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to urge action

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In this regard, we continue to urge action to combat the smuggling of weapons.
在这方面,我们继续敦促有关各方采取行动打击武器走私活动。UN-2 UN-2
Our Prime Minister’s special envoy visited Juba just this week to urge action by the South Sudanese leadership, including President Kiir, on those issues.
我国首相的特使本周刚刚访问朱巴,敦促南苏丹领导人,包括基尔总统,在这些问题上采取行动。UN-2 UN-2
That phrase conveys a fine sense of our vocation and we use it repeatedly to urge ourselves to action.
这句话精确地表达了我们的使命感,我们反复用它来激励我们采取行动UN-2 UN-2
ACPD uses the mechanisms of the United Nations human rights system, including the treaty monitoring bodies and its system of Special Procedures and Universal Periodic Review to raise awareness of violations of sexual and reproductive rights and to urge action on these matters.
加拿大人口与发展行动组织使用联合国人权系统的各种机制包括条约监测机构及其特别程序和普遍定期审议系统,提高对暴力侵犯性和生殖权利的认识以及敦促就这些事务采取行动。UN-2 UN-2
It also supported the work of the special rapporteurs to urge government action on defending and protecting the rights of indigenous peoples.
本组织还支持特别报告员的工作,敦促政府采取行动维护和保护土著人民的权利。UN-2 UN-2
First, since our meeting, I have again written to President Kabila, urging his action to accelerate the implementation of the 23 March agreement.
首先,在我们的会议之后,我再次写信给卡比总统,敦促他采取行动,加快执行3月23日协定。UN-2 UN-2
7 When we consider one another, we are better prepared to incite, to urge one another on to action.
7 我们彼此相顾,就更能激发大家的爱心,促使大家把爱心化作行动jw2019 jw2019
Parties, in particular developed countries, were urged to support actions mentioned in paragraph 24 above.
敦促缔约方,尤其是发达国家,支持上文第24段所述行动。UN-2 UN-2
Passionists International applauds the progress made towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals, but wishes to urge bolder action in areas that impact the lives of women and girls.
苦难会修士国际组织赞赏在实现千年发展目标方面取得的进展,但希望敦促在影响妇女和女孩生活的领域采取更大胆的行动UN-2 UN-2
For instance, in September 2000, the Representative was contacted by UNHCR, in its capacity as having lead responsibility for internally displaced persons in Colombia, together with the OHCHR field office in Bogotá, with a request to write to the authorities to urge action to prevent a situation of forced return of internally displaced persons to unsafe conditions, reinforcing the country team’s efforts on this matter.
例如,2000年9月,难民署以哥伦比亚国内流离失所者主要负责者的身份,协同难民署波哥大外地办事处秘书长代表联系,要求致函当局,敦促它采取行动,防止发生强迫国内流离失所者返回到不安全状况的情况,在这个问题上加强了国家小组的努力。UN-2 UN-2
Its objectives are: to advocate of behalf of seniors and others; to develop healthy attitudes about ageing and the aged; to encourage seniors to volunteer their time and talents to fulfil its mission; to urge action by encouraging members to lobby relevant authorities and political representatives about issues of concern; to educate seniors about maintaining their well-being; and to encourage international communication about ageing
它的目标是:为老年人和其他人请命;发展对老龄和老年人的健康态度;鼓励老年人贡献时间和才能以落实其任务;鼓励各成员就关切事项游说有关当局和政治代表;教育老年人如何维护自己的福利,鼓励国际社会就老龄问题进行交流。MultiUn MultiUn
Its objectives are: to advocate of behalf of seniors and others; to develop healthy attitudes about ageing and the aged; to encourage seniors to volunteer their time and talents to fulfil its mission; to urge action by encouraging members to lobby relevant authorities and political representatives about issues of concern; to educate seniors about maintaining their well-being; and to encourage international communication about ageing.
它的目标是:为老年人和其他人请命;发展对老龄和老年人的健康态度;鼓励老年人贡献时间和才能以落实其任务;鼓励各成员就关切事项游说有关当局和政治代表;教育老年人如何维护自己的福利,鼓励国际社会就老龄问题进行交流。UN-2 UN-2
The US government forcefully objected to the Chinese government’s actions and urged the tech industry to act responsibly.
With regard to the Committee’s recommendation urging the State to strengthen action to encourage women’s economic initiatives, such as the “Promujeres Fund”,
根据委员会提出的敦促缔约加强对妇女参与经济活动的激励措施的建议,例如妇女进步基金,UN-2 UN-2
Its outcome document, the Doha Call to Action, urged Governments to take specific steps to empower and enable families to contribute to development.
会议的成果文件《多哈行动呼吁》敦促各国政府采取具体措施,增强家庭的权能并使家庭能为发展作出贡献。UN-2 UN-2
In response to security incidents affecting returnees, international organizations have issued public condemnations strongly urging Kosovo to take actions to enhance security.
针对影响返回的安全事件,各国际组织发表了公开的谴责,强敦促索沃采取加强安全的行动。UN-2 UN-2
In response to security incidents affecting returnees, international organizations have issued public condemnations strongly urging Kosovo to take actions to enhance security.
针对侵害返回的安全事件,各国际组织发表了公开的谴责,强敦促科索沃采取确保安全的行动。UN-2 UN-2
The Council stressed the need to urge both parties to desist from unilateral action there, which could further inflame tensions.
安理会强调,必须敦促双方避免在阿卜耶伊单方面采取行动,这会进一步加剧紧张局势。UN-2 UN-2
She recalled that the Durban Programme of Action urged Governments to implement policies of affirmative action to ensure equal access to education.
她回顾说,《德行动纲领》敦促各国政府执行扶持行动政策,确保教育机会平等。UN-2 UN-2
She recalled that the Durban Programme of Action urged Governments to implement policies of affirmative action to ensure equal access to education
她回顾说,《德行动纲领》敦促各国政府执行扶持行动政策,确保教育机会平等。MultiUn MultiUn
Today, on World Environment Day let’s urge everyone to take action to keep our planet healthy.
今天是世界环境日,让我们一起敦促每一个人采取行动保护地球的健康。WHO WHO
He urged UNICEF to accelerate action for AIDS orphans
促请儿童基金会加速有关艾滋孤儿的行动。MultiUn MultiUn
The Committee urged Japan to take action in that regard.
人权事务委员日本采取这方面的行动。UN-2 UN-2
I continue to urge all parties concerned to take every possible action to speed up the exhumation process
继续敦促有关各方采取一切可能的行动,加快挖掘工作。MultiUn MultiUn
I continue to urge all parties concerned to take every possible action to speed up the exhumation process.
继续敦促有关各方采取一切可能的行动,加快挖掘工作。UN-2 UN-2
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