Ellas ambas oor Engels

Ellas ambas

Vertalings in die woordeboek Spaans - Engels

They both

both = ambas
They = ellas
Cristian Andrés Torrejón Bravo

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Ellos ambos
They both


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y sin intercambiar ni una palabra entre ellos, ambos abrieron los ojos a la vez y se levantaron.
— and without saying anything to each other, they both opened their eyes at the same time and stood up.Literature Literature
No me había decidido por ninguno de ellos, ambos me gustaban y nos entendíamos muy bien los tres.
I could not decide between them, for I liked them both and we were all good friends.Literature Literature
He conseguido dos nombres de ellas, ambos de antiguos tenientes Yakuza, ahora fallecidos.
I got two names off of them, both former Yakuza lieutenants, now deceased.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Fuera cual fuese peor, la nuestra o la de ellos, ambas fueron ciertamente terribles.
Whichever one was worse, ours or theirs, both were certainly terrible.""Literature Literature
Ellos, ambos, le impresionaban.
They, both of them, impressed him.Literature Literature
Sus relaciones eran funcionales y casi comerciales, y en ellas ambos obtenían placer.
His relationships were functional and businesslike and, he hoped, involved a degree of mutual pleasure.Literature Literature
Y no debes preocuparte por ninguno de ellos; ambos son moderados y buenos amigos míos.
And you needn't worry about either of them; they're both moderates, and good friends of mine.""Literature Literature
Ellos ambos la reclamaban pero los Drygens deseaban la propiedad completa,” la abuela dijo.
They both had a claim to it but the Drygens wanted all of the property,” Gram said.Literature Literature
Veía en ellas ambas cosas: paz y nostalgia, alegría y dolor.
He saw both there: peace and longing, joy and pain.Literature Literature
Ella tratará de olvidarse de todo, simplemente hacer caso omiso de ellos, ambos.
She would try to forget about it all, simply ignore them both.Literature Literature
Otros, Sandra y el oficial Barnes entre ellos, ambos de acuerdo por una vez, no querían ir.
A few others, Sandra and Officer Barnes among them—the two of them on the same page for once—didn’t want to go there.Literature Literature
Katie y Jenni comenzaron el largo camino hacia ellos, ambas descalzas como él notó.
Katie and Jenni started the long walk toward them, both of them barefoot he noted.Literature Literature
Cuando están con mujeres como ellas, ambos hacen cosas estúpidas
When they get around women like this, they both have these stupid things they go toopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Para ellos, ambos presidentes están buscando la paz.
For them, both of the two presidents were calling for peace.globalvoices globalvoices
Ellos ambos estaban un poco nerviosos acerca de informarle a su Alpha.
They were both a little nervous about coming out to their Alpha.Literature Literature
De ello resulta que, a pesar de la relación que existe entre ellos, ambos tipos son independientes.
As a result, though they are related, the two kinds are independent of one another.Literature Literature
Él... ellos... ambos tenían suerte de seguir con vida.
He... they... were both lucky to be alive.Literature Literature
A medida que George y su acompañante se aproximaban a ellos, ambos se volvieron sobre sus pasos.
As George and his companion approached them, they turned and retraced their steps.Literature Literature
Ellas ambas se han casado con tipos que son 10 años mas jovenes que ellas.
They're both married to guys that are 10 years younger than them.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Había tensión sexual entre ellosambos la sentían—, pero ninguno estaba seguro de lo que pretendía el otro.
There was a sexual pull between them – they both felt it – but neither was sure what the other intended.Literature Literature
El estaba en casa con permiso de su unidad.- y están ellos... ambos...?
He was home on embarkation leave.- And are they... are they both...?opensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Ellos ambas miradas iguales.
they both looks same.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Tan pronto como su mirada feroz se fija en ellos, ambos se marchitan visiblemente.
As soon as his ferocious gaze fixes on them, they both visibly wither.Literature Literature
Al menos 10 libios, entre ellos ambos hermanos, fueron detenidos el EAU en el lapso de un mes.
The brothers were among at least 10 Libyans arrested within the space of a month in the UAE.amnesty.org amnesty.org
Cuando su comida fue puesta en la mesa entre ellos, ambos hombres rápidamente tomaron sus utensilios de plata.
When their meal was set on the table between them, both men hurriedly picked up their silverware.Literature Literature
18134 sinne gevind in 104 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.