arrebatan oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Spaans - Engels

( used formally in Spain ) Second-person plural present indicative form of arrebatar.
Third-person plural (ellos, ellas, also used with ustedes <sup>?</sup> ) present indicative form of arrebatar.

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Soortgelyke frases

en un arrebato
con arrebato y obcecación
en un arrebato de celos
arrebato de sentimientos
abduct · abolish · abstract · attack · bereave · blow off · bogart · carry away · carry off · count down · curtail · cut · cut off · deduct · delete · delight · deprive · dispense with · do away with · enchant · enrapture · enthral · enthrall · fill with enthusiasm · flay · get rid of · grab · hit · pluck · put away · ravish · remove · retrench · rid · scrap · seize · skin · slash · snaffle · snap · snap up · snatch · snatch away · snatch up · snatches · stir · strip · subtract · take · take away · tear away · to captivate · to cart off · to enrapture · to snatch · to snatch away · to wrest · transport · truncate · uncover · waive · wrench · wrest · write off · write-off


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Ahora que tienen el premio al alcance de la mano, todos deben reclamar su parte o ver cómo otros se lo arrebatan.
Now that the prize is in hand, everyone must claim his share or watch another steal it from beneath him.""Literature Literature
Los conflictos arrebatan los sueños, las esperanzas, las aspiraciones y las oportunidades de muchísima gente, en especial de los niños.
Conflicts steal the dreams, hopes, aspirations and opportunities of many, many people, especially children.UN-2 UN-2
¡El escudo de la casa se destruye, se le arrebatan los títulos y la Corona confisca las tierras!
'The insignia of such a house is destroyed, its titles removed and its lands seized by the Crown!'Literature Literature
Huelga mencionar que las guerras arrebatan los valiosos recursos económicos y financieros de los países y su recurso más preciado: las vidas humanas.
There is no need to mention that war takes a nation’s valuable economic and financial resources and its most precious resource: human lives.UN-2 UN-2
Todo lo que nos otorgan nos lo arrebatan.
Everything it gives you it takes away.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Por la estrechez de miras de Evelyn: una ciudad en la que a la gente le arrebatan las facciones contra su voluntad.
For Evelyn's empty, narrow vision: a city where factions are wrenched away from people against their will.Literature Literature
Nos mortificamos, nos desvelamos descifrando el bien y el mal y los que arrebatan no.
We worry and cry and stay up nights trying to figure out what's right, what's wrong while the takers are out there, just operating.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
En cambio, me los arrebatan a los dos, al bebé y al chiquillo.
Instead the baby, and the boy, both are taken from me.Literature Literature
Pero, al alejarme de él, me arrebatan las noches y debo pasarlas en mi forma espiritual.
But as I go farther away from him, my nights are stolen from me and I must spend them in my spirit form.Literature Literature
A otros , Blancanieves, a veces les arrebatan el único amor que han conocido.
Others, Snow White, sometimes have the only loves they’ve ever known taken from them.”Literature Literature
Al rato le arrebatan, le quitan el sombrero; en fin, le toman a su recaudo, etcétera; le hacen maldad por allí, tomando... ¡En fin!
So finally the Totonacs began to get angry - they said, "How come things have to be this way?Common crawl Common crawl
Cuando las circunstancias le arrebatan a Crésida, no hace ningún esfuerzo por oponerse a esas circunstancias.
When he loses Cressida to circum stances, he makes no effort to oppose those circumstances.Literature Literature
Ninguna de ellas sabía qué se siente cuando te arrebatan a tus mejores amigos de un zarpazo.
None of them knew what it felt like to have their closest friends snatched away in a single instant.Literature Literature
“En el momento en que te arrebatan la libertad de expresión, te arrebatan también la vida.
“The moment freedom of expression is taken away from me, that’s the moment my life is taken from
¿Hechos que nos arrebatan la creencia y nos hacen pagar con nuestra devoción?
Events that wrest belief from us and make us pay with our devotion?Literature Literature
No solo le arrebatan a su mujer, sino que se ve atrapado en la horrible injusticia de la esclavitud.
Not only is his wife taken from him, but he is caught up in the terrible injustice of slavery.Literature Literature
¿Quiénes son esos competidores que te arrebatan los tesoros?
Who are these competitors who took these treasures from you?”Literature Literature
Al igual que arrebatan el conocimiento de otras especies.
Just as you took knowledge from other species.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
O del halconero, si las arrebatan del nido.
Or the hawk-master, if they are taken from the nest.’Literature Literature
Los miembros del Consejo saben mejor que yo que cada vez que estamos a punto de alcanzar una solución, los terroristas, los extremistas, los fundamentalistas nos la arrebatan, porque no quieren una solución
Because members of the Council know better than I that on any given day when we are so close to reaching a settlement, the terrorists, the extremists, the fundamentalists snatch it away from us, because they do not want a settlementMultiUn MultiUn
¿Nos arrebatan nuestro río y nos dan billetes de autobús?
They take our river and give us bus tickets?”Literature Literature
Un pensamiento decía: así es como nos sentimos cuando nos arrebatan todos nuestros referentes.
One thought said: this is how it feels when all your well-known references are taken away from you.Literature Literature
Las mentiras acaban con amistades y matrimonios, y arrebatan a la gente incontables sumas de dinero.
Lies destroy friendships and marriages; they defraud people of countless millions of dollars.jw2019 jw2019
“Oh, el gran rey ha encontrado el amor de su vida y se lo arrebatan la noche de su boda.
“Oh, the great king has found the love of his life, only to have her taken away on the night of their marriage.Literature Literature
Arrebatan y arrebatan.
Taking and taking.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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