trailed oor Sjinees


Simple past tense and past participle of trail.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sjinees

追踪, 追捕Chased v. followed, hunted, pursued, trailed

Rene Sini

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

paper trail
书面证据 · 选民核实的纸质记录
auto trail
audit trail
审计线索 · 稽核線索
Her leg was cut by the bramble along the trail.
荊棘 bramble
to trail
拖 · 跟踪
Chased v. followed, hunted, pursued, trailed 追踪, 追捕
追捕 · 追踪 · 追踪, 追捕Chased v. followed, hunted, pursued, trailed
Appalachian Trail
Trail Officer
一串 · 垂下 · 塵 · 奔逐 · 小径 · 小徑 · 小路拖 · 小道 · 尾 · 尾迹 · 尾部 · 尾随 · 循路而行 · 慢吞吞地走 · 拖 · 拖拉 · 拖沓行走 · 拖車 · 拽 · 曳 · 曵 · 步道 · 爬 · 痕跡 · 痕迹 · 線索 · 线索 · 落后 · 落后于 · 落後 · 跟踪 · 跡 · 路 · 路径 · 路徑 · 路線 · 踪 · 踪迹 · 蹊 · 蹤 · 蹤跡 · 軌跡 · 迟缓 · 迹 · 追 · 追赶 · 追踪 · 追蹤 · 追逐 · 逐 · 頭緒


