to take over a job (on the next shift) oor Sjinees

to take over a job (on the next shift)

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Uh, she moved to town a couple years ago to take over the schoolmarm job.
呃 幾 年前 她 就 到 這鎮 上 了 來 接管 女老師 的 工作OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Seeing my zeal, my friends were soon saying: “Willi, you would be a good one to take over this or that job.”
朋友们看见我这么热心就不禁说:“威利,你最适合件或那件工作。”jw2019 jw2019
With the dawn of a new age, however, in which technology was taking over many jobs, it was a perfect time for the developing world to industrialize.
然而,随着技术正在取代许多就业岗位的新时代的来临,正是发展中世界实现工业化最佳时机。UN-2 UN-2
In the light of the fact that Solomon was said to be a lamp that God gave to David his father, the putting out of one’s lamp may carry the thought that such a person would have no progeny to take over his inheritance. —Job 18:6, 19; 1Ki 11:36.
既然圣经说所罗门是上帝他父亲大卫的一盏明灯,一个人的灯熄灭可能是指他没有子嗣继承产业。( 伯18:6,19;王上11:36)jw2019 jw2019
Solana, the soft- spoken Spaniard who was previously NATO’s secretary-general, looks like the odds-on favorite to take the new job for a few months before handing it over to Carl Bildt, the Swedish foreign minister and ex-premier who gained international stature in the Balkans in the 1990’s.
言辞温和的索拉纳是西班牙人,曾经担任北约秘书长。 他看起来会担任这一职务几个月时间,然后交给瑞典外相和前首相比尔特,他在九十年代处理巴尔干问题上赢得了国际地位。ProjectSyndicate ProjectSyndicate
This squabbling over political differences takes a backseat to their daily struggle for security, jobs, basic freedoms and all the rights the United Nations is chartered to uphold.
与它们争取安全、工作、基本自由和联合国特别维护的所有权利的日常斗争相比,这种关于政治分歧的争吵次要的。UN-2 UN-2
However, the adaptation of the labour market to structural change takes place over the longer term, so there is need for a short-term approach to create jobs that displaced workers can move into rather than end up flooding the urban informal economy
但劳动力市场适应结构变化所需要的时间较长,所以也有必要采取短期办法,创造失业工人可以从事的工作机会,而不是让他们最终都涌入城市非正规经济中。MultiUn MultiUn
However, the adaptation of the labour market to structural change takes place over the longer term, so there is need for a short-term approach to create jobs that displaced workers can move into rather than end up flooding the urban informal economy.
但劳动力市场适应结构变化所需要的时间较长,所以也有必要采取短期办法,创造失业工人可以从事的工作机会,而不是让他们最终都涌入城市非正规经济中。UN-2 UN-2
Speaking personally, I should like to say that it is always good to see you taking your job very seriously- you are presiding over this meeting with a very constructive approach- reflecting the commitment of your country to facilitating the resolution of problems such as that of Palestine
从个人来说,我很高兴看到你非常认真地对待你的工作-现在你以具建设性的方式主持这次会议,这反映了贵国致力于促进解决诸如巴勒斯坦这样的问题。MultiUn MultiUn
And if the mother of the child ever gets married, a young father may have to look on helplessly as another man takes over the job of raising his child.
如果,孩子的母亲跟他人结婚,他就只好眼巴巴地看着别人取替自己作孩子的父亲了。jw2019 jw2019
To address this deficit, the Kimberley Process is in dire need of a well-structured permanent body to take over the work that today is done by many hard-working volunteers who also have regular jobs.
解决这一缺陷,金伯利进程迫切需要一个结构合理的常设机构来接管目前由众多辛勤志愿人员所做的工作,他们也有正式工作。UN-2 UN-2
Jamie Dimon, CEO of JP Morgan Chase, presided this year over reckless risk-taking to the tune of nearly $6 billion (we might call it a “three Grübel” debacle), yet his job apparently remains secure.
摩根大通的CEO詹姆斯·戴蒙(James Dimon)今年早些时候由于轻率冒险导致将近60亿美元的亏(也许可以把那称为“三个郭儒博的大失败),可他的工作显然还比较稳固。ProjectSyndicate ProjectSyndicate
While these partners and donors have done a tremendous job in financing such operations, it is our conviction that the United Nations should take over that responsibility which, to our mind, falls within its purview
虽然这些伙伴和捐助者在资助这些行动方面做了大量工作,但我们坚信,联合国应该接手这项我们认为属于联合国权限的责任。MultiUn MultiUn
While these partners and donors have done a tremendous job in financing such operations, it is our conviction that the United Nations should take over that responsibility which, to our mind, falls within its purview.
