Squib oor Engels


Vertalings in die woordeboek Spaans - Engels


verb noun
non-magical child of magical parents in the Harry Potter universe
Observe un " Squib " Inmenso proveniente de un vestíbulo superior
Watch a big squib coming from the sky-lobby band

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No era de extrañar que «Squib» moviese la cola gozosamente al escuchar tantos aplausos.
No wonder Squib wagged his tail happily at so much applause.Literature Literature
«Squib», el perro de Google, le iba pisando los talones.
Squib, Google’s dog, went at his heels.Literature Literature
Si Filch está tratando de aprender magia mediante un curso de Embrujorrápid, seguro que es un squib.
If Filch's trying to learn magic from a Kwikspell course, I reckon he must be a Squib.Literature Literature
Observe un " Squib " Inmenso proveniente de un vestíbulo superior
Watch a big squib coming from the sky-lobby bandOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
¡ Quítame las manos, asqueroso Squib!
Take your hands off me, you filthy Squib!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Mace, un squib, siempre había sentido atracción por las cosas más brillantes de la vida.
Mace, a Squib, always had an attraction for the shinier things in life.Literature Literature
La squib sonrió a sus espectadores, que respondieron con carcajadas apreciativas.
The Squib grinned up at her onlookers who responded with appreciative guffaws.Literature Literature
Los ojos del squib relampaguearon, y levantó diez dedos.
The Squib's eyes brightened, and he held up ten fingers.Literature Literature
Kels se volvió hacia la Squib, molesta.
Kels turned to the Squib, annoyed.Literature Literature
Eres un squib, Credence.
You're a Squib, Credence.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
—la squib miró a Dawson, enseñando los dientes amenazadoramente, y luego bajó la mirada al Quay—.
The Squib glared at Dawson, baring her teeth threateningly, then looked down at the Quay.Literature Literature
—... orgullosa y muy dominante, la clase de bruja que se habría avergonzado de haber dado a luz a una squib...
“—proud and very domineering, the sort of witch who would have been mortified to produce a Squib—”Literature Literature
¿Estás tratando de que sea asesinado por el sádico Squib?
Are you trying to get me murdered by that sadistic squib?”Literature Literature
Amor 999 es un escritor de obras de teatro sentimentales, al que antes se conocía como «Squib» Wilson.
Love nine hundred and ninety-nine is a writer of sentimental dramas for the stage, formerly known as “Squib’ Wilson.”Literature Literature
El primer squib en la familia Potter.
First Squib in the Potter family.Literature Literature
Cuando hubo acabado, volvió a sentarse al volante y tocó la bocina para que se apartase «Squib».
When he had finished he got back behind the steering-wheel, and hooted the horn to make Squib get out of the way.Literature Literature
—El hablar no es barato —les advirtió el segundo squib.
“Talk’s not cheap,” the second Squib warned.Literature Literature
Tenía un coche extraordinario que él conducía hasta el interior de la pista, con su perrito «Squib» sentado a su lado.
He had a most extraordinary car, which he drove into the ring, with his little dog Squib sitting beside him.Literature Literature
«Squib» se bajaba y se metía debajo del coche.
Squib jumped out and went under the car.Literature Literature
Y ni siquiera sé lo que es un squib.
“And I don’t even know what a Squib is.”Literature Literature
—Antes de que mates al squib, hay algo que debería mencionar.
“Before you kill the Squib, there is something I should mention.”Literature Literature
Estamos a un pelo de squib de la victoria.
We’re a Squib’s hair from victory.Literature Literature
Soy el equivalente de lo que en el mundo de Harry Potter se denomina squib, un petardo mojado.
I am the equivalent of what in the Harry Potter world is called a squib.Literature Literature
—En el pasado, el pobre Squib Filch no habría podido ser un oponente.
"""In the past, poor old Squib Filch would have been no match."Literature Literature
—Ahora comienzas a hablar como un squib.
“Now you’re starting to sound like a Squib.”Literature Literature
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