aturdido, -a oor Engels

aturdido, -a

Vertalings in die woordeboek Spaans - Engels


adjective verb
El temor tenía en perplejidad y aturdidas a muchas personas.
Many who waited were bewildered and dazed with fear.


adjective verb
No vamos a aturdir a éste y llevarlo de regreso a la reserva.
We're not going to stun this one and bring it back to the menagerie.

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Pero por encima de todo, estaban aturdidos a causa del repentino cambio de táctica de Jesús.
But most of all they were bewildered by Jesus’ sudden change of tactics.Literature Literature
Millilain se sentía mareada y aturdida a causa del hambre, aunque cada vez estaba más acostumbrada a ello.
She felt lightheaded and dizzy from hunger, though she was becoming accustomed to that.Literature Literature
Como había ocurrido antes, el disparo había aturdido a todos.
As had happened before, the shot had stunned everyone.Literature Literature
Por un momento, miró aturdido a su alrededor, como si fuese incapaz de decidir qué hacer.
For a moment he looked about him in a bewildered way, as if he could not think what to do.Literature Literature
Los que habían quedado ilesos permanecían mirando aturdidos a los romanos, incapaces de responder.
Those who were uninjured stood dazedly looking after the Romans, unable to respond.Literature Literature
Sí, claro, Niksar —añade, obligándose a abandonar ese instante pensativo y aturdido a un tiempo—.
“Yes, of course, Niksar,” he adds, forcing himself out of a moment both dazed and pensive.Literature Literature
Dot miraba aturdida a Maggie, que estaba cubierta de manchas rojas y empapada de sudor.
Dot was gazing in a dazed way at Maggie, the woman covered in the red blotches and drenched in sweat.Literature Literature
Ella se sintió súbitamente aturdida a causa de su perseverancia.
She became suddenly flustered by his perseverance.Literature Literature
Pero había aturdido a Jules hasta hacerle sentir náuseas
No.But she had dazed Julesopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Ya en la acera, el hombre miró aturdido a su alrededor y trató de enderezarse el cuello.
Out on the pavement the tall man looked about him dazedly and tried to straighten his collar.Literature Literature
Durante unos segundos se quedó inmóvil, mirando aturdido a la pared.
For a few seconds he remained motionless, staring bemusedly at the wall.Literature Literature
Después de mi ducha, caminé aturdido a través del suelo de pizarra que llevaba al a cocina.
After my shower, I walked numbly across the cold slate floors that led into the kitchen.Literature Literature
Semejante admisión dejó aturdido a Clement.
This admission befuddled Clement.Literature Literature
El joven miró aturdido a su padre y al elfo oscuro.
The young man looked dazedly from his father to the dark elf.Literature Literature
Difícilmente podría dejar aturdida a Mary Anne y huir en su coche.
I could hardly stun Mary Anne and drive off in her car.Literature Literature
El pueblo está aturdido, a pesar de que muchos se alegren de que Rosenberg haya muerto.
The people are shocked, yet many of them are happy Rosenberg is gone.Literature Literature
Su disparo un guiño, Lucas exprimido Tessa's Butt ligeramente y ella se sentía demasiado aturdido a la atención.
Shooting her a wink, Lucas squeezed Tessa’s butt lightly and she was feeling too groggy to care.Literature Literature
Sus actos, tan veloces e inesperados, interrumpidos tan de repente, dejaron aturdidos a los traficantes de esclavos.
His actions, so sudden and swift, and so swiftly stopped, stunned the slavers.Literature Literature
Muchos de los sujetos parecían aturdidos, a unos pocos les temblaban los labios, pero ninguno de ellos lloraba.
Many of the subjects seemed stunned, a few had trembling lips—but none of them cried.Literature Literature
Después, al oír que el reloj del vestíbulo daba la una, me dirigí medio aturdido a mi dormitorio.
Then, as I heard the clock in the vestibule strike one, I made my way rather dizzily to my bedroom.Literature Literature
La pesada arma del sarcasmo de Guillermo siempre dejaba aturdidos a sus amigos.
William’s weapon of heavy sarcasm always proved rather bewildering to his friends.Literature Literature
Con la cabeza dándole vueltas, Achamian se llevó una mano aturdida a la cara, entre el cabello.
His head swimming, Achamian pulled a stunned hand over his face, through his hair.Literature Literature
* * * Doreen miró fijamente, aturdida, a la pared de sólido cuarzo.
* * * Doreen gazed, baffled, at the solid quartz wall.Literature Literature
Un enorme temblor los dejó conmocionados y aturdidos a casi diez metros de la fisura volcánica.
An immense tremor left them shocked and dazed almost ten metres in from the fissure.Literature Literature
Pero no estaba ebrio, sino aturdido a causa del dolor.
But he wasn't drunk, he was numb with pain.Literature Literature
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