to present tribute (to the emperor) oor Sjinees

to present tribute (to the emperor)

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Likely this was to present tribute and thereby to reassure Nebuchadnezzar of his continued loyalty as a vassal king.
当时随行还有西底家的宫总管西莱雅。 先知耶利米给了西莱雅一卷书,书上所写的都是耶和华对巴比伦的判决。(jw2019 jw2019
I should now like to pay sincere tribute to those present here who are living with HIV/AIDS
我现在要由衷赞赏在此出席会议的艾滋病毒/艾滋病患者。MultiUn MultiUn
Please permit me on this occasion to pay special tribute to all women diplomats present here
在此,请允许我特别向在座的各国女外交官致敬MultiUn MultiUn
Please permit me on this occasion to pay special tribute to all women diplomats present here.
在此,请允许我特别向在座的各国女外交官致敬UN-2 UN-2
Ehud and his men presented tribute to King Eglon
以笏和手下把贡物献给伊矶伦王jw2019 jw2019
The Group wished to take the present opportunity to pay tribute to the staff, to the former executive heads of UNIDO and to the current Director-General for their work on behalf of the Organization's objectives
国集团希望利用此次机会,对工发组织工作人员、前任行政首长以及现任总干事为实现工发组织目标进行的工作而向他们表示敬意。MultiUn MultiUn
The Secretary-General: It is with great sadness that I add my voice to those of all present in paying tribute to the late President of Zambia, Mr. Levy Patrick Mwanawasa
秘书长(以英语发言):我非常悲痛地在座各位一道,对已故的赞比亚总统利维·帕特里克·姆瓦那瓦萨先生表示哀悼。MultiUn MultiUn
We pay tribute to the present and former staff members of these organizations, including the former Executive Chairman of UNMOVIC, Dr.
库马洛先生(南非)(以英语发言):我们谨向国际原子能机构(原子能机构)、联合国监测、核查和视察委员会(监核视委)及其前身联合国特别委员会(特委会)表达南非政府的赞赏,赞赏他们所做的出色和非常敬业的工作,他们在工作中经常遇到看似难以逾越的障碍。UN-2 UN-2
I would also like to thank the Secretary-General for his exhaustive presentation and to pay tribute to him for his commitment to the service of strengthening the capacity of the AU to meet the challenges facing the African continent in the areas of maintaining peace and security.
我也感谢秘书长的详尽介绍和他致力于加强非盟能力以应对非洲大陆在维持和平与安全领域所面临的各种挑战的承诺。UN-2 UN-2
First of all, let me pay tribute to the extremely touching testimony presented to this hall by Ms.
首先,让我对雅克利娜·穆雷加特特女士向本大会堂发表的极为感人的证词表示赞扬。UN-2 UN-2
I would also like to pay tribute to the Secretary-General for the timely presentation of his report, in document # and Add # and # which my delegation found very useful
我还想对秘书长及时在文件 # 和Add # 和 # 中及时的提出他的报告表示敬意。 我国代表团认为这个报告是非常有用的。MultiUn MultiUn
We pay tribute to the present and former staff members of these organizations, including the former Executive Chairman of UNMOVIC, Dr. Hans Blix, who worked under extremely difficult conditions
我们这些组织原来和现在的工作人员表示敬意,其中包括前监核视委执行主席汉斯·布利克斯先生,他曾在极端艰难的条件下工作。MultiUn MultiUn
The unity reflected in the present Government of Lebanon is key to maintaining stability in the country in the present circumstances, and I pay tribute to the efforts of Prime Minister Salam and his colleagues in that regard.
本届黎巴嫩政府体现的团结精神是在目前形势下保持该国稳定的关键因素,我赞扬萨拉姆总理及其同事在此方面所作的努力。UN-2 UN-2
We wish to pay our tribute to those efforts. At present, the disposal of weapons and the drafting of the constitution have entered a critical stage and the various conditions for producing an autonomous government through elections are basically in place
当前,布武器收缴、制宪等重要任务均已进入了关键阶段,选举产生布自治政府的各项条件正逐步具备。MultiUn MultiUn
As yesterday we marked World Humanitarian Day, I would like to pay tribute to the United Nations teams and humanitarian personnel present in Pakistan and throughout the world.
昨天我们庆祝了“世界人道主义日”,因此,我要身处巴基斯坦和世界各地的各联合国工作团队和人道主义人员致以敬意。UN-2 UN-2
As this is his last presentation before the Council, I believe that I reflect the feelings of all those present in paying tribute to his work
由于这是他最后一次在安理会发言,我相信,我赞扬他的工作反映了在座各位感想MultiUn MultiUn
As this is his last presentation before the Council, I believe that I reflect the feelings of all those present in paying tribute to his work.
由于这是他最后一次在安理会发言,我相信,我赞扬他的工作反映了在座各位感想UN-2 UN-2
First of all, let me pay tribute to the extremely touching testimony presented to this hall by Ms. Jacqueline Muregatete
首先,让我对雅克利娜·穆雷加特特女士向本大会堂发表的极为感人的证词表示赞扬。MultiUn MultiUn
The present report pays tribute to the dedicated staff of the United Nations police and to the colleagues who have made the ultimate sacrifice while serving peace.
报告向联合国警察这些兢兢业业的工作人员向那些为和平事业献出生命的同事致敬。UN-2 UN-2
During the 66th Primetime Emmy Awards on August 25, 2014, close friend and fellow comedian Billy Crystal presented a tribute to Williams, referring to him as "the brightest star in our comedy galaxy".
」 2014年8月,第66屆艾美獎頒獎典禮,好友比利·克里斯托向羅賓致敬,並稱他是「喜劇銀河中最閃亮的一顆星」。WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I would like to take this opportunity to express my admiration for them and to offer my sincere and heartfelt tribute and acknowledgement to my colleagues, past and present.
我要借此机会,表达我对他们的赞叹钦佩,并向过去和现在同事由衷地表示我真诚的敬意认可。UN-2 UN-2
The Special Rapporteur would like to pay tribute to the victims of cyclone Nargis, present his condolences to the families at this tragic time and convey to the people of Myanmar a message of encouragement in the recovery phase of that natural disaster.
值此沉痛的时刻,特别报告员对飓风纳吉斯的罹难者表示哀悼,对罹难者家庭表示慰问,向处于自然灾害恢复阶段的缅甸人民转达鼓励之情。UN-2 UN-2
The Special Rapporteur would like to pay tribute to the victims of cyclone Nargis, present his condolences to the families at this tragic time and convey to the people of Myanmar a message of encouragement in the recovery phase of that natural disaster
值此沉痛的时刻,特别报告员对飓风纳吉斯的罹难者表示哀悼,对罹难者家庭表示慰问,向处于自然灾害恢复阶段的缅甸人民转达鼓励之情。MultiUn MultiUn
With Vietnamese imperialism on the rise, Lan Xang returned to its traditional political stance, trying to play both sides: agreeing to pay tribute to Vietnam, but also attacking the Vietnamese when opportunities presented.
隨著越南帝國主義的崛起,瀾滄恢復了傳統的政治立場,試圖發揮雙方的作用:同意越南進貢,而且在機會出現攻擊越南。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
I would like to take the opportunity presented by this address to the General Assembly to pay tribute to Mary Robinson, former President of Ireland, who has just completed her term as United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
我要利用本次大会发言提供的机会,向爱尔兰前总统玛利·滨逊致敬,她刚刚完成担任联合国人权事务高级专员任期。MultiUn MultiUn
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