asistir a misa oor Engels

asistir a misa

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to attend mass


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la dispensaron de asistir a misa
she was excused from attending mass


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Pero tan pronto dejó de asistir a misa, la madre de ella se quejó de eso al sacerdote.
But as soon as she stopped attending mass, her mother complained to the priest.jw2019 jw2019
También podría empezar a asistir a misa con tu familia.
I will begin attending Mass with your family.Literature Literature
Pero sabía que no asistir a misa habría suscitado más comentarios.
But he knew that not to have come to mass would have caused more comment still.Literature Literature
Nos fuimos y nunca volvimos a asistir a misa.
We left, never to attend Mass again.jw2019 jw2019
Al menos algunas horas, ya que al amanecer vinieron a despertarme para asistir a misa.
At least for a few hours, until I was woken up at dawn, so we would get to church in time.Literature Literature
Empezó a asistir a misa cada mañana, no sólo los domingos, y obligaba a su hija a acompañarla.
She began going to Mass every morning instead of just on Sundays, and she dragged her little girl with her.Literature Literature
—Estaré aquí a tiempo para asistir a misa, madre.
"""I'll be at my prie-dieu in time for Mass, Mother."""Literature Literature
Y yo asistiré a misa con mi marido pero creo que lo mejor es que no me convierta.
And I will want to attend Mass with my husband, but I think it best that I do not convert.’Literature Literature
Cuando la Testigo llegó, la madre superiora trató de obligarla a asistir a misa, pero ella rehusó firmemente.
When the Witness arrived, the mother superior tried to force her to attend Mass, but she adamantly refused.jw2019 jw2019
Y además, mientras esté en Londres, asistiré a misa en la embajada española.
“And furthermore, whilst I am in London, I shall attend mass at the Spanish embassy.Literature Literature
Si quiere asistir a misa, tiene que ir a Bélesta.
If you want to go to Mass you have to go to Bélesta.’Literature Literature
Tras asistir a misa y desayunar, Abrielle se dirigió al aposento de la señora, su propia cámara privada.
AFTER MASS AND breaking her fast, Abrielle went to the lady’s solar, her own private chamber.Literature Literature
La conocen en todo el pueblo, y el cura se apiada de ella al permitirle asistir a misa.
She is known throughout the village, and the priest takes pity on her when he allows her to Mass.Literature Literature
Caí en la cuenta de que llevaba varios días sin asistir a misa, negligencia que me inquietó.
I realized that I had not been to mass for several days, and the omission worried me.Literature Literature
Llegó el domingo de Pascua y me apretujé en el Duomo entre la multitud para asistir a misa.
Easter Sunday came, and I pressed into the Duomo with the crowds for Mass.Literature Literature
Todos, salvo los ayudantes del sheriff, iban vestidos para asistir a misa.
Everyone except the deputies seemed dressed to attend.Literature Literature
A continuación, tras vestirse y asistir a misa, va directo a comer.
Then, after dressing and hearing mass, he goes straight to dinner.Literature Literature
Bueno, la cuestión es que le prohibieron asistir a misa.
“Anyway, he was prohibited from attending Mass.Literature Literature
Todo el mundo debía asistir a misa católica o a los servicios protestantes.
Everyone had to attend either Catholic Mass or Protestant services.Literature Literature
He visto al rey asistir a misa de ceremonia en su capilla.
I have seen the king attend a ceremonial Mass in his chapel.Literature Literature
Yo debo ir a abrir la puerta de la capilla para que la gente pueda asistir a misa.
I must go open the gate to the chapel, let people in for Mass.”Literature Literature
En casa el domingo quería decir asistir a misa.
Sunday in our house meant attending Mass.jw2019 jw2019
Creo que asistiré a misa más tarde.
I think I will hear Mass later.Literature Literature
La excomunión impedía a Nicholas asistir a misa, pero el sacerdote había agradecido la presencia de Emlyn.
Excommunication had kept Nicholas away from mass, but the priest had appreciated Emlyn’s attendance.Literature Literature
Parecía un granjero vestido para asistir a misa.
He looked like a farmer dressed for church.Literature Literature
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