arrebatarán oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Spaans - Engels

( used formally in Spain ) Second-person plural imperfect subjunctive form of arrebatar.
Third-person plural (ellos, ellas, also used with ustedes <sup>?</sup> ) imperfect subjunctive form of arrebatar.

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Soortgelyke frases

en un arrebato
con arrebato y obcecación
en un arrebato de celos
arrebato de sentimientos
abduct · abolish · abstract · attack · bereave · blow off · bogart · carry away · carry off · count down · curtail · cut · cut off · deduct · delete · delight · deprive · dispense with · do away with · enchant · enrapture · enthral · enthrall · fill with enthusiasm · flay · get rid of · grab · hit · pluck · put away · ravish · remove · retrench · rid · scrap · seize · skin · slash · snaffle · snap · snap up · snatch · snatch away · snatch up · snatches · stir · strip · subtract · take · take away · tear away · to captivate · to cart off · to enrapture · to snatch · to snatch away · to wrest · transport · truncate · uncover · waive · wrench · wrest · write off · write-off


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—Antes de que nos arrebataran a Knott-Sloman en una forma tan desgraciada —dijo—, hizo una confesión.
‘Before Knott-Sloman was so unfortunately taken from our midst,’ he said, ‘he left a confession.Literature Literature
Había permitido que sus miedos le arrebataran lo mejor de ella, pero ya no más.
She’d let her fears get the best of her, but no more.Literature Literature
¡Oh, las coquetas no me perdonarán nada, me arrebatarán las cualidades que tanto les duele encontrar en mí!
the coquettes will spare me nothing; they will rob me of the very qualities they are so vexed to find in me.Literature Literature
Solo queríamos algo de publicidad, no que nos arrebataran el terreno.
All we wanted was a little publicity, not for them to buy the place out from under us.""Literature Literature
Si te arrebataran el Paraíso ante tus propias narices, tú también encontrarías la forma de nivelar la lucha.
If you had Paradise ripped out from under you, you would find a way to even the score.Literature Literature
No quería que Zach ni sus enemigos ni las traiciones me arrebataran la vida justo cuando había aprendido a apreciarla.
I did not want Zach and his enemies and treachery to snatch this life from me, just when I’d learned to occupy it again.Literature Literature
Confiaba en que él sabía cuál era la mejor manera de que nunca le arrebataran a Georgy.
Trusting him to know the best way to ensure Georgy would never be wrenched from her.Literature Literature
Si te arrebataran tu mundo y sólo pudieras sobrevivir ¿cómo seguirías viviendo?
if you lived in a world that was suddenly taken away from you, and you just happened to live, how would you continue to live?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Que nuestros enemigos nos lo arrebatarán.
That our enemies will snatch it away from us.’Literature Literature
Nunca se sabe cuándo se lo arrebatarán de las manos.
You never know when he might be taken from you.”Literature Literature
Detestaba que le arrebataran el poder de actuar.
He hated having the power to act wrenched from him.Literature Literature
Aquel concurso era la última esperanza que abrigaban de un futuro decente, y no iba a permitir que se lo arrebataran.
This contest was the last hope they had for a decent future, and she wouldn't let them snatch it away.Literature Literature
Ahora, aquél era su hogar, y no podían vivir esperando que los Dos Patas se lo arrebataran de nuevo.
This was their home now, and they couldn’t live every day expecting to have it snatched away from them.Literature Literature
No podía permitir que sus vigilantes le arrebataran la oportunidad de resolver el caso y recobrar la estima de Sano.
He couldn’t let the watchdogs take away his chance to solve the murder case and regain Sano’s esteem.Literature Literature
No podría soportar que los hombres de Ravenna arrebataran la vida a nadie más.
She couldn’t watch Ravenna’s men take another life.Literature Literature
Podría recuperar mi vida... la que tenía antes de que me lo arrebataran todo.
I could have my life back...the life I had before everything was taken away from me.”Literature Literature
No, aún temía que le arrebataran este futuro.
No, she still feared this future being snatched away.Literature Literature
Jamás consiguió superar que se lo arrebataran ni entender por qué se portaban de un modo tan cruel los sahibs.
She never got over you being taken away – never understood why the sahibs were being so cruel.Literature Literature
Te arrebatarán tu futuro, tus posibles hijos, y te dejarán sin nada.
They will take your future, your children that are to come, and leave you nothing.Literature Literature
Si no lo hacéis, los Tecnomantes se la arrebatarán a Joram por la fuerza.
If you do not, the Technomancers will take it from Joram by force.Literature Literature
Seguramente, los soldados que se acercan me arrebatarán tu botella.
Those soldiers approaching us will certainly seize your bottle from me whenLiterature Literature
No estaba dispuesto a que esos diablos le arrebataran su caballo.
He wasn’t about to let the devils have his horse.Literature Literature
Temía que le arrebataran su iglesia.
She was afraid that they would take her church away from her.Literature Literature
¡Papá, piensa cómo te sentirías si te arrebataran todos estos muebles!
Just think, papa, how you would like for this furniture to be taken away from you!Literature Literature
Lo mejor era atacar por sorpresa, pero cualquier cosa sería preferible a que le arrebataran a Rand al'Thor.
Better to attack by surprise, but better anything than that they should snatch Rand al’Thor from her very hands.Literature Literature
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