María y yo oor Engels

María y yo

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Maria and I

María y yo no somos tan íntimas como éramos antes.
Maria and I aren't as close as we used to be.

Maria and me

Aun así, no puedo dar otra respuesta, si tiene que haberla al como y porqué empezó la historia entre María y yo
Yet, I can suggest no other answer, if there must be an answer to how and why it began between Maria and me

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Mi hermana Maria y yo, y mi mejor amiga, Kate.
Me and my sister, Maria, and my best friend, Kate.Literature Literature
Si quieres, Maria y yo podríamos redecorar un poco.
If you want, Maria and I could do some redecorating.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Mario y yo cargaremos el autobús.
B.A. And I'll load the bus.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Os lo agradecemos mucho María y yo.
You make Mary and I very happy.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Mientras María y yo estábamos en Austria, pensó.
While Marja and I were in Austria, he thought.Literature Literature
Yerko, trae unos puros para los señores, mientras Maria y yo preparamos café.
Yerko, give the gentlemen cigars, while Maria and I prepare coffee.Literature Literature
María y yo planeamos tener dos hijos.
Mary and I plan to have two kids.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Marie y yo jugaremos, mientras tú intentes lanzarlo en nuestra dirección.
Marie and I will play, as long as you promise to try and throw it in our general direction.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Daniel, su hermana Maria y yo.
Daniel; his sister, Maria; and me.Literature Literature
Este es el tipo de cuestiones que Mario y yo discutíamos.
This was just the sort of issue Mario and I argued about.Literature Literature
Maria y yo sufrimos a manos de los abusones.
Maria and I both suffered at the hands of bullies.Literature Literature
No había muchas cosas que Maria y yo no hiciéramos juntos.
There wasn't much that Maria and I didn't do together.Literature Literature
María y yo somos como uña y carne.
You know, Mary and I are thick as thieves.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
María y yo lo llevaremos, ¿no?
Maria and I will run it, won't we?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Maria y yo nos separamos.
Maria and I separated.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
—Aunque no lo crea, entre Maria y yo nunca ha habido nada.
"""I don't know if you will believe this, but Maria and I have never had a relationship."Literature Literature
Sea como sea, María y yo nos hicimos aún más amigas.
Anyway, María and I became even closer friends.Literature Literature
Estábamos muy unidas, María y yo... Una noche no podía dormir y salí fuera a hurtadillas.
“We were very close, Mary and I... One night I couldn’t sleep, so I slipped out.Literature Literature
—Sabe que Anne-Marie y yo somos buenos amigos.
‘He knows Anne-Marie and I are good friends.Literature Literature
Con suerte, Maria y yo encontraremos ahí documentos que daten de tiempos de Cristo.
With any luck Maria and I shall find documents that date back to the time of Christ.’Literature Literature
Este año mi padre era María y yo el niño Jesús.
This year my dad was Mary and I was the baby Jesus.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
—Nunca habrá nada entre Maria y yo, Cassie.
“There will never be anything between Maria and I, Cassie.”Literature Literature
Después del té, dado que la señora Mirvan estaba cansada, Maria y yo paseamos solas por la sala.
After tea, Mrs Mirvan being tired, Maria and I walked round the room alone.Literature Literature
Mi marido consiguió que fuésemos María y yo.
My husband send for me and Maria.Literature Literature
Aunque María y yo llevamos casados muchos años, nunca le he preguntado sobre sus sentimientos por ti.
Though Maria and I have been married these many years I have never asked her about her feelings for you.Literature Literature
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