bebisteis oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Spaans - Engels

(Spain) Informal second-person plural (vosotros, vosotras) preterite indicative form of beber.
( Spain) Informal second-person plural ([i]vosotros, vosotras) preterite indicative form of beber.[/i]

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—El día en que él murió durante la misa, vos bebisteis del cáliz y lo devolvisteis.
'On the day he died during the mass, you drank from the chalice and passed it back?Literature Literature
—Sabemos que no fuisteis responsable del veneno, porque os lo bebisteis.
‘We know you were not responsible for the poison, for you drank it.Literature Literature
Contadme —dijo, desconcertado— cómo bebisteis los orines de gatos negros y os daré una medida de agua.
‘Tell me,’ he said, disconcerted, ‘how you drank the urine of black cats and you shall have a measure of water.’Literature Literature
Que bebisteis y bailasteis.
And drank and you danced.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
¿Bebisteis un juramento igual para prestar servicio a Kira?
“Did you drink a similar oath in the service of Kira?”Literature Literature
—¿Y de qué botella bebisteis para ver semejante cosa?
“And what bottle did you drink from to see such a thing?Literature Literature
—Ayer por la noche tú y tu amiga os bebisteis toda la ginebra que tenía —dijo Sandy con una risita—.
“You girls drank all the gin I got last night,” Sandy chuckled.Literature Literature
¿Bebisteis cócteles de champán?
Did you drink champagne cocktails?Literature Literature
¿Cuánto bebisteis anoche, tú y tus colegas?
How much did you all drink last night?’Literature Literature
Tú y ese cerdo os bebisteis todo mi escocés bueno...
“You and that son of a bitch drank up my good Scotch—”Literature Literature
Luego dijo, en tono de conversación: —Había anzid en el agua que bebisteis.
Conversationally, she said, “There was anzid in the water you drank.”Literature Literature
Salisteis a cenar, y todos bebisteis.
You’d been out to dinner, you’d all been drinking.Literature Literature
Afirman que Vanessa, Trish y tú os bebisteis casi una botella de tequila después de que vieras a Mike con Brianna.
They said that you, Vanessa and Trish drank almost a fifth of tequila after you saw Mike with Brianna.”Literature Literature
Y no vas a hacerme creer que no bebisteis nada anoche —dijo Versavel riendo.
And don’t try to tell me that you two didn’t touch a drop last night,” Versavel laughed.Literature Literature
Además había transcurrido mucho tiempo desde que bebisteis la ponzoña hasta que empezamos el tratamiento.
It was long between when ye drank the poison and when we could begin treatment.Literature Literature
16 De la manera que vosotros a bebisteis en mi santo monte, beberán continuamente todas las naciones; beberán, y engullirán y serán como si no hubieran existido.
16 For as ye have a drunk upon my holy mountain, so shall all the heathen drink continually, yea, they shall drink, and they shall swallow down, and they shall be as though they had not been.Common crawl Common crawl
Imagino que tú y tu amiga bebisteis demasiado y fuisteis a casa en un taxi desde allí, ¿no?
I assume you and your friend had too much to drink and took a taxi home from there?”Literature Literature
—Me temo que vosotros, chicos, bebisteis demasiado anoche —dijo Jakki, sirviéndole una taza de café—.
‘I’m afraid you boys had too much to drink last night,’ said Jakki, pouring him a cup of coffee.Literature Literature
¿No bebisteis de su fuente y pagasteis el precio?
You didn’t drink from his well and pay the price?”Literature Literature
—De modo que fuisteis a la taberna que hay junto al Dart y bebisteis allí —afirmó Simon—.
“So you went all the way out to the alehouse near the Dart and drank there,” Simon stated.Literature Literature
—¿Bebisteis whisky y fumasteis puros en vuestra reunión?
“Did you gentlemen drink whiskey and smoke cigars at your gathering?”Literature Literature
¡No se trata de la calidad de lo que bebisteis, sino de la puñetera cantidad!
"""It's not the quality of the stuff you drank, it's the bloody quantity!"Literature Literature
¿Bailasteis, bebisteis?
Did you drink, dance?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
El té que bebisteis estaba envenenado
The tea that you drank was poisonedopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
¡ No me digáis que os la bebisteis sin daros cuenta!
Don't tell me you both drank it without noticing!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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