usages oor Sjinees


Plural form of usage.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sjinees

CCDICT 5.1.1

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

in common usage
usage of trade
enhanced key usage
增強金鑰使用方法 · 增强型密钥使用
Storage Usage report
儲存區流量報告 · 存储使用情况报告
usage analysis
使用分析 · 流量分析
a private firm (PRC usage)
个体户 · 個體戶
liberty usage
commercial usage
usage dependency
使用依赖性 · 用法相依性


Advanced filtering
Saudi Arabia explains that “[c]ore impacts reflect direct impact associated with the primary uses of the military facilities, while the peripheral disturbance areas reflect indirect impact resulting from persistent usage of the military facilities.”
沙特阿拉伯解释说,“核心影响区显示的是使用主要的军事设施的直接影响,边缘影响区反映了持续使用军事设施间接造成的影响”。UN-2 UN-2
The Committee recommends that the State party amend any discriminatory provisions limiting the ownership, control and usage of land by women and adopt a public policy on land management that integrates a gender perspective.
委员会建议缔约国修订限制妇女拥有掌控和使用土地的任何歧视性规定,并实行纳入两性平等观点的土地管理公共政策。UN-2 UN-2
MI 26 heavy lift helicopters were included in the review, as they are expensive and their usage is limited to specific tasks.
MI 26重型直升机被列入审查范围,因为它们的价格昂贵,而且它们的用途仅限于特定任务。UN-2 UN-2
The Assembly, at the # th plenary meeting of its thirtieth session on # ecember # furthermore approved the principle of reimbursing troop-contributing countries for the usage factor for personal clothing, gear and equipment, including personal weaponry, issued to their troops for service in peacekeeping
此外,大会第三十届会议 # 年 # 月 # 日第 # 次全体会议核准了个人衣物、用具和装备折旧率方面偿还部队派遣国的原则,包括向部队发放的用于维和的个人武器。MultiUn MultiUn
Unlike all the other Finnish Maxims, the Maxim M/32-33 was designed to be suitable for anti-aircraft usage from the beginning.
馬克沁M/32-33與其他的芬蘭马克沁机枪另一不同之處在於它從一開始設計成為適合在防空用途上使用。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
Number of member countries receiving and using technology-based databases, produced and disseminated by ESCWA, including coverage of new areas and number of personnel trained in the usage thereof.
收到和利用西亚经社会编制和散发的、以技术为基础的数据库的成员国数目,包括新领域的含盖范围接受如何使用它们的培训的人员数目。UN-2 UN-2
Paragraph has been amended to ensure broader applicability of the Rules in situations where a contract was not necessarily the basis of the dispute by referring to the words “any applicable” in relation to “contract” and “any” in relation to “usage of trade”
对第款作了修改,在“合同”和“商业惯例”之前分别添加“任何适用”和“任何”的提法,以确保在合同并不一定为纠纷解决依据的情形下本《规则》得到更为广泛的适用。MultiUn MultiUn
Thus, in addition to its voluntary contribution, Togo grants material and logistical benefits covering the rent for the building and for the residence of the Director, and for electricity, water and telephone usage.
因此,多哥除自愿捐助以外,还提供物质和后勤援助,包括支付办公楼和主任居所的租金,水、电和电话费用。UN-2 UN-2
Everyday it is consulted by 7% of all 1.2 billion Internet users, and its rate of usage is growing faster than that of Internet usage as a whole.
每天,12亿互联网用户的7%要查阅这一网站,其使用率的增长要快整体互联网的使用。ProjectSyndicate ProjectSyndicate
Li and Macdonald (2005) estimated the global usage of alpha-HCH (based on data on technical HCH) at 6 millions tons, with 4.3millions tons emitted into the atmosphere.
Li和Macdonald(2005年)估计甲型六氯环乙烷的全球使用量(以技术用六氯环己烷的数据为基础)为600万吨,其中有430万吨被排放到大气中。UN-2 UN-2
As expected, ICT usage in the region is higher among the firms of more advanced economies and lower in the other developing economies.
如预期的一样,在本区域,先进经济体的公司使用信通技术的情况较多,而其他发展中经济体使用的情况较少。UN-2 UN-2
Further, the requirements include annual rental and operating costs for one fixed-wing aircraft ($ # ) for guaranteed fleet costs (including positioning and painting), and usage estimated at some $ # per flight hour for some # flight hours of a Learjet, as well as for rental and operating costs of two commercially contracted helicopters for guaranteed fleet costs (including positioning and painting) and usage at some $ # per flight hour for a total of # hours ($
