to raise or hold up oor Sjinees

to raise or hold up

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Sexual harassment is “hushed up” by the victims in order to hold onto their jobs, win a promotion, or even in exchange for a favor, such as a pay raise.
当遭到性骚扰时,为了失去工作,或者想得到职务晋升的机会,甚至为了换取某种利益(增加工资),受害人往往忍气吞声、保持沉默。UN-2 UN-2
Sexual harassment is “hushed up” by the victims in order to hold onto their jobs, win a promotion, or even in exchange for a favor, such as a pay raise
当遭到性骚扰时,为了失去工作,或者想得到职务晋升的机会,甚至为了换取某种利益(增加工资),受害人往往忍气吞声、保持沉默。MultiUn MultiUn
As a follow-up to the workshop, participants held or are planning to hold national seminars on SEEA, bringing together different stakeholders to raise awareness and forge national implementation plans, drafts of which were prepared during the training workshop.
作为讲习班的后续行动,参与者已经举办或正在计划举办关于环经核算体系的国家研讨会,汇集不同利益攸关方,以提高认识,制定国家执行计划;培训讲习班期间拟订了执行计划草案。UN-2 UN-2
To intensify efforts to raise awareness of and to mobilize international and national public opinion concerning the harmful effects of female genital mutilation, inter alia, by holding national or regional symposiums or seminars followed up by actions, and by involving public opinion leaders, educators, families, religious leaders, chiefs, traditional leaders, medical and traditional practitioners, teachers, women’s health and family planning organizations, social workers, childcare agencies, relevant non-governmental organizations, the arts and the media in awareness-raising campaigns, in order to achieve the total elimination of those practices;
加紧努力,特别通过举行国家区域两级的专题讨论或研讨会采取后续行动并动员舆论领导者、教育工作者、各家各户、宗教领袖、长老、世袭酋长、医务工作者和传统疗法行医者、教师、妇女保健和计划生育组织、社会工作者、育儿机构、有关非政府组织、文艺界和媒体参与提高认识的运动,提高和动员国际国内公众舆论对切割女性生殖器官有害影响的认识,进而彻底消除这种做法;UN-2 UN-2
b) To intensify efforts to raise awareness of and to mobilize international and national public opinion concerning the harmful effects of female genital mutilation, inter alia, by holding national or regional symposiums or seminars followed up by actions, and by involving public opinion leaders, educators, families, religious leaders, chiefs, traditional leaders, medical and traditional practitioners, teachers, women's health and family planning organizations, social workers, childcare agencies, relevant non-governmental organizations, the arts and the media in awareness-raising campaigns, in order to achieve the total elimination of those practices
b) 加紧努力,特别通过举行国家区域两级的专题讨论或研讨会采取后续行动并动员舆论领导者、教育工作者、各家各户、宗教领袖、长老、世袭酋长、医务工作者和传统疗法行医者、教师、妇女保健和计划生育组织、社会工作者、育儿机构、有关非政府组织、文艺界和媒体参与提高认识的运动,提高和动员国际国内公众舆论对切割女性生殖器官有害影响的认识,进而彻底消除这种做法MultiUn MultiUn
In the domestic debate criticism has been raised of the police’s access to setting up so-called stop and search zones, where the police have access to search people in order to check whether someone holds or is carrying a weapon, even if there are no specific grounds for suspicion.
警方有权设置所谓的停下搜查区,在搜查区内即使没有任何具体怀疑的理由也有权搜查以查明某人是否持有或随身携有武器,国内辩论中对这种做法提出了批评。UN-2 UN-2
Article 143 A company shall not purchase its own shares, except for any of the following circumstances:(1) to decrease the registered capital of the company;(2) to merge with another company holding shares of this company; (3) to award the employees of this company with shares; or (4) It is requested by any shareholder to purchase his shares because this shareholder raises objections to the company's resolution on merger or split-up made at a session of the meeting of shareholders.
第一百四十三条 公司不得收购本公司股份。 但是,有下列情形之一的除外 : ( 一) 减少公司注册资本 ; ( 二) 持有本公司股份的其他公司合并 ; ( 三) 将股份奖励本公司职工 ; ( 四) 股东因对股东大会作出的公司合并、分立决议持异议,要求公司收购其股份的。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Article 143 A company shall not purchase its own shares, except for any of the following circumstances: (1) to decrease the registered capital of the company; (2) to merge with another company holding shares of this company; (3) to award the employees of this company with shares; or (4) It is requested by any shareholder to purchase his shares because this shareholder raises objections to the company's resolution on merger or split-up made at a session of the meeting of shareholders.
4、 Q:公司不得收购本公司股份,但是那些情形例外? A:1)减少公司注册资本;2)与持有本公司股份的其他公司合并;3)将股份奖励给本公司职工;4)股东因股东大会作出的公司合并、分立决议持异议,要求公司收购其股份的。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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