to ruin a family oor Sjinees

to ruin a family

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(b) Encouragement for entrepreneurship by preventing the bankruptcy of a business from automatically leading to personal and family ruin.
(b) 通过防止企业破产自动导致个人或家庭崩溃来鼓励创业。UN-2 UN-2
For a family living on the fringes, selling the main household asset, like a cow, to pay for health care, means ruin.
生活在贫穷边缘上的家庭来说,卖掉牛等主要家庭资产支付卫生保健费用,就意味倾家荡产。WHO WHO
For a family living on the fringes, selling the main household asset, such as a cow, to pay for health care means ruin.
对于生活在社会边缘的家庭来说,变卖主要家庭财产,比如说奶牛,来支付保健费用等于是毁灭。UN-2 UN-2
Medical expenses to treat a family member with the infection and lost earnings have left countless families financially ruined.
无数家庭因医治感染家庭成员的医疗费用和失去收入而倾家荡产。UN-2 UN-2
Medical expenses to treat a family member with the infection and lost earnings have left countless families financially ruined
无数家庭因医治感染家庭成员的医疗费用和失去收入而倾家荡产。MultiUn MultiUn
The sight of thousands of persons bearing photographs of their lost family members amid the smoking ruins gave rise to a profound sense of empathy among Chileans
几千人在冒烟的废墟中拿着他们失踪亲人的照片这景象唤起了智利人民的深切同情。MultiUn MultiUn
The sight of thousands of persons bearing photographs of their lost family members amid the smoking ruins gave rise to a profound sense of empathy among Chileans.
几千人在冒烟的废墟中拿着他们失踪亲人的照片这景象唤起了智利人民的深切同情。UN-2 UN-2
A witness described to the Mission family members taking away the corpses on horse carts, a young man sitting in shock beside the ruins of his house and, above all, the extremely strong smell of death.
一名证人告诉调查团,他的家人马车把尸体拉走,一名年轻男子坐在自家的废墟边上惊未定,而最明显的是,尸体的气味极强。UN-2 UN-2
The word used to describe the situation of those men and women is “vulnerability” — vulnerability to unemployment, to the illness of a family member, to an economic crisis or a natural disaster, and vulnerability to a series of unforeseen events that could ruin their prospects for the future and return them to poverty in just a short time.
描述这些男子和妇女的状况的词是“脆 弱”——脆弱得经受不起失业、家人生病、经济危 机或自然灾害,经受不起短时间就能毁掉他们的未 来前景而使他们复归于贫困的一系列预见事件。UN-2 UN-2
By 2035 it proposes: a 95% reduction in tuberculosis deaths as compared with 2015; a 90% reduction in the tuberculosis incidence rate (i.e. to fewer than 10 cases per 100 000 population); and a world in which families affected by tuberculosis no longer face financial ruin.
它提出到2035年实现以下目标:使结核病死亡人数比2015年降低95%;使结核病发病率降低90%(每10万人口中结核病例少于10例);世界各地受结核病影响的家庭在经济上不再面临灭顶之灾。WHO WHO
Such an illegal, inhumane measure is intended to financially ruin this family while also banning it from its centre of life, a fate suffered by thousands of Palestinian families who have been displaced and dispossessed by Israel’s illegal policies vis-à-vis the Palestinian inhabitants of Occupied East Jerusalem.
这种非法、不人道措施的目的是在经济上摧毁他的家庭,同时也将他们赶出自己的生活中心,而这正是成千上万巴勒斯坦家庭所遭受命运——由于以色列对被占领的东耶路撒冷的巴勒斯坦居民实行非法政策,这些家庭流离失所,一无所有。UN-2 UN-2
Her family expects social ruin for having a disgraced daughter, but over a week later they are relieved to hear that Mr. Gardiner had discovered the pair in London and that they had married.
特一家都担心女儿被玷污全家也跟着身名狼籍,之后得知加德纳先生發现两人已在伦敦成婚时才松了一口气。WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
For example, Mrs. Dubose chastises Scout for not wearing a dress and camisole, and indicates she is ruining the family name by not doing so, in addition to insulting Atticus' intentions to defend Tom Robinson.
例如:杜波斯夫人因斯各特的着装而对其进行惩罚,指责败家,又侮辱阿提克斯对汤姆·克鲁斯的辩护。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
Families in Mali risk financial ruin when expectant mothers need a Caesarean section to guarantee safe delivery, despite recent measures to make this life-saving procedure accessible and free at point-of-care, according to a study published this month in the Bulletin of the World Health Organization.
