arrebataban oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Spaans - Engels

( used formally in Spain ) Second-person plural imperfect indicative form of arrebatar.
Third-person plural (ellos, ellas, also used with ustedes <sup>?</sup> ) imperfect indicative form of arrebatar.

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Yo había estado allí, por supuesto; pero sus palabras me arrebataban.
I had been there, of course – and yet I was enraptured by his words.Literature Literature
Ahora, en las puertas del paraíso, parecía que le arrebataban la llave de la mano.
Now, at the gates of that paradise, it seemed the key was being snatched out of his hand.Literature Literature
La señora Peabody sintió que le arrebataban el megáfono de las manos.
Peabody felt the trumpet snatched from her hands.Literature Literature
Nada menos que catorce cecas estaban en funcionamiento durante la época justinianea, entre las que se abrían nuevas o las que se arrebataban a godos y vándalos en Cartagena, Cartago, Rávena, Roma y centros provinciales de menor tamaño.
As many as fourteen mints were active during Justinian's reign, with new mints opened or taken over from the Vandals and Ostrogoths in Carthage, Rome, Ravenna, Carthagena, and in smaller provincial centres.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
¡De modo que mientras él estaba con Smith, los Morenos le arrebataban la cinta de Bennett!
So, he thought, while I was at Smith’s, the Dark Men were here bagging Bennett’s tape.Literature Literature
Pensó en Oren y los habitantes de Darsh, a quienes les talaban los bosques y les arrebataban las tierras.
He thought of Oren and the Darsh people, their forests cut down and land taken.Literature Literature
Me decían weenie, y ellos me arrebataban a toda las la chicas que yo quería.
They called me a weenie, and they would steal all the girls that I wanted.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Entraba a un restaurante y me arrebataban mi sombrero.
I'd go to a restaurant, 10 guys reached for my hat.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Se la arrebataban unos a otros, y cada nuevo atormentador era más salvaje que el anterior.
They tore her one from another, and each new Tormentor was more savage than the former.Literature Literature
Si Jack Anderson había visto cómo le arrebataban sus sueños, ¿cuál sería la respuesta que él consideraría racional?
If Jack Anderson had been deprived of his dreams, what would he rationalize as a reasonable response?Literature Literature
Encolerizados por la perturbación, le arrebataban de la boca los restos de la golosina y le lanzaban algunos picotazos.
Annoyed at being disturbed, they took the rest of her treat out of her bill and pecked at her a little.Literature Literature
Había escapado por poco de la muerte y observado cómo arrebataban al León y se lo llevaban en medio de la noche.
She had narrowly escaped death and watched the poor Lion being carried away into the night.Literature Literature
A Trudy le arrebataban las cosas de las manos cuando caminaba por la calle.
Trudy had things snatched from her hands as she walked down the street.Literature Literature
Codiciosos, sus dedos arrugados se sacudieron un poco mientras arrebataban el plástico rojo de mis manos.
Greedy, wrinkled fingers shook just a bit as they snatched the red plastic from my hands.Literature Literature
Tenía que ver cómo los soldados israelíes nos lo arrebataban, se lo llevaban, lo humillaban y lo encarcelaban mucho tiempo.
I had to witness the Israeli soldiers pulling him from among us, and taking him, humiliating him, and putting him in prison for a long time.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Después de terminar, casi nos arrebataban las publicaciones que llevábamos.
After we were finished, people scrambled to get copies of our literature.jw2019 jw2019
Las oía decir palabras que no alcanzaba a oír, que, por primera vez, me arrebataban de los oídos.
I heard them say words I couldn’t catch, that, for the first time, they kept out of my range.Literature Literature
Ni el egoísmo ni las estupideces les arrebataban espacio.
Nothing stupid and selfish just taking up space.Literature Literature
El cáncer se había llevado a su primera esposa, y los federales ahora le arrebataban a la segunda.
Cancer had robbed him of his first wife, and now the Federals had robbed him of his second.Literature Literature
Escuchando a su pesar, Henry vio cómo los años le arrebataban a Vicki igual que le habían arrebatado a las demás.
Listening, in spite of himself, Henry saw the years take Vicki from him as the years had taken the others.Literature Literature
Ellos, ajenos a su propio ruido, se arrebataban excitados el nombre de Julia, la querida de Ixtepec.
Alien to the sound they made, they snatched excitedly at the name of Julia, the love object of Ixtepec.Literature Literature
Koja sabía que las artes arcanas exigían mucho de sus estudiosos, y que algunas veces les arrebataban la vitalidad.
Koja knew that the arcane arts took a toll on their masters, sometimes even draining them of vitality.Literature Literature
Madeline lanzó un grito, en esa ocasión de protesta, mientras notaba que le arrebataban la pistola.
Madeline gave another cry, this one of protest, as she felt her pistol being usurped from her grasp.Literature Literature
Ahora que había pasado un día en una trampa, los entendí; esas cosas le arrebataban la conciencia a uno.
Now that I had spent a day in a trap, I understood; those things stole away your sense of yourself.Literature Literature
Los sin estilo promotores que llegaron tras los ferrocarriles les arrebataban sus tierras y sus cotos de caza.
The developers who appeared with the spread of the railroads were taking their land and hunting grounds from them.Literature Literature
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