to profane oor Sjinees

to profane

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Or they will go to profane all Russia and to torture and to kill more millions.
但 我们 必须 快点 干 否则 他们 将 玷污 整个 俄国 并 再 折磨 死 数百万 人 "OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Avoid resorting to profanity even when there is no one there to hear you.
即使没有人听见的场合,也要避免说粗秽语。jw2019 jw2019
(Isaiah 57:15) The Mosaic Law made it a capital offense to profane God’s name.
以赛亚书57:15)摩西律法规定,辱骂上帝圣名的人必须处死。(jw2019 jw2019
Then Mal 2 verse 11 adds that Israel’s treacherous course amounts to profaning “the holiness of Jehovah.”
然后,在玛拉基书2:11,玛拉基进一步指出,以色列人诡诈背信就等于亵渎耶和华的“圣洁标准”。 他们到底犯了什么大罪呢?jw2019 jw2019
Doctor, as a Christian gentleman, I am opposed to profanity.
医生 作为 一个 基督教徒 我 反对 讲 脏话OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Marcus: When a man resorts to profanities, it’s a sure sign of his inability to express himself.
当人满口粗言烂语时候 就表示他没有能力清楚的表达自己ted2019 ted2019
(Ezekiel 28:1-26) Surely, then, we should avoid sinful haughtiness that might cause us to profane Jehovah’s name. —Psalm 138:6; Proverbs 21:4.
以西结书28:1-26)因此,我们无疑应当避免养成邪恶的自大之心,因为这可以诱使我们亵渎耶和华的圣名。——诗篇138:6;箴言21:4。jw2019 jw2019
They claimed that he was a ringleader of “the sect of the Nazarenes” and that he tried to profane the temple. —Acts 24:1-6.
大祭司亚拿尼亚、犹太人的长老和帖土罗正式向腓力斯控告保罗,说他像瘟疫一样,在犹太人当中煽动叛乱,又声称他是“拿撒勒异端教派”的一个头目,曾经妄图亵渎圣殿。——使徒行传24:1-6。jw2019 jw2019
He also repeatedly subjected the UN’s expert on extrajudicial killings, Agnes Callamard, to profanity-laced ridicule for her repeated efforts to secure an official visit to the Philippines.
他也曾多次用粗俗语言嘲讽联合国法外杀戮问题专家卡拉马德(Agnes Callamard),只因她不停努力争取正式访问菲律宾。
Paul was later accused of being a “pestilent fellow and stirring up seditions among all the Jews throughout the inhabited earth” and of trying “to profane the temple.”
后来保罗被控‘如同瘟疫一般,鼓动普天下众犹太人生乱’,而且“连圣殿他也想要污秽”。(jw2019 jw2019
Such a person would have to be incapable of discerning the sense of frustration and humiliation gripping our people because of Israeli policies, including the attempt to profane our holy sites
这种人是无法体察我们人民由于以色列的政策、包括想要亵渎我们圣地的企图而产生的挫折和屈辱感的。MultiUn MultiUn
Such a person would have to be incapable of discerning the sense of frustration and humiliation gripping our people because of Israeli policies, including the attempt to profane our holy sites.
这种人是无法体察我们人民由于以色列的政策、包括想要亵渎我们圣地的企图而产生的挫折和屈辱感的。UN-2 UN-2
There has also been silence as to the profanation of the Jewish Holy Places
此外,对于亵渎犹太人圣地的行为,决议也保持沉默。MultiUn MultiUn
There has also been silence as to the profanation of the Jewish Holy Places.
此外,对于亵渎犹太人圣地的行为,决议也保持沉默。UN-2 UN-2
And two percent of you have a tendency to extreme profanity.
还有2%的人用了不雅的名称。ted2019 ted2019
Comments on the page range from the biblical to the profane.
页面上的评论雅俗皆有:globalvoices globalvoices
The United Arab Emirates has reiterated in all international circles the Arabic identity of Jerusalem and stressed the importance of resisting the Israeli attempts to profane its Islamic and Christian monuments and turn it into a Jewish city.
阿拉伯联合酋长国在所有国际场合重申耶路撒冷具有阿拉伯特征,强调必须抵制以色列企图亵渎伊斯兰教和基督教,并把它变为犹太城市的阴谋。UN-2 UN-2
Consequently, for his own sake God would have to act, not allowing his name to be profaned forever or his universal sovereignty to be unvindicated.
因此,为了自己的缘故,上帝会采取行动,不让自己的名永远受到亵渎以及他的宇宙统治权不获洗雪。(jw2019 jw2019
Happy is the mortal man that does this, and the son of mankind that lays hold of it, keeping the sabbath in order not to profane it, and keeping his hand in order not to do any kind of badness.’”
要守安息日,不可加以亵渎,也要慎防自己的手做出任何恶事。 凡做这些事,并且切实持守的,就有福了。’”(jw2019 jw2019
6 The Jews thought that this applied to the profanation of the temple by Antiochus IV about 200 years earlier.
6 当日的犹太人认为,安条克四世大约在二百年前玷污了圣殿,这样,但以理的预言就应验了。 可是耶稣的看法却不同。jw2019 jw2019
Some Hebrew-language scholars believe that this verse should read “began profanelyto call on God’s name or, “then profanation began.”
有些希伯来语学者认为,这节经文应当是,“人才开始以亵渎的方式”求告上帝的名,或“亵渎上帝的行为就开始了”。jw2019 jw2019
* Then, getting to the matter at hand, Tertullus referred to Paul as “a pestilent fellow and stirring up seditions among all the Jews throughout the inhabited earth and a spearhead of the sect of the Nazarenes, one who also tried to profane the temple and whom we seized.”
*然后,帖土罗进入正题,说:“[保罗]像瘟疫一样,在普天下的犹太人当中煽动叛乱,是拿撒勒异端教派的一个先锋,还妄图亵渎圣殿,所以我们把他抓起来。”jw2019 jw2019
Early Jewish tradition applied that part of Daniel’s prophecy to the profaning of Jehovah’s temple in Jerusalem by Antiochus IV in the second century B.C.E.
按照早期犹太传统解释,但以理的这个预言在公元前第二世纪应验,当时安提阿哥四世在耶路撒冷耶和华的殿宇里做了亵渎的事。jw2019 jw2019
And what – judging by everything from words such as “must” or “immediately” to slang or profanity, to “softeners” such as “if you don't mind” and “please,” and text written in ALL CAPS – is the tone?
同时通过从字里行间挑出类似“必须”或“从速”这样的词汇,某些俚语和粗口,还有类似“如果您不介意的话”或者“请”这样的婉转语,又或者是全部用大写字母强调的语句来判断对话的语气如何。ProjectSyndicate ProjectSyndicate
Some scholars say that men “began profanelyto call on Jehovah’s name.
有些学者说,那时人“开始不敬称呼耶和华的名。(jw2019 jw2019
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