a guisa de oor Engels

a guisa de

Vertalings in die woordeboek Spaans - Engels

by way of

Voy a citar solo tres ejemplos a guisa de ilustración.
I should like to cite just three examples by way of illustration.


adjective verb noun adverb conjunction interjection adposition
Voy a citar solo tres ejemplos a guisa de ilustración.
I should like to cite just three examples by way of illustration.

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—A propósito —dijo el presidente a guisa de conclusión—, antes de terminar desearía decir otra cosa.
“By the way,” said the President, concluding, “before I finish there is one more thing I would like to say.Literature Literature
Representa a un hombre con una serpiente a guisa de corbata, que se vuelve hacia una muchacha.
It represents a man with a necktie consisting of a snake which is turning in the direction of a girl.Literature Literature
No puede descartarse la posibilidad de un ataque organizado a guisa de operación mercenaria
An attack organized as a mercenary operation cannot be ruled outMultiUn MultiUn
Ali Neuman descansaba sobre la cama de hospital, con una sonrisa pálida a guisa de bienvenida.
Ali Neuman lay in his hospital bed, and smiled weakly in welcome.Literature Literature
—Estoy con el padre Sánchez —dije, a guisa de presentación, mientras me bajaba del camión—.
“I’m with Father Sanchez,- I said, stepping from the vehicle and introducing myself.Literature Literature
Para los comanches comenzaba con la inmersión en un río o arroyo, a guisa de baño purificador.
For Comanches it began with a swim in a river or stream, a form of purification.Literature Literature
Utilizaron cerillas a guisa de dinero; cada cerilla valía por veinticinco libras.
They used matchsticks as counters, each match being worth twenty-five pounds.Literature Literature
Casi había terminado, cuando me dije que podía esnifar un poco de pegamento a guisa de experimento.
I had nearly finished it when I thought I would try an experimental sniff of glue.Literature Literature
Huelo a guiso de carne fresca.
"""I'm smelling fresh meat cooking.”"Literature Literature
—Mi vestido está en el coche —le informó ella, a guisa de explicación—.
“My dress is in the car,” she said, as if that would explain everything.Literature Literature
No, no es la palabra que corresponde —añadió Rivers, a guisa de paréntesis—.
No, that’s the wrong word,” Rivers added parenthetically.Literature Literature
A guisa de preparación suave, Sarah nos muestra primero una caja de huesos.
By way of gentle preparation, Sarah shows us first a box of bones.Literature Literature
—Siempre oí decir que usted era un gran pensador, Santo —dijo Duncarry a guisa de preámbulo—.
“I’ve always heard you were some thinker, Saint,” said Duncarry.Literature Literature
Una vez terminada la obra, entregó a guisa de pago los dibujos preliminares del retrato.
When the work was finished, he gave her his preliminary pencil sketches for the portrait by way of payment.”Literature Literature
Creo que si Dios quisiese que comiésemos metales, nos habría dado un crisol a guisa de estómago
I believe that if God wanted us to eat metals, He’d have given us a smelter instead of a stomach.Literature Literature
Ya estaba buscando algo que se pudiera utilizar a guisa de cuerda.
He was already casting about for something he could use as a rope.Literature Literature
Voy a citar solo tres ejemplos a guisa de ilustración.
I should like to cite just three examples by way of illustration.Europarl8 Europarl8
—Kino, el perro de Ted —dijo Tom a guisa de presentación.
‘Kino, Ted’s dog,’ Tom said by way of introduction.Literature Literature
Disparó un vigoroso puñetazo por el abierto panel de vidrio, a guisa de ilustración—.
He shot a vigorous stiff-arm through the open glass panel, by way of illustration.Literature Literature
No tomé nada en el almuerzo —añadió, a guisa de explicación.
‘I didn’t eat anything at lunchtime,’ she added, by way of explanation.Literature Literature
— Charlottenburg no está tan mal —dije a guisa de atenuante—, en comparación con otras zonas
‘Charlottenburg’s not too badly off,’ I offered by way of mitigation, ‘in comparison with some areas.’Literature Literature
Con frecuencia esto se hace a guisa de consideración o galantería.
Often this may be done in the guise of considerateness or gallantry.Literature Literature
Luego el anciano asomó la cabeza y me sonrió, alzando su larga pipa a guisa de saludo.
The old man poked his head around and smiled at me, lifting his long pipe in greeting.Literature Literature
Ella bebió de golpe todo su trago y dándome un beso a guisa de despedida añadió: —¡Seguramente!
She swallowed her drink in one gulp and, giving me a kiss on the cheek, said, “Of course!”Literature Literature
Varios clientes se ponen en pie levantando sillas a guisa de escudo o de arma.
Several guests get up and grab chairs, which they raise either as weapons or as shields.Literature Literature
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