bastante gente oor Engels

bastante gente

Vertalings in die woordeboek Spaans - Engels

quite a few people

Bastante gente comienza a pensar de ese modo.
Quite a few people are coming around to that way of thinking.

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La culpa me pesa en las entrañas; en los últimos tiempos he decepcionado a bastante gente
My guilt feels heavy in my gut; I’ve disappointed enough people lately.Literature Literature
—Ya ha muerto bastante gente en ambos bandos —dijo Angelo, mirando furtivamente a Pudge y haciéndole un ademán—.
Enough people have died, on both sides, Angelo said, giving Pudge a quick glance and a nod.Literature Literature
Sin embargo, cuando llegué, había bastante gente.
But when I got there, there was quite a crowd.Literature Literature
Había bastante gente: la mayoría se dirigirían a la cafetería.
There were a comforting number of people, most of them probably headed to the cafeteria.Literature Literature
—Olivia, bastante gente se ha inmiscuido ya en mi vida.
“Olivia, enough people have intruded on my life.Literature Literature
Vi a bastante gente interesante, tipo Joe Dallesandro.
And I saw some interesting people there like Joe Dallesandro.Literature Literature
Entendedme bien: me he cabreado con bastante gente.
Don’t get me wrong: I’ve been angry with people.Literature Literature
Ahora ya había bastante gente en la habitación, una veintena, más de la mitad de uniforme.
By now the room contained about twenty men, over half of them in uniform.Literature Literature
Todavía debe haber bastante gente ahí adentro.
There must be a bunch of people still in there.Literature Literature
Fredrik fue al puesto del pescado con bastante gente arremolinada alrededor y cogió número.
Fredrik went to the fish stall, but there were a lot of people milling around there, so he took a number.Literature Literature
Ya había muerto bastante gente en aquella guerra.
Enough people had died in this war.Literature Literature
¿No crees que ya hemos matado bastante gente?
Don't you think we've killed enough people?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Por lo visto esperaba a bastante gente a cenar.
He seemed to be expecting quite a few people to dinner.Literature Literature
Creo que bastante gente estará dispuesta a ayudarnos.
I think a lot of people would be willing to help out, though.”Literature Literature
Bastante gente importante está en ese comité.
Now, some of the most important people in the land sit on that committee.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Tenemos bastantes gentes nuestras a bordo para asegurarse de que nadie intente apoderarse de la nave.
We have enough of our people aboard to make sure nobody else tries to take the ship.Literature Literature
Había bastante gente; una media docena de mujeres con batones floreados iba y venía.
There were quite a few people; half a dozen women wearing flowered housecoats were wandering around.Literature Literature
Y su paciente era una mujer soltera, lo que descartaba bastante gente.
And his patient was a single woman, which eliminated a significant number of people.Literature Literature
He hablado con bastante gente, con la anciana señorita Ramsbatton, con la señora Crump, y su esposo.
You see, I've talked a good deal to people, to old Miss Ramsbottom and to Mrs Crump and to her husband.Literature Literature
Ya lo había admitido ante bastante gente
She had admitted otherwise to too many.Literature Literature
Vino bastante gente
Had a decent turnoutopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Uno se acostumbra a todo, si es que hay bastante gente que lo haga.
You get used to anything, if enough people do or don’t do it.""Literature Literature
Supuse que ya te estaría llamando bastante gente.
I figured you probably had enough people calling.Literature Literature
Hay bastante gente casada que le gusta un poco de dulce.
There's a lot of married people who like some candy on the side.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Ya había bastante gente que pensaba mal de él, tal como estaban las cosas.
Enough people were thinking badly of him as it was.Literature Literature
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