所需经费的用途还包括 # 架固定翼飞机的年租金和运行费用 ( # 美元),用于担保机组费(包括进驻和油漆)及使用费,使用费以 # 架里尔飞机约飞行 # 小时、每飞行一小时约 # 美元计算;以及两架商租直升机的租金和运行费用( # 美元),用于担保机组费(包括进驻油漆)及使用费,使用费以每飞行一小时约 # 美元、共 # 小时计算。MultiUn MultiUn
Although there was no internationally agreed definition, many participants took into account the definitions in current usage, including by United Nations agencies, and the need to define extreme poverty from the viewpoint of human rights, as a denial of human rights and human dignity, and deprivation of basic capabilities
虽然对此尚无国际上一致认可的定义,但许多与会者参考了目前所使用的种种定义,包括联合国各机构所使用的定义,认为必须从人权角度将赤贫界定为对人权与人的尊严的剥夺以及对基本能力的剥夺。MultiUn MultiUn
In later months, without referencing Pat Buchanan's prior usage or the AFC, Trump said that "'America First' will be the major and overriding theme" of his administration during his campaign for President, and advocated nationalist, anti-interventionist positions; following his election to the Presidency, America First has become the official foreign policy doctrine of the Trump Administration.
特朗普在没有提及帕特·布南或美国優先委员会的情况下表示,“美国優先”将是他在总统竞选期间的主要和最重要的主题,并提倡民族主义、不干涉主义立场;在其当选成为总统后,“美国優先”已成为其政府(英语:Presidency of Donald Trump)的官方外交政策原则。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
These drivers solved issues relating to conflicting usage of physical resources by intercepting calls to the hardware.
这些驱动程序通过拦截对硬件的调用来解决与物理资源使用冲突相关的问题。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
Please indicate what measures are being taken and/or planned to ensure women’s equal access to and control over land and land usages, along with other efforts to enhance their economic independence.
请说明已采取和(或)计划采取哪些措施,与加强妇女经济独立性的其他工作一起,确保妇女平等地获得和控制土地和土地使用UN-2 UN-2
Almost all countries, especially those in Africa, are seeing an annual increase in electricity usage, as confirmed in a report by the Africa Infrastructure Country Diagnostic project.
如非洲基础设施国家诊断项目报告所证实,几乎所有国家,特别是非洲国家的电量每年都在增长。UN-2 UN-2
Researchers data mine large digital archives to investigate cultural phenomena reflected in language and word usage.
研究者对海量数字档案进行数据挖掘以研究人们使用的语言与词汇,进而揭示其中反应出来的文化现象。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
Streamlining of procurement paper flow by development of templates and maximized e-mail usage
通过制作模板,精简采购文件的数量,并最大限度地利用电子邮件UN-2 UN-2
The report argues that increasing accessibility and usage can help to reduce the e-service usage divide and foster socially inclusive development; while open data present opportunities for citizens to freely use, reuse and integrate various sustainable development-related datasets.
该报告认为,进一步便于利用和增加使用量,可有助于减少电子服务使用鸿沟,促进具有社会包容性的发展;而开放性数据为公民自由使用、再使用和整合各种可持续发展方面的数据基提供了机会。UN-2 UN-2
Lastly, programmes developed for the preparatory level during the year 2008/2009 will be brought into general usage in 2009/2010.
最后,关于平均周期,在2008-2009年期间完成了方案的制定,将2009-2010年普遍使用。UN-2 UN-2
In November # launched a new questionnaire intended to gather relevant information on the current usage of authentication across borders in OECD Member Countries
年 # 月,经合组织启动了一份新的调查表,意在收集经合组织成员国目前使用跨国界认证情况的有关信息。MultiUn MultiUn
American publishing companies such as ALC Publishing and Seven Seas Entertainment have also adopted the Japanese usage of the term to classify their yuri manga publications.
美國出版商,如ALC出版社(英语:Yuricon)、七海娛樂(英语:Seven Seas Entertainment),也接受日本的百合用法,並將Yuri這個詞採用於公司所出版的相關品。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
UNCTAD's work on the statistical measurement of ICT focuses on ICT usage in enterprises in developing countries
贸发会议关于信通技术统计计量的工作测重于发展中国家的企业采用信通技术。MultiUn MultiUn
The coronavirus outbreak has been blamed for several instances of supply shortages, stemming from globally increased usage of equipment to fight the outbreaks, panic buying, and disruption to factory and logistic operations.
多方面的供应短缺可归咎于新型冠状病毒爆发,这源于全球为对抗疫情而增加了设备使用,恐慌性购物,以及工厂和物流运营中断。Tico19 Tico19
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