trail along oor Sjinees

trail along

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Her leg was cut by the bramble along the trail.
荊棘 bramble
Her leg was cut by the bramble along the trail 她的腿在小路上被荊棘劃傷了
黑莓灌木;刺藤 ,荊棘 bramble


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And you see how the dark matter lumps up, and the ordinary matter just trails along behind.
你可以看到这些暗物质是怎么聚集在一起的 可见物质紧随其后ted2019 ted2019
Very few ever arrive late, though they come on jungle trails along which there are rivers, tigers, poisonous snakes, and the like.
虽然他们要行经森林小径,攀山涉水,路上更有老虎、毒蛇和其他猛兽出没,却很少人会迟到。jw2019 jw2019
The owner travels with their dogs along trails in the wilderness.
主人與他們的狗一起沿著荒野中的小徑旅行。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
President Ulysses S. Grant ordered the abandonment of forts along the trail.
尤里西斯·辛普森·格总统也命令放弃沿着这条小道而建的那些堡垒。WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
As we made our way along the trail, we spotted orangutans swinging through the trees.
我们沿着条小径往前走,看到几只红猩猩从一颗树上荡到另一棵树上。jw2019 jw2019
We were thrilled to see one of those shells embedded in the rock along the trail!
沿途看到这么一个甲壳化石,叫我们多么兴奋!jw2019 jw2019
They hurried along the trail.
他们赶紧沿着条步道走,LDS LDS
One flooded stream stranded 24 hikers along a trail, all of whom required rescue by helicopter.
一条步道沿线共有24名远足人士因河流涨水被困,需要直升机救援。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
(Isaiah 60:6) Crowds of merchants guide their camel caravans along the trails leading to Jerusalem.
以赛亚书60:6)商队领骆驼,沿着通往耶路撒冷的道路而来。jw2019 jw2019
More often than not, funding has failed international compacts, whose vision loses focus along the trail of implementation.
经常由于资金问题无法实施国际契约。 在执行契约的道路上,契约具有的远见失去了焦点。UN-2 UN-2
Along the trail, flowers and fragrances are many
沿途野花五色斑斓、香气扑鼻jw2019 jw2019
As Dad hiked up the steep trail, I jumped from one large rock to another along the sides of the trail.
爸爸沿着陡峭的山路往上走,我在路两旁的大石头上跳来跳去。LDS LDS
Using only hand tools, horses, and camels, 900 railway workers pushed the line north along Aboriginal trails through the Flinders Ranges.
1878年,他们在奥古斯塔港动工修筑铁道,900个铁道工人靠着马匹、骆驼机动工具,沿着土著开辟的小径,一路向北兴建。jw2019 jw2019
Create an interconnected network of camping areas along tourist trails in the mountains of various regions and in Kyrgyzstan as a whole
在各区山地和吉尔吉斯斯坦全国的旅游点建立营地联网MultiUn MultiUn
The trail is currently protected along more than 99% of its course by federal or state land ownership or right-of-way.
现时中國大陸大多数的铁路路线均为鐵路總公司及其控股或地方政府辖下的国营公司经营。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
Create an interconnected network of camping areas along tourist trails in the mountains of various regions and in Kyrgyzstan as a whole;
在各区山地和吉尔吉斯斯坦全国的旅游点建立营地联网;UN-2 UN-2
Because of harsh conditions, many of both peoples died along this trail from Florida to Oklahoma, also known as The Trail of Tears.
由于条件恶劣,许多塞米诺尔黑人和塞米诺尔人死佛罗里达至俄克拉荷马州的途中,这段路程也被称为“血泪之路”。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
First, they had to ride bicycles along a trail to a marked boat launch, where they then had to paddle kayaks across Hamilton Harbour.
首先,他们要沿着一条小径骑自行車找到有标志的皮艇,然后他们要划皮艇穿越哈密尔顿港。WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
If the veterinarian deemed their measurements to be correct, they would ride their elephant along a trail and feed it to get their next clue.
如果兽医确认计算正确,队伍将乘上大象行小路,喂过大象后可获得下一线索。WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Many are found along the Freedom Trail, which is marked by a red line of bricks embedded in the ground.
其中许多是沿着自由之路(Freedom Trail),这条路线是用一条红色线或植入地面的砖块标出来。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
You can imagine the sight as they rolled along the trail en route to the meeting—also the effort that was required on Barak’s part.
你可以想像他们两人沿着小径前进的景象,也想想巴拉克要花多大气力。jw2019 jw2019
One of them, Sarel Hart, said: “Teaching each class was, for me, like conducting a tour along a mountain trail.
其中一个导师叫萨雷·哈特,他说:“我觉得,教导每班学生都好比向导带领人登山。jw2019 jw2019
During our ascent of Guadalupe Peak, the highest point in Texas at 8,749 feet [2,666 meters], we noticed a number of fossils lacing the rocks along the trail.
瓜达卢佩山高2666米,是得克萨斯的最高点。 我们登山期间,沿途竟发现化石。jw2019 jw2019
Walking along the trail en route to Bird Island, look down on the jade- green waters of China Cove, nestled below like a gemstone surrounded by steep cliffs.
当你沿着小径行向伯德岛之际,你可以俯瞰中国湖,翠绿的湖水在下面像一块镶嵌在悬崖间的宝石一般。jw2019 jw2019
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