to suffer injustice oor Sjinees

to suffer injustice

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“If there is a God, why do people continue to suffer injustice?”
“如果有上帝,为什么世界这么不公平?”jw2019 jw2019
It is up to us and the General Assembly to find responses to the suffering, injustice and other concerns.
要由我们和大会负责找到应对这些苦难正义和其他关切问题的措施。UN-2 UN-2
There, at a well, Moses’ courage and readiness to act forcefully to help those suffering injustice again came to the fore.
当时叶忒罗的七个女儿前来打水羊群喝,有些牧人却把她们赶走。 于是摩西挺身帮助她们,又打水给她们的羊群喝。jw2019 jw2019
New Caledonian society continued to suffer inequalities and injustices as a result of its colonial heritage.
殖民时期遗留的问题,新喀里多尼亚社会仍然不平等,也不公正。UN-2 UN-2
The continent continued to suffer from injustices that were sometimes self-imposed and from double standards that were imposed from outside, sometimes by the United Nations itself
该大陆继续受到种种不公正待遇,这种不公正有时是自己施加的,有时是外界强加的双重标准造成的,有时是联合国本身造成的。MultiUn MultiUn
(Luke 6:17-19) He brought relief to the oppressed, but injustice continued to cause suffering.
路加福音6:17-19)虽然他解救了一些受压迫的人,但不公平的现象仍然普遍。jw2019 jw2019
She had also drawn attention to the continued discrimination suffered by women and had urged that the next decade be dedicated to implementing women's rights, to relieving their suffering and to redressing injustice
她还提请关注妇女继续受到歧视的问题,并敦促未来十年致力于执行妇女权利,以减轻她们的痛苦,纠正不公正问题。MultiUn MultiUn
While the North enjoys unprecedented prosperity, the South continues to suffer poverty and social injustice
一方面,北方享受着空前的繁荣,另一方面,南方继续处于贫困和社会不公正之中。MultiUn MultiUn
They think that Jehovah is indifferent to the injustices they suffer.
他们认为耶和华对他们漠不关心,不理会他们遭受的不公正待遇。jw2019 jw2019
(Isaiah 2:4) God will bring an end to all injustice and suffering.
以赛亚书2:4)上帝会终止一切苦难和不平。jw2019 jw2019
These are peoples who continue to experience untold suffering, ranging from war to political, economic and social injustices.
这些国家的人民仍在遭受无以言表痛苦,从战争到政治、经济和社会不公正等,不一而足。UN-2 UN-2
“Many people wonder why God doesn’t act to end the injustice and suffering in the world.
“许多人质疑上帝为什么不终止世上所有苦难不公正的事。jw2019 jw2019
Oxfam International is an international confederation of thirteen, independent non-governmental organisations working together with over # partners in more than # countries to find lasting solutions to poverty, suffering and injustice
国际乐施会是 # 个独立的非政府组织的国际联合会,这些组织在 # 多个国家有 # 多名合作伙伴,以期寻求解决贫穷苦难和不公的持久的办法。MultiUn MultiUn
(1 Peter 2:21) Yes, Christians are encouraged to imitate Jesus, including his suffering injustices.
彼得前书2:21)由此可见,圣经鼓励基督徒效法耶稣,包括学习他怎样忍受不公的对待。 关于这点,耶稣在“登山宝训”中说:“总要爱你们的仇敌,为迫害你们的人祷告。jw2019 jw2019
Would love move you to end the suffering and the injustice you see in the world?
既然你有爱心,想不想消除世上的一切苦难和不平?jw2019 jw2019
It is now more critical than ever that the United Nations move to halt the suffering and injustice that the people of Palestine continue to suffer and insist that the Government of Israel abide by the resolutions of the Organization.
现在比以往任何时候都更加关键,联合必须行动起来以结束巴勒斯坦人民继续经历痛苦非正义,并坚持以色列政府必须遵守本组织的各项决议。UN-2 UN-2
However, they may find it hard to grasp why he does not use his great power to end injustice and suffering right away.
但是,他们很不理解为何上帝不立刻施展大能,终止苦难不平jw2019 jw2019
Inspired by faith, the World Federation find it unacceptable that people continue to suffer through poverty and social injustice.
在此信念鼓舞下,本世界联合会认为人们继续遭受贫穷和社会不公正是不可接受的。UN-2 UN-2
Oxfam International is an international confederation of thirteen, independent non-governmental organisations working together with over 3,000 partners in more than 100 countries to find lasting solutions to poverty, suffering and injustice.
国际乐施会是13个独立的非政府组织的国际联合会,这些组织在100多个国家有3 000多名合作伙伴,以期寻求解决贫穷苦难和不公的持久的办法。UN-2 UN-2
In other cases, they take the form of an apology such as the Australian Prime Minister's address to the aboriginal population relating to historical injustices suffered by the indigenous population of Australia
在其他情况中,最佳做法采取道歉的形式,如澳大利亚总理就澳大利亚土著人历史遭受的不公正对土著人口的讲话。MultiUn MultiUn
▪ “When I visited you the last time, we spoke about people who have left their home country in order to escape injustice and suffering.
▪ “我上次探访你的时候,我们曾谈及今日许多人失业的情况。jw2019 jw2019
More must be done to protect girls from the countless acts of injustice they suffer and to provide an environment in which they will thrive
必须进一步作出努力,保护女孩免遭无数不正当行为的伤害,并为她们茁壮成长营造有利的环境。MultiUn MultiUn
More must be done to protect girls from the countless acts of injustice they suffer and to provide an environment in which they will thrive.
必须进一步作出努力,保护女孩免遭无数不正当行为的伤害,并为她们茁壮成长营造有利的环境。UN-2 UN-2
We wish to affirm unequivocally that if the United Nations wishes to play a real humanitarian role and to aid those suffering injustice, then the place to do so is Palestine which suffers on a daily basis from genocide by Israel, or Iraq which suffers genocide and ethnic cleansing on a daily basis on the part of the United States administration.
我们毫不含糊地重申,如果联合国真的希望发挥人道主义作用,援助遭受不正义的人们,那么可发挥作用的地方是巴勒斯坦,他们每天都遭受以色列的灭绝种族,或是伊拉克,他们每天遭受美国政府的灭绝种族和族裔清洗。UN-2 UN-2
We wish to affirm unequivocally that if the United Nations wishes to play a real humanitarian role and to aid those suffering injustice, then the place to do so is Palestine which suffers on a daily basis from genocide by Israel, or Iraq which suffers genocide and ethnic cleansing on a daily basis on the part of the United States administration
我们毫不含糊地重申,如果联合国真的希望发挥人道主义作用,援助遭受不正义的人们,那么可发挥作用的地方是巴勒斯坦,他们每天都遭受以色列的灭绝种族,或是伊拉克,他们每天遭受美国政府的灭绝种族和族裔清洗。MultiUn MultiUn
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