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Giselda Leirner
Giselda Leirner


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Giselda los vio conversando a la sombra de los árboles.
Giselda saw them standing talking together in the shade of the overhanging trees.Literature Literature
Continuó hablando, pero Giselda apenas escuchaba, pensando con quién se casaría el conde.
He went on talking, but Giselda could not help wondering whom the Earl would marry.Literature Literature
Pidió pergamino y tinta a Giselda y empezó a redactar dos cartas, una para Patricio y otra para el jorobado.
She requested parchment and ink from Giselda and began composing her replies, both to Patricio and to the hunchback.Literature Literature
—Y empleada, por profesión —añadió Giselda con una sonrisa.
“ – and a servant by profession,” Giselda added with a smile.Literature Literature
¿Cuánto tardará Madame Vivienne en preparar a Giselda para entrar en escena?
How soon do you think Madame Vivienne can equip Giselda so that she can take the stage?”Literature Literature
Pero tendré mucho que decir al respecto, Giselda, así que esté libre.
But I shall have a great deal to say on the matter, Giselda, as soon as you are free.”Literature Literature
Déjeme presentarle a un viejo amigo, Capitán Henry Somercote, la señorita Giselda Chart.
First of all, let me introduce an old friend, Captain Henry Somercote – Miss Giselda Chart.”Literature Literature
De vuelta a Prato confesó su amor a Tito, que le dio su permiso para escribir a Giselda.
Back in Prato he confessed his love to Tito, who gave him permission to write to Giselda.Literature Literature
Giselda, con una pila de libros en los brazos, se alejó de la mesa donde estaba recogiendo algunas cartas.
Giselda, with one arm full of books, turned from the desk from which she had taken a number of letters.Literature Literature
Pero sabía que para Giselda no había otra alternativa.
And yet he realised that where Giselda was concerned there was little alternative.Literature Literature
Cuando, al final, Giselda terminó la lectura del periódico, el aún no tenía solución alguna.
When finally Giselda set down the newspaper he still had no solution of any sort to offer.Literature Literature
Tú y yo, Giselda, lo sabemos bien.
You and I, Giselda, know better.”Literature Literature
—Yo lo noto todo en ti, Giselda.
“I notice everything about you, Giselda.”Literature Literature
No tenemos que tomarlo demasiado en serio, pero deja a Giselda en paz.
“We are being far too damned serious over this, but leave Giselda alone.Literature Literature
Había algo en su forma de hablar que hizo que Giselda lo mirase interrogativamente.
There was something in the way he spoke that made Giselda look at him questioningly.Literature Literature
Perdí a la señorita Giselda y necesito encontrarla.
“I have lost Miss Giselda and I have to find her.Literature Literature
Antes de que Julius pudiese responder, él le presentó a lady Dennington y Giselda se quedó sola con el coronel.
Before Julius could reply, he introduced him to Lady Dennington and Giselda found herself alone with the Colonel.Literature Literature
La tarde ya avanzaba en dirección a la noche cuando Madame Vivienne se marchó y Giselda entró en el cuarto sola.
It was growing late in the afternoon before Madame Vivienne left and Giselda came into the room alone.Literature Literature
—preguntó Giselda, ya que era obvio que debía decir alguna cosa.
Giselda asked, since it was obvious that she was expected to say something.Literature Literature
—Buenas noches, Giselda —dijo con su voz grave y sonora, mientras ella lo miraba, sin hablar—.
“Good evening, Giselda,” he said in his deep voice, as she stood looking at him apparently speechless.Literature Literature
Yo le pregunte, Giselda, ¿por qué no quiere conocer al duque?
“I asked you, Giselda, why you do not wish to meet the Duke?”Literature Literature
¡Quítate el sombrero, Giselda, aprovecha la luz del sol!
“Take off your bonnet, Giselda, and enjoy the sunshine.”Literature Literature
Giselda era exactamente lo opuesto de todo eso.
In contrast Giselda was the exact opposite.Literature Literature
—A mí no importa que sea una mina de carbón o en la luna, mientras pueda estar contigo —respondió Giselda.
“It would not matter to me if it was in a coal mine or on the moon, just as long as I can be with you,” Giselda sighed.Literature Literature
Pero tú Giselda, eres joven y querrás participar de la fiesta.
But you, Giselda, are young, you will want to dance and to see the excitement.”Literature Literature
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