competíamos oor Engels



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First-person plural (nosotros, nosotras) imperfect indicative form of competir.

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En cuanto a mí y a mi padre, competíamos por el espacio en las estanterías para poner nuestros libros por toda la casa.
As for me and my father, we competed for space on the shelves to hold our books all over the house.globalvoices globalvoices
En Europa competíamos por cacahuetes, ir a Estados Unidos y verla cantidad de dinero que se manejaba allá era de infarto.
We, in Europe, were racing for peanuts, and for us to go to America and see the sort of money that was available was mind-blowing.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Competíamos con el otro diario, competíamos los unos contra los otros.
We competed with the other newspaper, we competed with each other.Literature Literature
Era muy frustrante ya que competíamos con él y nunca sabíamos cuándo saldría a relucir esa cojera misteriosa.
It was very frustrating since we were competing with him and never knew just when this mysterious lameness would occur.Literature Literature
Competíamos en el gimnasio, él y yo, sin importar el aparato que usáramos.
We competed in the gym,he and I , no matter what apparatus was in play.Literature Literature
Sí, debí haberlo hecho antes, pero competíamos.
Yeah, I guess I should have before, but we were in competition.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
—Solías dejarme ganar cuando competíamos en Cyrene.
“You used to let me win when we raced on Cyrene.”Literature Literature
Competíamos para ver quién conseguía más caramelos.
We used to hold competitions for who would collect the most toffees.Literature Literature
Jagger y yo competíamos para ver quién se liaba con más.
Jagger and me, we had a running contest to see who had the most.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
¿Recuerdas como competíamos por ver quien podía atrapar más ranas?
Remember how we used to compete to see who could catch more?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Eran mi gente, mis amigos, incluso cuando competíamos por financiación, incluso cuando no estábamos de acuerdo.
They were my people, my friends, even when we competed for funding, even when we disagreed.Literature Literature
Para llegar a conocer nuestros paseos, Competíamos adentro Una serie de retos.
To get to know our rides, we were competing in a series of challenges.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Competíamos el uno con el otro en los deportes y cosas por el estilo, pero no en otras cosas.
We competed with each other in sports and such, but not really in any other way.Literature Literature
¿No te parece como si fuera ayer que ibamos a Queens y competíamos por esas becas?
Doesn't it seem like yesterday we off to Queens and vying for those scholarships?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Los humanos no éramos los más grandes, ni los más fuertes, ni los más rápidos de todos los animales contra los cuales competíamos.
We humans were not the biggest, the strongest, nor the fastest of all the animals we competed against.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
También competíamos por encontrar un mayor número de nombres de estados en las matrículas de los vehículos abandonados.
We also tried to find as many states as we could represented on the license plates of abandoned vehicles.Literature Literature
Ideábamos juegos sobre la marcha, y competíamos para ver quién ganaba.
We came up with games and competed to see who would win.Literature Literature
Competíamos para encontrar las historias más jugosas, las imágenes más locas.
We competed to find the juiciest stories, the craziest pictures.Literature Literature
Las tres competíamos en una carrera de mala conducta.
The three of us competed in a bad behavior contest.Literature Literature
Ambos éramos satélites que orbitaban en torno al sol que era Denny, y competíamos por la supremacía gravitatoria.
We were both satellites orbiting Denny’s sun, struggling for gravitational supremacy.Literature Literature
«Competíamos —dijo Gates— por ver quién era capaz de permanecer en el edificio durante tres o cuatro días seguidos.
We had contests,” Gates said, “to see who could stay in the building like three days straight, four days straight.Literature Literature
Competíamos a ver cuál de los dos podía estar más tiempo sin respirar.
We challenged each other to see who could hold his breath longer.Literature Literature
En la escuela competíamos en concursos de tiro «Empire».
At school we did ‘Empire shooting’.Literature Literature
Teníamos pistas de obstáculos que casi mataban a los hombres, pero competíamos en ellas.
We had obstacle courses that would nearly kill a man but we made a contest out of it.Literature Literature
Vince y yo competíamos por chicas en el instituto.
Vince and I used to compete for girls in high school.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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