Advanced filtering
UNFPA informed the Board that it had been advised that application of the audit trail function would have a severe impact on the processing time of the Atlas system.
人口基金告知委员会,它曾经警告说审计线索功能的应用将对Atlas系统的处理时间产生重大影响。UN-2 UN-2
When the trail is straight and flat, there are times that the musher may turn the team over to the lead dog while the musher catches a nap in the sled.
如果跑道平坦笔直,领狗员便会在雪橇上小睡,狗队则交由领犬指挥。jw2019 jw2019
The Montserrat Tourist Board is establishing a thematic national trail system and intends to develop six more hiking trails to provide opportunities for increased nature, heritage and community-based tourism and to provide opportunities for local economic activity
蒙特塞拉特旅游局建立了一个国家主题林间小路系统,它打算开辟六条以上可以步行的林间小路,同时提供机会,在发展旅游业的基础上,使自然环境、遗产和社区状况都能得到进一步改善,并促进当地经济活动的展开。MultiUn MultiUn
It has also been suggested that since the compromis already anticipated the liability of Canada and required the application of both international law and the law of the United States, consequently making it difficult to determine the legal basis of the tribunal’s determination, Trail Smelter “could only be considered of limited relevance as an international legal precedent”.
391还有人提出,事后达成的仲裁协议已经预先考虑了加拿大的赔偿责任,并要求国际法和美国法律同时适用,从而难以确定法庭判决的法律基础,只能认为雷尔冶炼厂案“是具有有限关联性的国际法律先例”。UN-2 UN-2
We found a blood trail at the top of the hill by the maintenance shed.
我們 在 山頂 的 保養 庫邊 找到 了 一條 血跡OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Following the trail of the Nez Perce he collected 45 civilian volunteers in the Bitterroot Valley.
跟随着内兹珀斯人的踪迹,他又在比特鲁特谷集合了45名平民志愿兵。WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In the absence of audit logs the databases are susceptible to the risk of being deleted without leaving a trail of the transactions;
由于缺少审计日志记录,数据库有可能被删除而没有留下交易痕迹;UN-2 UN-2
Torrential rains associated with cyclones caused unprecedented floods in my country, and this natural disaster left a trail of destruction, death and misery for thousands of Mozambicans, particularly women, children and the elderly
旋风引起的骤雨使我国遭受前所未有的水灾,这一自然灾害给成千上万的莫桑比克人,特别是妇女、儿童和老人带来一系列破坏、死亡和痛苦。MultiUn MultiUn
Your friction trail was easy to follow.
你们 的 摩擦 迹 很 容易 跟踪OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
BOSTON – Nearly everyone has a digital footprint – the trail of so-called “passive data” that is produced when you engage in any online interaction, such as with branded content on social media, or perform any digital transaction, like purchasing something with a credit card.
波士顿—几乎所有人都留下了数字足迹——所谓的“消极数据”(passive data)痕迹,在你参与在线互动时产生,比如社交媒体上的品牌活动或者用信用卡买东西之类的数字交易活动。ProjectSyndicate ProjectSyndicate
Clearly, the movement of such large amounts of money over a period of time would necessarily leave a trail because transactions would involve either cash, checks or bank transfers
显然,在一段时间内如此巨额的资金流通,必然会留下痕迹,因为做交易,就会牵涉到现金、支票或银行转帐。MultiUn MultiUn
In general, there seems to be a lack of understanding among the people of why the open court principle is essential for the fairness of trails.
从总体上看,人们似乎不理解为何公开审理原则是保证审判的公正性所必须的。UN-2 UN-2
Americans recognized its achievement, calling the trail, "One of the great achievements in military engineering of the 20th century."
美国认识到了这条路的重要性, 并将它称作 ‘“20世纪军事工程上 最伟大的成就。”ted2019 ted2019
Their application will enhance the ability to build and trace audit trails and generate analytical reports for use by both the Secretariat and the oversight machinery, including both internal and external audit
应用这些工具就能够加强建立和追踪审计线索的能力,并产生分析性报告,供秘书处以及包括内部和外部审计单位在内的监督机构使用。MultiUn MultiUn
This is the silk that's used to make the frame and radii of an orb web, and also the safety trailing dragline.
我 哋 今 日 睇 到 都 喺 由 單 基 因 家 族 所 編 碼 , 因 此 , 可 以 假 設 原 始 蜘 蛛 祖 先 只 喺 做 一 種 絲QED QED
In addition the software is accompanied by a basic a audit trail which monitors the activities related to fraction tables
此外,该软件还配有基本审计追踪系统,可监测与分数表相关的活动。MultiUn MultiUn
If the Trail Smelter or the Lac Lanoux cases are of any guidance, it is clear that a threshold of harm that is “appreciable” or “serious” or “significant” or “substantial” is what qualifies for compensation and not the negligible or de minimis damage
如果“特雷耳炼锌厂仲裁案”和“拉诺湖案”有任何指导意义,那么,可以予以赔偿的条件显然是“相当大”或“严重”或“重大”或“可观”伤害这一临界线,而不是可忽略、或免责的伤害。MultiUn MultiUn
Audit trails maintained of all goods and equipment received by the Court
对法院收到的所有货物和设备保留审计跟踪UN-2 UN-2
Many claimants do not provide a documentary trail detailing to perfection the expenses incurred in caring for their personnel and transporting them (and, in some instances, the employees of other companies who were stranded) out of a theatre of hostilities.
许多索赔人没有以文件线索,详细无缺地列出照料其工作人员并将他们(和在某些情况下受困的其他公司的雇员)撤离冲突地区所支付的开支。UN-2 UN-2
The Investment Management Service should ensure that approvals of recommendations and trade orders are properly documented and filed and that any verbal instructions made by authorized officials on an exceptional basis are also documented to provide a management trail (AS2001/95/1/08).
投资管理处应确保妥善记录对建议和交易指示的核可,并妥善归档;而且记录授权官员在例外情况下作出的口头指示,以便利于管理追踪(AS2001/95/1/ 08)。UN-2 UN-2
UNRWA was initially not able to provide the Board with a concise and complete audit trail in respect of the construction of buildings
近东救济工程处最初无法向委员会提供有关建筑物建造的简明而完整的审计线索。MultiUn MultiUn
The Board noted that the audit trail functionality had not been activated on the Atlas system.
委员会注意到在Atlas系统上没有激活审计线索功能。UN-2 UN-2
The above-mentioned tasks involve the final certification of projects activities; the cancellation of contracts and purchase orders and the stocktaking of all physical property of all components; the liquidation of outstanding obligations and cash advances; payments for all outstanding invoices and claims; processing the settlement of staff entitlements upon separation; the closure of local account books, bank accounts and cash on hand; performing all human-resources functions related to closure of the office; disposing of non-expandable property; the preparation of financial and administrative reports; and the preparation and securing of necessary documentation related to the audit trail and the submission of accounts to the United Nations.
上述工作牵涉到项目活动的最终核证;撤消合同和定购单以及清点所有组成部分的所有有形财产;清偿未清债务以及现金垫款;支付所有未清账发票和债权;处理结算工作人员离职时应享的福利;关闭当地银行账册、银行账户和库存现金;履行与关闭办事处有关的所有人力资源职能;处理非消耗性财产;编写财务和行政报告;以及编写和获取有关审计线索的必要文件,并向联合国提交有关账目。UN-2 UN-2
Runners must use extreme caution as there are sections of the race course where you must exit the Great Wall and run on the trail alongside the wall to avoid extreme hazards.
跑步者必须格外小心,因为在比赛过程中的赛段上,必须离开长城,沿着墙边的小径跑,以避免极度危险。WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Board recommends that UNDP reconsider the activation of the audit trail function, especially as an interim measure, taking into account the benefits and effect it would have on the operations of the Atlas system
委员会建议开发计划署考虑审计线索功能对Atlas系统的运行将会产生的好处和影响,重新考虑启用审计线索功能的问题,特别是将其视作为一项临时措施。MultiUn MultiUn
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