to rub clean (garments) oor Sjinees

to rub clean (garments)

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The dirt they're trying to clean up is bound to rub off on some, but not all.
他们 打扫 的 灰尘 会 一些 沾 他们 身上 , 但 不是 所有 都 这样 。OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
His mother had to clean everything he might touch with rubbing alcohol.
不论什么东西,他如果有可能触摸的话,他的母亲就要预先用摩擦醇消毒jw2019 jw2019
Accordingly, they are cleaned in a process the BIPM developed between 1939 and 1946 known as "the BIPM cleaning method" that comprises firmly rubbing with a chamois soaked in equal parts ether and ethanol, followed by steam cleaning with bi-distilled water, and allowing the prototypes to settle for 7–10 days before verification.
因此會用一種稱為“BIPM清潔法”手續來清潔它們,這種方法是BIPM於1939至1946年間開發,當中手續有用沾有等量乙醚和乙醇油鞣革輕輕擦拭,用蒸餾過兩次的水進行蒸氣清潔,以及讓原器在核准前先放7至10天。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
Continuous rubbing to simulate excessive cleaning
持续摩擦以模拟过度清洁ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
To clean the foam on the handlebar, use a sponge, warm water and liquid soap to gently rub the area that needs to be cleaned.
请使用海绵、温水肥皂水清洗手把管上的棉,轻轻擦拭需要清洁的部位。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
According to the WHO Clean Care is Safer Care Programme, when working with patients, hand hygiene should be performed at 5 key moments, preferably by using an alcohol-based rub or by handwashing with soap and water if hands are visibly dirty.
根据世卫组织清洁卫生更安全”规划,在为患者工作时,应当在5个关键时刻做到手部卫生,最好使用醇擦手剂或者当手部有明显污垢时用肥皂和水洗手。WHO WHO
According to the WHO Clean Care is Safer Care Programme, when working with patients, hand hygiene should be performed at 5 key moments, preferably by using an alcohol-based rub or by handwashing with soap and water if hands are visibly dirty.
世卫组织“清洁卫生更安全”项目认为,在和患者打交道的过程中,应在5个关键节点进行手部清洁,最好使用含酒精成分的手消毒液搓手或者在手部有明显污迹的情况下用肥皂和水洗手。WHO WHO
So you have to wash it, clean it and rub it nicely so that it shines.
所以你必须清洗它,洁净它,好好地擦拭它,好使它能发光。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
To clean the foam on the handlebar, please use a sponge, warm water and liquid soap and gently rub the area that needs to be cleaned.
请使用海绵、温水肥皂水清洗推车扶手上的泡棉,轻轻擦拭需要清洁的部位。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
In particular pay attention to the PIN on the oxide layer rubbed clean would soon relapse.
特别是要注意管脚上的氧化层,如果擦得不干净很快就会旧病复发。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Leather strap : To clean your leather strap, first rinse it under clean water then rub it with a soft brush and a little soap.
皮革表带 :若要清洁皮革表带,首先用清水漂洗,然后用软笔刷和一点肥皂揉搓。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Cleaning your fine jewellery In order to clean your jewellery, rub the surface delicately with a soft brush and warm soapy water, then rinse it carefully and dry it with a soft cloth.
清洁首饰 清洁首饰时,请用软刷和温肥皂水轻轻擦拭,然后仔细冲洗,并用软布擦干,即可令珠宝重现闪耀光泽,而不会造成损伤。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Or small brush to clean silver jewelry slits, then rub gently wipe the surface of silver cloth, we can immediately restore the original beautiful ornaments.
或用珠宝小刷子清洁银饰品的细缝,然后擦银布轻擦其表面,马上就可以饰恢复原来的靓丽。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Note dust: a layer of reflective ceramic surface layer, similar in nature and glass, dust, small, but also some small grain of sand, sand will be some very sharp edges and corners, in the time easy to wipe glazed porcelain rubs; if regular cleaning, ceramic surface is easy to lose their luster.
注意防尘:陶瓷表面上有一层反光层,其性质与玻璃相仿,灰尘虽然很小,但也是一些细小的沙粒,沙粒会有一些很尖锐的棱角,在擦拭的时候容易将瓷器釉面磨伤;如果经常擦拭,陶瓷的表面就容易失去光泽。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
3, into the reaction medium, should not exceed the kettle body 2/3 level, put the material into the magnetic stirring, with a soft cloth to wipe clean the sealing surface, pay attention to do not rub the seal cover.