根据本月《世界卫生组织简报》发表的一项研究表明,尽管最近采取的若干措施让产妇能够获得剖腹产这项挽救生命的医疗流程并能及时享受免费的护理,准妈妈在需要进行剖腹产以确保安全分娩时,马里的家庭依然面临经济崩溃的风险。WHO WHO
My family life wasn’t working out, the political system was corrupt, pollution was ruining the earth, and it looked as if man was determined to blow himself up in a nuclear war
我的家庭生活不如理想,政治制度是这么腐败,染污损毁地球,看来人已决定在一核战中毁灭自己!jw2019 jw2019
The earthquake and the subsequent humanitarian crisis had a powerful impact not only on the towns directly affected but also on the entire country, for in the hours and days following the event hundreds of thousands of Haitians left the ruins of their homes to go to stay with parents or other family members or with friends in other towns, which thus experienced a massive influx of displaced persons.
地震和随后的人道主义危机不仅对受难城市,而且也对整个国家造成了极大影响。 由于地震后的日子里,成千上万的海地人离开废墟,前往国内其他城市的父母或朋友家。 为此,海地经历了大量国内流离失所人口流动。UN-2 UN-2
As at August 2015, not a single one of the destroyed homes in Gaza had been rebuilt, and over 100,000 Palestinians are still homeless, forced to shelter in temporary housing with other families or in the ruins of their homes.
截至2015年8月,在加沙被毁的房屋尚无一处得以重建,而且10多万巴勒斯坦人仍然无家可归,被迫其他家庭挤在临时住所或毁坏的家园之中。UN-2 UN-2
The agricultural sector, considered crucial to Liberia's economic and social recovery, remains largely in ruins, as most farming areas continue to be severely affected by the longer-term effects of the conflict, most especially the displacement of farming families, which are only now returning and have to cope with the appalling road conditions, a lack of basic social services, shortages of shelter and no regular income
被视作利比里亚经济社会恢复的关键所在的农业部门,仍基本上满目沧遗,因为多数农业区仍遭受冲突的长期而严重的影响,特别流离失所的农业家庭只是现在开始返家,而且要面临路途艰难、基本社会服务缺乏、住房短缺和没有固定收入等困难。MultiUn MultiUn
Before deciding to have a relationship with that married man, remember the family that is going to be ruined.
在决定已婚男子发生关系, 记得家人,是要毁了.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The complainant alleges that when he was in detention, his wife’s uncle, a fanatical Sunni cleric named S.A., had tried to convert the complainant’s wife back to the Sunni faith, and that S.A. had always opposed his niece’s marriage to the complainant because the latter did not belong to the extended family and had ruined his niece’s life by converting to the Shia faith.
的狂热的逊尼派神职人员)曾试图让申诉人的妻子重新改信逊尼派教义,S.A. 还一直反对侄女嫁给申诉人,因为后者不属于亲戚家庭,而且使侄女改信什叶派教义,破坏了她的生活。UN-2 UN-2
A recent cyclone forced some 10,000 Somali families to flee their homes, contaminated local drinking-water wells and ruined any chance of a harvest for many local farmers.
最近一次飓风导致将近1万个索马里家庭逃家园,当地的饮用水井遭到污染,许多当地农民颗粒无收。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Unfortunately we had a french family on the tour as well who ruined everything with their hightechequipment so that we had to stop for setting up a drone, cellphone, gopro...
不幸的是,一起的一个法国家庭,他们的高科技装备毁了一切,我们不得不停下来设置无人机、电话、专业相机等等。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Yesterday when I went to look for herbs, I found evidence of a powerful necromantic spell in the ruin of my family home.
昨天当我前去寻找草药时,我在我的家族居所遗迹发现一种强大的死灵咒语证据ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
If someone tries to ruin a home or get sexually involved outside of marriage, he needs to repent right away, change his attitude and be prepared to take responsibility for his family.
若是有人试图去毁掉一个家庭,或是卷入婚外性行为,他要立即悔改,改变他的态度,准备着为他的家庭负责。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
You can climb up to the ruins of a Gothic castle or see the elegant interiors of an Empire château with its lovely gardens, cared for by the Mensdorff-Pouilly family.
您可以爬上哥特式城堡废墟 或者参观帝国城堡里的优雅内饰 和美丽的花园,这里至今仍由 Mensdorff-Pouilly 家族所有。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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