to round up (a number to a convenient multiple) oor Sjinees

to round up (a number to a convenient multiple)

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to round up (fugitives)
to round up
延揽 · 延攬 · 綜括 · 综括
to round up and wipe out
聚歼 · 聚殲
Long picked up a great ball from Campbell and rounded the keeper to score.隆接坎貝爾一記妙傳,繞過守門員進球
球;球狀物 ball
to round up to the nearest integer
四捨五入 · 四舍五入


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Thus, he initiated a program toround up” and “civilize” them.
因此,他发起了一个计划,以便把原住民“聚拢起来,“开化”他们。jw2019 jw2019
Police vans patrolled white areas to round up blacks without passes.
警车会巡逻白人区,查捕没证的黑人。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
Total does not equal 100 owing to rounding up of percentages.
由于百分比四舍五入,共计数目不等于100。UN-2 UN-2
You want me to round up a couple of probies?
我 差 新丁過 去 嗎?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I manage to round up a coin every month.
我 每個 都 會存 一些 錢OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Total does not equal 100 owing to rounding up or down of percentages.
由于四舍五入,百分比加总不等于100。UN-2 UN-2
Took me a while to round up all the neighbor's security footage.
我花 了 一點 時間 才 湊齊 鄰居 的 安全 監控OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Total does not equal 100 owing to rounding up of percentages.
由于舍五入,百分比加总不等于100。UN-2 UN-2
They want to round up every Muslim and ship them out of the U.S.
他們 想要 集合 所有 穆斯林 把 他們 送 出美國OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In September 1967 a campaign to round up all of Jehovah’s Witnesses swept across the country.
1967年9,政府计划地搜捕全国的耶和华见证人。jw2019 jw2019
It'd be easier to round up mutants by the truckload.
或许 该 变种 人 都 捕 装车OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The village priest then gathered a mob about 200 strong to round up all of us.
接着,村内的教士纠集了200个暴民,要把我们重重围住。jw2019 jw2019
Issue an order to round up all unaccompanied apes.
發 佈 一條 命令 圍捕 所有 無人 看管 的 猩猩OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Israeli occupying forces have also continued to round up Palestinian males in the two Palestinian cities and the refugee camps.
以色列占领军将巴勒斯坦男子围困在这两座巴勒斯坦城市和难民营内。UN-2 UN-2
Israeli occupying forces have also continued to round up Palestinian males in the two Palestinian cities and the refugee camps
以色列占领军将巴勒斯坦男子围困在这两座巴勒斯坦城市和难民营内。MultiUn MultiUn
Well, the authorities had lists of Witnesses and were thus able to round up large numbers of them at will.
原来政府当局早已掌握了耶和华见证人许多资料,拘捕他们实在易如反掌。jw2019 jw2019
Besides barring the 20,000 Palestinian labourers, police were ordered to round up all the thousands of Palestinians illegally in the country.
除了不许20 000名巴勒斯坦劳工入境外,警察还奉命将该国境内数以千计的非法巴勒斯坦人集中起来。UN-2 UN-2
In this regard, Israeli occupying forces continue to round up and detain more Palestinian civilians throughout the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem.
在这方面,以色列占领军在包括东耶路撒冷在内的被占领的巴勒斯坦领土上继续围捕和拘留巴勒斯坦平民。UN-2 UN-2
In this regard, Israeli occupying forces continue to round up and detain more Palestinian civilians throughout the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem
在这方面,以色列占领军在包括东耶路撒冷在内的被占领的巴勒斯坦领土上继续围捕和拘留巴勒斯坦平民。MultiUn MultiUn
Tens of thousands of security personnel were deployed to round up Kashmiri civilians and to force them to go to the polling booths
当时出动几万名保安人员,把克什米尔平民赶到一起,强迫他们去投票站。MultiUn MultiUn
In August 1939, as the Second World War loomed, the British made plans to round up the hundreds of Germans living in Dar-es-Salaam.
在1939年的8月,第二次世界大戰逼近時候,有一個計劃要將在達累斯薩拉姆的數百個德國人包圍。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
When Saul headed to Damascus to round up more followers of Christ, he was “still breathing threat and murder against the disciples of the Lord [Christ].”
扫罗大马士革进发,要更多跟从基督的人;他“仍然杀气腾腾,气势汹汹地威吓主[基督]的门徒”。jw2019 jw2019
The reasoning behind the Advisory Committee’s decision toround up” the projection would become apparent when the Fifth Committee took up the issue of special political missions.
咨询委员会决定把预测加以“调整”,其背后的理由在第五委员会讨论特别政治任务议题时就会显现出来。UN-2 UN-2
The reasoning behind the Advisory Committee's decision toround up” the projection would become apparent when the Fifth Committee took up the issue of special political missions
咨询委员会决定把预测加以“调整”,其背后的理由在第五委员会讨论特别政治任务议题时就会显现出来。MultiUn MultiUn
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