a dos dedos de oor Engels

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Cuando recibí tu carta de pésame, estuve a dos dedos de ir a buscarte... Artegui hizo breve pausa.
When I received your letter of condolence, I was on the point of going to seek you——” Artegui paused for a moment.Literature Literature
Yo miraba el techo y, en particular, la malla que lo cubría, a dos dedos de mi nariz.
I stared at the ceiling and, in particular, the wire fencing over it, a few inches above my nose.Literature Literature
Esta amenaza había puesto en varias ocasiones al ministro del Interior a dos dedos de la muerte.
This had terrified the Home Secretary within an inch of his life on several occasions.Literature Literature
Abrí los ojos y me sorprendió ver la cara de Chas a dos dedos de la mía.
I opened my eyes and I was astonished to see Chas’s face just an inch away from my own.Literature Literature
A dos dedos de su ojo, el Dios desvió la trayectoria con su espada.
Two inches away from his eye the God deflected the trajectory with his own sword.Literature Literature
En lo financiero el Imperio se hallaba a dos dedos de la ruina.
Financially the Empire stood on the verge of ruin.Literature Literature
Estaban a dos dedos de distancia, nada los separaba, eran indivisibles —pero no había mensaje que lograra llegar.
An inch separated them, nothing separated them, they were indivisible—yet no message could make it through.Literature Literature
Harper dijo: —De todas formas no es preciso que lo pongas a dos dedos de mis narices.
"Harper said, ""Anyway, you don't have to stand there holding it out at arm's length."Literature Literature
Me salté un semáforo rojo, me subí a la acera y frené a dos dedos de un farol.
I shot through a red light and ran up on the sidewalk, stopping the car just short of a lamp post.Literature Literature
Kayti se situó a dos dedos de distancia de la espalda de Lotas.
Kayti placed herself two fingers away from Lotas’ back.Literature Literature
Estuvo a dos dedos de acabar con la empresa.
He came within a hairsbreadth of bringing the corporation down.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Los cuchillos están a dos dedos de su garganta.
The knives were two fingers’ width from his throat.Literature Literature
Estábamos a dos dedos de ofrecerle un hogar nosotros mismos.
We were two ticks away from giving him a home ourselves.Literature Literature
Cuando vuelvo a abrirlos, su cara está a dos dedos de la mía.
When I open them again his face is an inch from mine.Literature Literature
Lo que había a dos dedos de mi cara era una cara que apenas reconocía.
What was two inches from my face was a face I barely recognized.Literature Literature
Bajo el desdichado príncipe Bosco IX, el reino estuvo a dos dedos de su ruina.
Under the unhappy prince Bosco IX. the kingdom was at the verge of ruin.Literature Literature
En respuesta, él se acercó a mí y solo se detuvo cuando estuvimos a dos dedos de distancia.
In response, he prowled towards me, only coming to a stop when there was an inch of space between us.Literature Literature
Estaba a dos dedos de confesarme la verdad: ya estaba harta de ser un espíritu puro.
I was on the verge of admitting the truth to myself: I was fed up with being a disembothed spirit.Literature Literature
Era sólo un grapón que se había soltado, pero Eberhard y Lövenborg estuvieron a dos dedos de la muerte.
It was only a clamp which had given way; but Eberhard and Löwenborg had narrowly escaped death.Literature Literature
Era sólo un grapón que se había soltado, pero Eberhard y Lovenborg estuvieron a dos dedos de la muerte.
It was only a clamp that had come loose, but Eberhard and Lövenborg had narrowly escaped death.Literature Literature
El gobernador de Bombay admitió más tarde que el movimiento «nos aterrorizó» y «estuvo a dos dedos de vencer».
The Governor of Bombay later admitted that the movement ‘gave us a scare’ and ‘came within an inch of succeeding’.Literature Literature
Era lo bastante inteligente para comprender que estaba a dos dedos de la muerte, firmara o no firmara aquellos cheques.
He was wise enough to know he was very near death, whether he signed the travelers' checks or not.Literature Literature
Cuando tomaba té mantenía la taza suspendida a dos dedos de la cara, y se quedaba quieto así varios segundos.
When he drank tea he held the cup suspended right in front of his face for seconds at a time.Literature Literature
La víspera, Seroge Artavezian, a dos dedos de ganar la apuesta del año, pasó la noche en casa de Darius.
Seroge Artavezian, who was just inches from winning the bet of the year, spent the night before the wedding at Darius’s.Literature Literature
Scathel le escupió y se agachó para comprobar que la sombra aún estaba a dos dedos de la piedra central.
Scathel spat at him, then stooped to see that the shadow was still two finger's breadths from the central stone.Literature Literature
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