Mahaut oor Engels


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La condesa Mahaut ha ofrecido enviar a su médico personal.
Countess Mahaut has offered to send her own doctor.

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Mahaut de Artois


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Lo celebro, verdaderamente lo celebro dijo Mahaut.
‘I’m delighted, really delighted,’ said Mahaut.Literature Literature
Felipe y Mahaut levantaron al pequeño rey, uno por las piernas y otro por los hombros.
Philippe and Mahaut took up the little King, one by the legs and the other by the shoulders.Literature Literature
Sólo la condesa Mahaut se permite decir: Es una sabia decisión, Sire hijo mío.
The Countess Mahaut alone permitted herself to say: ‘A wise decision, Sire my Son.’Literature Literature
El obispo de Arras, Thierry de Hirson, canciller de la condesa Mahaut, murió el mes de noviembre.
The Bishop of Arras, Thierry d’Hirson, Countess Mahaut’s chancellor, died in the month of November.Literature Literature
Mahaut ha ofrecido enviar al maestro Pavilly, su médico personal.
Mahaut has offered to send Master de Pavilly, her personal physician.’Literature Literature
¡Y Mahaut, que la creía durante ese tiempo ocupada en convencer a la Divion!
And to think that Mahaut believed she was spending her time trying to win over La Divion!Literature Literature
Iba acompañado de Anseau de Joinville y de la condesa Mahaut.
He was accompanied by Anseau de Joinville and the Countess Mahaut.Literature Literature
Es su carruaje, pero la Condesa Mahaut no va adentro.
It's her carriage, but the Countess Mahaut is not here.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Entonces la duquesa de Borgoña, nieta de Mahaut, reclamó el condado de Artois.
Then the Duchess of Burgundy, Mahaut's granddaughter, laid claim to the County of Artois.Literature Literature
Atravesé Mahaut arrastrándome por tierra, pues tenía miedo de que me reconocieran.
I passed through Mahaut crawling on my stomach, for I was afraid I would be recognized.Literature Literature
Quizás en otro lugar Mahaut se hubiera mostrado más accesible a la proposición de Felipe VI.
Had the meeting taken place elsewhere, Mahaut might perhaps have been more amenable to Philippe VI's proposals.Literature Literature
En Maubuisson, ni las princesas condenadas, ni sus tres esposos, ni Mahaut, ni el propio rey durmieron aquella noche.
Neither the condemned Princesses, nor Mahaut, nor the King's three sons, nor indeed the King himself, slept that night.Literature Literature
Mahaut murió 33 años más tarde, en 1358 a la edad de 65 años, habiendo sobrevivido a tres de sus cuatro hijos; sólo su hija Isabel la sobrevivió.
Mahaut died 33 years later in 1358 at the age of 65, having outlived three of her four children; only her daughter Isabella outlived her.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Parecía que iban a lanzarse a impedir el juramento de Mahaut.
They looked as if they would have liked to rush forward and stop Mahaut taking the oath.Literature Literature
La señora Mahaut sabe muy bien lo que hace al precipitarse a Chaalis, y su sobrino Roberto tasca el freno.
But Mahaut knew very well what she was doing by hurrying to Chaalis; and her nephew Robert was fretting.Literature Literature
—exclamó Mahaut al tiempo que abandonaba su puesto para situarse al lado de su sobrino, delante del rey.
cried Mahaut, who now left the stalls and came to stand beside her nephew in front of the King.Literature Literature
Mahaut miró atentamente el rostro tranquilo, casi sonriente, de su primera doncella.
Mahaut gazed attentively at the calm, almost smiling face of her lady-in-waiting.Literature Literature
Estaba situada en el extremo más alejado del poblado de Mahaut viniendo de Roseau, en dirección a Belmont.
It was situated at the far end of the village of Mahaut if you were coming from Roseau, going toward Belmont.Literature Literature
Yo pido, que me sea devuelto el condado de Artois, entregado indebidamente a mi tía Mahaut.
Then I ask that the county of Artois will be returned to me, unfairly transferred to my aunt Mahaut.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
El lugar estaba oscuro; Mahaut no miró al niño de cerca.
The place was dark; Mahaut did not look closely at the child.Literature Literature
Beatriz se aburría más aún que en Conflans durante los últimos meses con Mahaut.
Beatrice was bored, even more than she had been at Conflans during Mahaut's last months.Literature Literature
La condesa Mahaut escuchaba las quejas de maese Gerardo Kiérez y le testimoniaba su buena voluntad.
Countess Mahaut accepted the grievances of Master Gerard Kierez; she gave evidence of her goodwill.Literature Literature
Lo juro por Dios, Lormet, que estas espigas de trigo no saldrán de mi pecho... mientras no haya reconquistado hasta el último campo de mi condado, del usurpador, mi tía Mahaut.
I swear to God, Lorme that I will worn these spikes on my chest, until I will reconquer my land to the last piece from my aunt Mahaut.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Y este es Sumir, su mahaut.
And this is Sumir, his mahout.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Hubo que parar la litera para que la señora Mahaut fuera a aliviarse en el primer campo.
They had to stop the litter so that Madame Mahaut might relieve herself in a neighbouring field.Literature Literature
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