to rouse (the masses) oor Sjinees

to rouse (the masses)

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to rouse oneself
to raise one's hand and issue a rousing call (idiom)
to try to rouse oneself but lack the strength (idiom)
to rouse
唤醒 · 喚醒 · 惊醒 · 抖擞 · 抖擻 · 激起 · 驚醒 · 鼓
to rouse to vigorous action
奋发 · 奮發


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To rouse a village first rouse its priests,” advises a Japanese proverb.
一句日本谚语规劝:“若要唤醒村民,必先唤醒僧人。”jw2019 jw2019
The experience would train them torouse up their clear thinking faculties.’
这项经验可以训练他们激发起清晰的思考能力’。(jw2019 jw2019
The rhythmic sounds helped to rouse strong emotions.
铃鼓是一个圆形的木框,上面绷上皮革做鼓面,框边系着铃铛。jw2019 jw2019
According to the bodyguard, at 10 a.m. he observed her lying on her bed and tried unsuccessfully to rouse her.
根據保鏢所說,在早上10時,他觀察到懷恩豪斯躺在床上,並嘗試喚醒她不成功。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
It is now that your body is most difficult to rouse, as most of your blood is directed to the muscles.
由于大部分的血都流到肌肉去了,这时你睡得特别沉,很难把你弄醒。jw2019 jw2019
The besotted state of the high officials is suggested by the need to rouse them, as Isaiah’s next words prophetically show.
以赛亚接着预告,人要唤醒巴比伦的大臣,看来他们都醉得糊糊涂涂了。jw2019 jw2019
The problem of disarmament and its role in the area of international security cannot wait indefinitely for the Conference to rouse itself from its lethargy
裁军问题及其在国际安全领域内的作用,无法无限期地等待裁军谈判会议从昏睡中苏醒过来。MultiUn MultiUn
The voices from the periphery, no matter how loud or plentiful, appear unable to rouse the core beneficiaries of a flawed system from their affluent apathy.
来自边缘的声音,不论多么响亮或人多势众,似乎都无法使一个漏洞百出的体系的核心受益者从其富足的麻木不仁状态中振作起来。UN-2 UN-2
The aim is to rouse people to awareness of the existence of domestic and sexual violence, what it involves and where victims can seek help and support
目的在于激起人们家庭和性暴力,其所涉内容及受害者可从哪里寻求帮助和支持的认识。MultiUn MultiUn
She wanted a general strike to rouse the workers to solidarity and prevent the coming war; the SPD leaders refused, and she broke with Karl Kautsky in 1910.
她想发动工人开展罢工,阻止将要发生的战争,但被卡尔拒绝,两人关系于1910年决裂。WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Among the 35 symptoms, the most-reported acute effects were ‘floating or circling’ (94%), ‘euphoric when listening to rousing music’ (86%), and ‘feeling excited, talkative, and full of energy’ (67%).
35个症状中常见的急性期症状是“ 身体的漂浮或盘旋感”(94%)、“ 动感音乐的环境下心情更加舒畅、欣快感”(86%)、和“兴奋话多,精力充沛”(67%)。pmc pmc
The caretakers of those patients with mild trauma who are released from the hospital are frequently advised to rouse the patient several times during the next 12 to 24 hours to assess for worsening symptoms.
患有中等创伤病人的看护们,需要在病人们出院后经常被建议在接下来的12到24小时内唤醒病人几次,以此来判定症状是否恶化。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
We must continue to cry out humbly yet insistently to God: Rouse yourself!
......我们真的要谦卑、不断地天主:请您采取行动吧!jw2019 jw2019
2 Peter wrote: “I consider it right, as long as I am in this tabernacle, to rouse you up by way of reminding you, knowing as I do that the putting off of my tabernacle is soon to be . . .
2 彼得说:“我想,只要我还暂时住在肉身里,就应当常常提醒你们,唤醒你们。jw2019 jw2019
The award has been issued since 1994, and the aim of the competition is to rouse the interest of mass media in these issues and to use the media for positive influence of public opinion and attitudes concerning persons with disabilities.
从1994年起,该奖每年颁发一次,举行这项竞赛的目的是提高大众媒体对这些问题的兴趣,并利用媒体积极影响舆论以及对待残疾人的态度。UN-2 UN-2
According to Obadiah, God would rouse up nations to wage destructive warfare against the Edomites.
俄巴底亚透露,上帝会激动列国来攻击以东人。jw2019 jw2019
When called on to assist, Jesus “roused himself and rebuked the wind and said to the sea: ‘Hush!
使徒于是向耶稣呼救,耶稣就“斥责,对说:‘不要作声!jw2019 jw2019
With the advance of al-Ma'mun's troops, which led to the Siege of Baghdad (812–813), al-Husayn briefly imprisoned al-Amin and tried to rouse the citizens of Baghdad to switch their allegiance to al-Ma'mun, but failed and was killed.
随着马蒙的进军,导致了巴格达围城(812-813),侯赛因短暂的囚禁阿明,并呼吁巴格达公民效忠马蒙,最后失败被杀。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
The Sudan reaffirms the importance of the critical role being played by the Disarmament Commission as a specialized technical body authorized to engage in objective and constructive negotiations to produce practical and binding decisions in order to rouse the disarmament mechanism from its current lethargy.
苏丹重申裁军审议委员会正在发挥的关键作用的重要性,这个专门性技术机构受权进行客观而建设性的谈判,以达成实际和有约束力决定,使裁军机制摆脱目前萎靡不振的局面。UN-2 UN-2
Peter now says: “I consider it right, as long as I am in this tabernacle [human body], to rouse you up by way of reminding you, knowing as I do that the putting off of my tabernacle is soon to be.”—2 Peter 1:13, 14.
彼得接着说:“只要我还在这个帐篷[属人的身体]里,就要提醒你们,唤醒你们;我想,这样做是对的。 因为我知道我快要脱下这个帐篷了。”——彼得后书1:13,14。jw2019 jw2019
But there was more to come - the rousing spirit which Europe was now experiencing.
即 欧洲 正在 经历 的 苏醒 的 灵魂 。OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The Acting President: I now give the floor to the representative of Grenada, Ms. Ruth Elizabeth Rouse, to speak on behalf of the Latin American and Caribbean States
代理主席(以英语发言):我现在请格林纳达代表鲁·伊丽莎白·劳斯女士代表拉丁美洲和加勒比国家发言。MultiUn MultiUn
25 These words remind us of the apostle John’s prophetic description of kings who would be roused to action in our time.
25 这段话使我们想起使徒约翰的预言。 他描述在我们的日子,会有君王起来,采取行动。jw2019 jw2019
In the first century, “magnificent things” involving God’s Kingdom roused people to action.
公元1世纪,与王国有关的“威严伟大的事”感动人们采取行动。(jw2019 jw2019
Since the account number in the # misdirected transfers was attached to an active account at Chase, the transfers were automatically credited to the Rouse-Madakor account instead of the intended beneficiary of these transfers, the UNEP Trust Fund
由于这 # 笔误转资金的帐号是在大通开立的活跃帐,转帐资金自动记入Rouse-Madakor帐号,而不是记入其预定受款人--环境规划署信托基金。MultiUn MultiUn
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