comiere oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Spaans - Engels

Third-person singular (él, ella, also used with usted <sup>?</sup> ) future subjunctive form of comer.
First-person singular (yo) future subjunctive form of comer.

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Quienes elegían algo más estaban esperando que el monstruo al que ignoraban se los comiera hasta el final.
Those who chose something else were hoping that the monster they had ignored would eat them last.Literature Literature
Durante un año, todo el mundo la había presionado para que comiera, y ahora que tenía hambre él le quitaba la comida.
For a year everyone had been trying to coax her to eat, and now that she had an appetite, he was taking food away.Literature Literature
Pero no iba a dejar que uno se comiera a mi futura novia.
But I wasn’t about to let one eat my future girlfriend.Literature Literature
—Oh, Dios mío, creo que subiría veinte kilos si comiera ahí cada noche.
“Oh, God, I think I’d gain fifty pounds if I ate there every night.Literature Literature
Ninguno de nosotros consiguió que comiera.
None of us could get him to eat.Literature Literature
Y tomándola de la mano intentó conseguir que se sentara y comiera con ellos.
He took her by the hand and tried to get her to sit, and to eat.Literature Literature
Después de que Bert terminara y Eddie se comiera los huevos, preguntó: —¿Cómo vamos a Lexington?
After Bert was finished and Eddie had eaten the eggs, Eddie said, “How do we get to Lexington?”Literature Literature
Me dijo que la comiera con mi esposito.
She said to eat it with my hubby.QED QED
Al ver que aún no se había tomado el desayuno, Huda trató de convencerle de que comiera un poco.
When she saw that he still hadn't eaten his breakfast, Huda tried to coax him to take a little.Literature Literature
Lo habría soportado todo con alegría sólo para que mi madre comiera un bocado o dos.
I would have gladly endured them again if only my mother would eat a morsel or two.Literature Literature
Si tu comieras esta planta, morirías
lf you ate this plant, you' d dieOpenSubtitles OpenSubtitles
Anya había conseguido que ella comiera, gracias a los dioses.
Anya had gotten her to eat, thank the gods.Literature Literature
Ni siquiera el señor Garamond merecía que Harrowbarrow se lo comiera.
Even Mr Garamond didn’t deserve to be eaten by Harrowbarrow.Literature Literature
Uno de ellos se lleva las manos a la boca, como si comiera.
One of them begins motioning with his hands to his mouth, as if eating.Literature Literature
Pasó el rato con sus amigas Julie y Emma, y se aseguró de que comiera una hamburguesa y un poco de ensalada.
She hung with her friends Julie and Emma, and he made sure that she ate a hamburger and some salad.Literature Literature
—Eleanor aplaudió y luego fue dándole las manzanas para que se las comiera.
Eleanor applauded and then fed the apples to the horse.Literature Literature
—utilizaría cualquier truco con Gwen si era necesario para que comiera.
And trick Gwen into eating if necessary.Literature Literature
La he dejado allí para que comiera algo, tomara un baño y durmiera un poco.
I left her there to have a meal and a bath and a sleep.Literature Literature
No le extrañaba que la mayoría de la gente comiera en sus habitaciones.
No wonder most people took their meals in their rooms.Literature Literature
Al cabo de un rato Zinnia colocó ante mí un poco más de cerdo y me dijo que me lo comiera.
By and by Zinnia put more pork before me and told me to eat it up.Literature Literature
¿Como un rabino que se comiera un bocadillo de jamón?
Like a rabbi eating a ham sandwich?”Literature Literature
Te hizo este pastel para que te lo comieras tú solo.
She made this cake just for you.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Consiguió que la gente comiera unida.
He got people eating together.Literature Literature
Que te comieras toda esa comida tú sola.
That you had that epic meal all by yourself.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Higos, dátiles, nueces de gyundi y nopales crecían en abundancia, disponibles para que cualquiera los comiera.
Stone figs, dates, gyundi nuts, and cactus fruit grew in abundance, all available for anyone to eat.Literature Literature
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