andar escaso de oor Engels

andar escaso de

Vertalings in die woordeboek Spaans - Engels

be pressed for

Lamento que el Parlamento ande escaso de tiempo este año para dar su opinión sobre el paquete del empleo.
I am sorry that Parliament will be pressed for time this year in order to give its opinion on the employment package.

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El otro día te envié 20 dólares por giro telegráfico, pensando que podías andar escaso de dinero.
I sent you by cable 20 dollars the other day, thinking you might be short.Literature Literature
La casa debía andar escasa de espacio de almacenamiento porque encontró ahí ropa de Brant.
The house must have been short on storage space because she found Brant’s clothes here.Literature Literature
A primeros de abril, los hombres empezaron a andar escasos de carbón con el que alimentar las fraguas.
Early in April the men began to run out of charcoal with which to stoke the forges.Literature Literature
A pesar de andar escasos de ayuda, a primera hora de la tarde ya habían terminado.
Despite being short-handed, they finished by late afternoon.Literature Literature
Bien, tampoco podemos quedarnos aquí eternamente; empezamos a andar escasos de alimentos.
We can’t hang around forever, either; supplies are running low.Literature Literature
Lo normal es andar escasos de algo, pero su chófer debe de ser muy puntilloso.
Usually something is low, but your chauffeur must be the careful type.”Literature Literature
Obviamente, andar escasos de comida le daba miedo.
Obviously, being low on food frightened her.Literature Literature
Pero al menos ya no volverían a andar escasos de vehículos blindados.
But they would not run short of armour again.Literature Literature
Ah Gou empezaba a andar escaso de sus ingredientes preferidos.
Ah Gou was running short of his favorite ingredients.Literature Literature
Los criminales, e incluso los de peor calaña, no solían andar escasos de pretendientes en el mundo exterior.
Criminals, even the worst of them, often weren’t short of correspondents in the outside world.Literature Literature
(Nuestros cachorros parecían andar escasos de indumentaria, pero no hice preguntas indiscretas.
(Our chickens seem very scant as to tail, but I have asked no unpleasant questions.)Literature Literature
No me importa caminar, o andar escasa de ciertos alimentos... Estoy acostumbrada.
I don't mind walking about my business or going short of some foodstuffs - it is only what I was always used to.Literature Literature
Se sostenían y las tropas inglesas empezaban a andar escasas de víveres.
They were holding out and the English troops were getting short of provisions.Literature Literature
América es tan grande, que deben andar escasos de enanos.
America has everything so big, you must be short of dwarfs.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Así que no creo que vayamos a andar escasos de sospechosos.
So I don’t think we’re going to run short of suspects here.Literature Literature
No me importa caminar, o andar escasa de ciertos alimentos... Estoy acostumbrada.
I don’t mind walking about my business or going short of some foodstuffs—it is only what I was always used to.Literature Literature
Myrna debía andar escasa de causas en Manhattan.
Apparently Myrna was very hard up for causes in Manhattan.Literature Literature
Era la tercera vez que acababa empapado en una semana, y empezaba a andar escaso de ropa seca.
It was the third time he had been soaked in a week, and he was running out of dry clothes.Literature Literature
—El FBI debía de andar escaso de listillos cuando lo contrataron.
"""The FBI must have been short on decent wiseasses when they hired you."""Literature Literature
Parecían andar escasos de munición y tampoco tenían apoyo aéreo... Hicimos prisioneros por cientos.
They seemed to be short of ammunition and had no air support either ... There were masses of prisoners.Literature Literature
Carl no parecía andar escaso de dinero y eso intrigaba grandemente a Jennifer.
Apparently he was not short of money, and this puzzled Jennifer a good deal.Literature Literature
Bile y Cambara nunca parecen andar escasos de cosas que decirse.
Bile and Cambara never seem to have a shortage of things to say to each other.Literature Literature
Pronto empezamos a andar escasos de combustible y nos entró el pánico.
"""We began to run out of fuel and panic set in."Literature Literature
No es que Las Vegas andara escasa de material; era que los traficantes no querían surtirme.
It wasn’t like there was any shortage of blow in Vegas; it was that the dealers didn’t want to provide coke to my ass.Literature Literature
-Por culpa de esta styx y de sus torpezas, vamos a andar escasos de agua hasta el próximo manantial.
"""And because of that Styx and her antics, we're going to be short of water until the next spring."""Literature Literature
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