虽然这些伙伴和捐助者在资助这些行动方面做了大量工作,但我们坚信,联合国应该接手这项我们认为属于联合国权限的责任。UN-2 UN-2
The aim of the programme was to increase the employment rate of women and facilitate the participation of unemployed women over 50 in projects increasing their chances of taking up a job and maintaining it or setting up their own business.
该方案的目的是,提高妇女就业率和促进50以上失业妇女参与有关提高其获得并保住工作岗位或自己创业机会的项目。UN-2 UN-2
Given that there were over # jobs to which the standard must be applied, if the current rate of progress was a reflection of the future it would take # years to complete implementation of the standard
鉴于必须适用新标准的职务有 # 个以上,如果将来也照目前的这个进度,则该标准要化 # 年时间才能完成实施。MultiUn MultiUn
Business all over the world is ready to take reasonable, even large risks in making the investments necessary for economic growth and job creation, provided it has a minimum level of assurance of stability in the marketplace
全世界商界都愿意承担合理的、甚至很大的风险,进行必要投资,促进经济增长和创造就业,但条件是,市场应该有最低限度的稳定保障。MultiUn MultiUn
Given that there were over 25,000 jobs to which the standard must be applied, if the current rate of progress was a reflection of the future it would take 27 years to complete implementation of the standard.
鉴于必须适用新标准的职务有25 000个以上,如果将来也照目前的这个进度,则该标准要化27年时间才能完成实施。UN-2 UN-2
At one point, a congressional staffer said that there was no way that I was going to be confirmed by the United States Senate because of my past, despite the fact that I had been in recovery for over 20 years, and despite the fact that this job takes a little bit of knowledge around addiction.
不过真正的阻碍是我的瘾 一次,一个国会工作人员说, 我的任职不可能会被参议院通过, 因为我的一些过去历史, 尽管我在20年来改过自新, 尽管这份工作 和有关的瘾的知识没有什么关系。ted2019 ted2019
CESCR expressed concern that workers from the age of # run a greater risk of having their salaries reduced or even being laid off without adequate compensation and recommended that the State take measures to ensure that workers over that age maintain their previous levels of wages and job security
经济、社会和文化权利委员会表示关切的是 # 岁以上的工人有工资被削减的更大危险,甚至有可能被解雇而没有适当补偿;因此,建议缔约国采取措施,确保 # 岁以上工人能保持其原有的工资水平和工作保障。MultiUn MultiUn
The amended regulations would allow for the enlargement of the number of beneficiaries of labour market services by enabling those looking for employment (including employed persons over 45, the spouses of farmers who are entitled to the obligatory farmers’ social security and who intend to take up employment or another job or start a business activity outside agriculture, as well as work migrants) to use some of the services of labour offices.
修正后的法规通过使那些寻找工作的人(包括45岁以上的在业人员、有权享受义务农民社会保险的农民的配偶、打算就业或另找工作或离开农业创业者、流动民工)可利用劳动局提供的一些服务,扩大了劳动力市场服务的受益人数。UN-2 UN-2
Let's go over the ten steps you should to take to find a new job.
让我们看一下你在找新工作时应该采取的十个步骤ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Previous trends show that, all other things being equal, ZUS residents had better chances than those elsewhere of obtaining State-aided contracts in the non-market sector and joining group job training schemes (SIFEs), whereas they were less likely to gain access to State-aided contracts in the market sector (CIE, ACCRE (assistance for jobseekers in starting up or taking over a business), “young people in companies” contracts and sandwich training schemes
在 # 个地区中,有 # 个地区签署了团结互助合同,其中包括 # 个仅帮助年轻人的敏感地区和 # 个帮助所有居民的敏感地区。 根据以往的趋势,在敏感地区的居民,与同等条件的其他地区的居民相比,更容易获得非商业领域的帮助合同,并更容易接受就业实习和培训,但是他们不容易接受到商业领域的帮助。MultiUn MultiUn
Apart from a recrudescence of conventional crime that could be fuelled by the loss of jobs and legitimate income opportunities for millions of people all over the world, there is also concern that organized criminal groups may take advantage of depressed share and real estate prices to further penetrate the licit economy.
全世界数以百万计人失去工作和合法收入机会,可能助长传统犯罪恢复,除此之外,人们还担心有组织犯罪集团可能利用股票房地产价格下跌的机会,进一步向合法经济渗透。UN-2 UN-2
The way you do this is to identify persons living in the community who have the potentials to become mobilizers, and the appropriate attitudes and values, and train them in your skills, train them to take over from you. You want to work yourself out of a job.
达到这个目的,你必须在社区中找出一些有潜质担当推动者的人,这些必须有正确的态度和价值观,你可以教导他们,使他们拥有你所拥有的技能,从而成为你的接班人。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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