3、装入反应介质时,应不超过釜体2/3液面,投完料后放入磁力搅拌子,用软布擦拭干净密封面,注意不要擦刮伤密封面。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
To clean inside of the mouse, dip a cotton swab in rubbing alcohol and rub all of the components.
要清洁鼠标内部,请用沾上酒精的棉签轻擦所有组件。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Looking for a 'green' way to clean your faucets, sinks or stainless steel? Take a slice of cucumber and rub it on the surface you want to clean, not only will it remove years of tarnish and bring back the shine, but is won't leave streaks and won't harm you fingers or fingernails while you clean.
想要找到清洁水龙头、水槽、不锈钢制品的绿色方法? 那么取一片黄瓜擦拭想要清洁的表面,这样做不仅能够清除陈年污渍,还可使其恢复光泽,且不会留下划痕,也不会损伤手指和指甲。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Looking for a 'green' way to clean your faucets, sinks or stainless steel? Take a slice of cucumber and rub it on the surface you want to clean, not only will it remove years of tarnish and bring back the shine,but it won't leave streaks and won't harm your fingers or fingernails while you clean.
想要找到清洁水龙头、水槽、不锈钢制品的绿色方法? 那么取一片黄瓜擦拭想要清洁的表面,这样做不仅能够清除陈年污渍,还可使其恢复光泽,且不会留下划痕,也不会损伤手指和指甲。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
When have you combined the three ingredients, empapa a clean cloth in the solution and use it to rub the stain of chocolate.
当你有合并的三个成分, empapa一个 干净布 在该溶液中,并用它来擦巧克力污渍.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Clean your faucets, sinks or stainless steel. Take a slice of cucumber & rub it on the surface you want to clean, not only will it remove years of tarnish and bring back the shine, but it won’t leave streaks and won’t harm you fingers or fingernails while you clean.
想要找到清洁水龙头、水槽、不锈钢制品的绿色方法? 那么取一片黄瓜擦拭想要清洁的表面,这样做不仅能够清除陈年污渍,还可使其恢复光泽,且不会留下划痕,也不会损伤手指和指甲。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
White vinegar cleaning method: Mix equal parts white vinegar and hot water to clean the furniture surface and then rub with a soft cloth. This law applies to mahogany furniture maintenance ink pollution by oil and other furniture after cleaning. Lemon cleaning method: on polished or varnished wood were "light sticks" thermal burn marks, start with half a lemon to wipe, wipe with a soft cloth dipped in hot water again.
最后记得再用清水一遍,不然会有牛奶残留有奶臭。 这种方法适用于多种皮质、漆面、大理石、等家具。 5、柠檬清洁 如果擦亮或上了清漆的木器,不慎被热力烫过留下烫痕,可以先用柠檬切片,或者蘸了柠檬汁的抹布擦拭,然后再用浸过热水的软布擦拭,最后再用干的软布快速将其擦干,即可恢复原来的光亮了。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
To clean a Winn grip, apply a small amount of water to a soft towel, and gently rub the grips.
清洁WINN握把, 先在一条柔软的毛巾上抹少量的水或者酒精,然后轻轻地擦拭握把。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
To clean and freshen the car interior (apply a small amount on a soft, lint-free cloth, RUB and remove). 12.
清洁和洗车子内部(使用少量软,无绒布,擦,并删除 ) . 12.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
To clean your dog's ears, apply some ear cleaning solution (bought at a pet supply store) to a cotton round. Wipe dirt and wax away from the inner ear, but don't rub vigorously, as this might cause sores. Don't push too far into the ear, either.
为了清洗你的狗狗的耳朵,用一些沾满耳朵清洁溶液的棉球,简单的把尘土和耳垢从内耳里掏出来。 不要大力的摩擦以致带来疼痛,不要在耳朵里掏太深;这两种做法都会带来伤害。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
When cleaning with rubbing alcohol, it is recommended that you use a cotton swab for cleaning the disc, since all cotton swabs are cotton, which is what is recommended to use to clean a disc. 4
当用擦洗酒精清洁光盘时,推荐你用棉签蘸着酒精进行清洁,因为棉签上的棉花是清洁光盘的推荐用品。 4ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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