to regain the throne oor Sjinees

to regain the throne

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Following the restoration of the monarchy in 1660, King Charles II rewarded eight persons on March 24, 1663, for their faithful support of his efforts to regain the throne of England.
在1660年君主制恢复(英语:The Restoration)后,查理二世国王于1663年3月24日,因为“忠实地支持重新英格兰王位努力”奖励了8个人。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
Władysław tried to regain the tsar's throne himself, organizing a campaign in 1616.
斯瓦夫试图凭自身力量重夺沙皇皇位,在1616年发起攻势。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
He became an active supporter of his son Carlos' attempts to regain the Spanish throne in the Third Carlist War.
从此,他成为儿子卡洛斯试图在第三次卡洛斯战争中复夺西班牙王位积极支持者。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
Following the armistice of Stuhmsdorf, Władysław came to increasingly realize that his prospects for regaining the Swedish throne were dim.
签署斯图赫姆斯多尔和约后,瓦瓦夫越发意识到他夺取瑞典王位的前景渺茫。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
When Willem-Alexander became king on 30 April 2013, his aunt's sons lost their succession rights and will only regain them if she succeeds to the throne – in which case her children would assume appropriate places in the line of succession.
当威廉 - 亚历山大于2013年4月30日成为国王时,他的姨妈的儿子就失去了继承权,只有在姨妈继承王位后才会重新夺回继承权 - 在这种情况下,她的孩子将在继承权中占据适当的位置。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
Then on 22 January 1814 the same Assembly decided to concentrate the Executive Power in him as a Supreme Director for the United Provinces , and so he took that office for a one-year period. During his rule, Saavedra and Campana were exiled, Montevideo fell to the United Provinces but serious problems arose with José Gervasio Artigas and the Liga Federal on the Banda Oriental . Moreover, Ferdinand VII of Spain regained his throne in 1815.
不久于1814年1月22日,他们决定集中权力于他,任命他为阿根廷联合省的最高总监。 在他的短暂统治期间,萨维德拉(Saavedra)和坎帕纳(Campana)被流放。 1815年8月阿尔维亚尔(Alvear)的內訌,波萨达斯被判入狱,在以后的六年他住22个不同的监狱,1829年他开始写回忆录。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Ferdinand IV was restored as king; however, after only seven years Napoleon conquered the kingdom and installed Bonapartist kings, including his brother Joseph Bonaparte .[64] With the help of the Austrian Empire and its allies, the Bonapartists were defeated in the Neapolitan War , and Ferdinand IV once again regained the throne and the kingdom.[64] The Congress of Vienna in 1815 saw the kingdoms of Naples and Sicily combined to form the Two Sicilies ,[64] with Naples as the capital city. In 1839, Naples became the first city on the Italian peninsula to have a railway, with the construction of the Naples–Portici railway .[65]
由于奥地利帝国 及其盟友的帮助,斐迪南四世在那不勒斯战争中击败波拿巴家族,再一次恢复王国王位[32 ] 。 在1815年的维也纳会议 上,那不勒斯王国和西西里王国合并组成两西西里王国 [32 ] , 首都设在那不勒斯。 1839年,那不勒斯成为意大利半岛上第一个拥有铁路 的城市[33 ] , 王国各处设有许多工厂,使其成为一个非常重要的贸易中心[34 ] 。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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