that land degradation, soil loss and desertification had not been reversed.
粮农组织积极参与可持续发展问题世界首脑会议的筹备工作,尤其通过协助起草各种报告,说明全球级所取得的进展,但尤为重要的是说明10亿多人继续得不到粮食保障,生活在贫困之中,而且土地退化水土流失和荒漠化的情况还没有逆转。UN-2 UN-2
Much hard work is involved in preparing the soil, sowing the seeds, and watering and nurturing the plants so that they can grow to maturity.
栽种的人必须悉心培植,土、撒种、灌溉,植物才能茁壮成长。jw2019 jw2019
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